link Lysithea volume_up
The tea is delicious. And though it's not quite sweet enough for me, it has a lovely aroma.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Ah, you noticed. Yes, I added some rare rose nectar.
link Lysithea volume_up
That explains the unique flavor. I rather like it.
link Ferdinand volume_up
As the saying goes, the richer the nectar, the richer the time spent with your companion.
link Lysithea volume_up
Yes, and it goes so well with the treats that... Hmm? Oh no! We've eaten them all!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Sadly, I fear that is all we have—sweet treats are rather difficult to come by in these dark times.
link Ferdinand volume_up
But if there is anything else you desire, I will endeavor to provide it.
link Lysithea volume_up
If there are no more treats to be had, I feel our tea is complete. Good day.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Wait, stop! We may not have treats, but surely there are matters on your mind you might like to discuss?
link Lysithea volume_up
No. Again, good day.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Lysithea, I know you do not want to talk about it, but I am aware of a certain...anxiousness on your part when it comes to joining the commonfolk.
link Lysithea volume_up
I don't know who you heard that absurd idea from, but it's certainly not true.
link Lysithea volume_up
It's true that I seek to become a commoner...
link Lysithea volume_up
So when the war is over, I intend to relinquish my peerage and live peacefully with my parents. But anxious? Perish the thought.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Yet you must be wrestling with serious matters indeed if you are willing to surrender your title.
link Ferdinand volume_up
And you must have at least some unease about what sort of life a commoner leads.
link Ferdinand volume_up
From what I hear, every noble who has descended in status is suffering—without exception.
link Ferdinand volume_up
If such a future awaits you, it is surely just cause for a concern or two.
link Lysithea volume_up
You speak of fallen nobles who had their rank stripped for one reason or another.
link Lysithea volume_up
I'm surrendering the trappings of nobility because it's what I want. Don't lump us together.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I see. Well then, if I might raise a final point?
link Ferdinand volume_up
What if you become a commoner and live a life which transcends the barrier between the two classes?
link Ferdinand volume_up
You have experience as a noble of some quality, and it would be a terrible waste to see that buried once you join the proletariat.
link Ferdinand volume_up
You would bring a unique perspective to your new position, and you could use it to change this world.
link Ferdinand volume_up
The nobility will certainly listen to any suggestions you have to improve the lives of the public.
link Lysithea volume_up
Yes, yes, it's all a very pretty thought.
link Lysithea volume_up
But it is meaningless for me.
link Lysithea volume_up
It's the duty of nobility to worry about what is best for commoners and the world at large, no?
link Lysithea volume_up
I can not longer accept responsibility for things in Fódlan.
link Lysithea volume_up
All I can do is be close to my parents and live out what life remains to me in peace...
link Ferdinand volume_up
Lysithea, I...
link Lysithea volume_up
Your tea was exceptional. Thank you.
link Ferdinand volume_up