link Caspar volume_up
An opening!
link Balthus volume_up
Huh?! Guhwah!
link Balthus volume_up
Oof. You got me good, friend. I concede.
link Caspar volume_up
Yesss! I won!
link Balthus volume_up
You didn't fight like yourself today—and I mean that in a good way.
link Balthus volume_up
You fended off everything I had, then saw an opening at the last second and really showed me what's what.
link Balthus volume_up
You turned my own height advantage against me. I never saw it coming.
link Caspar volume_up
Yeah, it was quite the ending, all right.
link Caspar volume_up
That said, it wasn't my idea to fight like that.
link Caspar volume_up
Linhardt mentioned it was the only way for me to beat someone with your height.
link Caspar volume_up
A long time ago, Linhardt told me that was the only way to take out a giant like you.
link Balthus volume_up
Sounds like he left you something to remember him by.
link Balthus volume_up
Still, even if it wasn't your idea, you're the guy who put it into action.
link Balthus volume_up
So no need to be humble. Puff that chest out for Linhardt's sake!
link Caspar volume_up
I'll do just that. But now I've found myself with a new goal to worry about.
link Caspar volume_up
This victory came from me getting outside advice. Next time, I wanna win it all by myself!
link Balthus volume_up
Hey, it's OK to have ambitions and junk, but...
link Balthus volume_up
Look, if you ask me, I think there's more value in winning with someone than in smashing skulls alone.
link Caspar volume_up
Wait, you do?
link Balthus volume_up
Yep. When it comes to a fist, the more people behind the punch, the stronger it gets.
link Balthus volume_up
Me, for example? I've got Holst backing me up.
link Balthus volume_up
That guy's helped me tons of times in my life.
link Caspar volume_up
You're old childhood friends, right?
link Balthus volume_up
Sure are. We're two peas in a rotten pod—although right now, each pea is off in a different place.
link Balthus volume_up
But I know we'll see each other again somewhere down the road. Not a doubt in my mind.
link Caspar volume_up
In that case, I guess Linhardt is my Holst.
link Balthus volume_up
We're the same, you and me—warriors who fight with childhood buds backing up their fists.
link Caspar volume_up
Except that our friends aren't the tiniest bit alike in terms of personality or military skill.
link Balthus volume_up
Nothing wrong with that. It's natural for folks in different positions to have different ways of life.
link Caspar volume_up
Yeah, except my childhood friend isn't alive.
link Balthus volume_up
Which just makes the feeling stronger! I mean, Linhardt is mostly the reason I lost today, yeah?
link Balthus volume_up
All you and I can do now is live life with everything we've got.
link Balthus volume_up
If you train with all your heart, you can live and die without a single regret.
link Caspar volume_up
Yeah, you're right! We've got nothing but fighting!
link Caspar volume_up
So let's fight and fight and fight until this war is over!
link Balthus volume_up
Whoa, hang on, pal! I've got money and women to think about too, you know.
link Caspar volume_up
And I've got martial arts, brawling, and hand-to-hand combat to think about!
link Balthus volume_up
That's all fighting!