You and Byleth pursue the retreating church forces. Suddenly, everything goes dark...

Byleth volume_up
Can't take much more of this...
Byleth volume_up
Can't take much more of this...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
link Holst volume_up
We'll have to take out the ones before us if we hope to enter the stronghold.
Shez volume_up
I will hunt you until my dying breath! Get back here!
Shez volume_up
I will hunt you until my dying breath! Get back here!
link Claude volume_up
We need to get over to them now! Things won't end well if we don't put a stop to this!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I haven't the slightest notion what is going on, but I'll happily take it. Destroy them all!
link Lorenz volume_up
We cannot proceed unless we eliminate those mages.
??? volume_up
See how those beasts crawl to the slaughter... Let me put you out of your misery, beasts!
??? volume_up
I tire of playing with you ingrates!
Shez volume_up
Stay out of this! It does not concern you!
Shez volume_up
Stay out of this! It does not concern you!
link Claude volume_up
What's going on? This isn't like you at all! OK, I guess you're not in a listening mood, either.
link Jeralt volume_up
Hang on, kid! I'm coming!
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
link Claude volume_up
What was that, some kind of warping magic? They must've gone somewhere else!
link Holst volume_up
Hm, this presents a problem. We need a group to pursue them while the rest of us fan out in case they warp again.
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
link Claude volume_up
What was that, some kind of warping magic? They must've gone somewhere else!
link Holst volume_up
Hm, this presents a problem. We need a group to pursue them while the rest of us fan out in case they warp again.
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
Shez volume_up
I must move us away from all of these foolish distractions!
link Claude volume_up
What was that, some kind of warping magic? They must've gone somewhere else!
link Holst volume_up
Hm, this presents a problem. We need a group to pursue them while the rest of us fan out in case they warp again.
Shez volume_up
Why do you insist on interfering?!
Shez volume_up
Why do you insist on interfering?!
link Hilda volume_up
Aw, they warped again?! Come on!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
They're putting up more of a fight than I expected... Deploy the reserves!
link Lorenz volume_up
Ngh... Persistent worms!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
That mercenary is... No! It cannot be!
Shez volume_up
I'll not permit this chance to slip away!
Shez volume_up
I'll not permit this chance to slip away!
??? volume_up
Your Majesty! It seems Lady Edelgard is pursuing Dimitri through the mountains!
link Claude volume_up
They're that close by?! Then we need to wrap this up and get over to them!
Leonie volume_up
Hah, you're still chasing me? You certainly are tenacious.
Raphael volume_up
What is the Federation army doing? This is our chance to capture him!
Shez volume_up
I could take a lesson from your persistence...
Shez volume_up
I could take a lesson from your persistence...
??? volume_up
I dislike ending things on a low note. As such, prepare to die!
??? volume_up
How could I beasts...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
Byleth volume_up
I never thought it would this...
Byleth volume_up
Nngh... I am...undone...
link Holst volume_up
For now, let's arrest them and send them to the back. We'll be sure to question them later.
Byleth volume_up
You came for me, Jeralt... Thank you.
Byleth volume_up
You came for me, Jeralt... Thank you.
link Jeralt volume_up
You sound surprised, kid! I'm almost offended.
Byleth volume_up
Thank you. I was under attack before I even knew what was happening.
Byleth volume_up
Thank you. I was under attack before I even knew what was happening.
link Claude volume_up
No, I'm glad you're all right. What was that about, anyway?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
If I must wring the life from you by my own hand, then so be it!
link Claude volume_up
You're not getting away this time. I hope you're ready.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Try me, you witless beasts!
link Lysithea volume_up
This is your final hour, monster!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You might consider clinging more dearly to what meager life remains to you!
??? volume_up
Your Majesty! My sincerest apologies, but the mercenary commander has escaped!
link Claude volume_up
Well, that was quick. I don't know what's going on, but it can't be good.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Every second you waste on me costs you ten times more.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I ought to be defeating them handily...
Byleth volume_up
Come on, snap out of it!
Byleth volume_up
Come on, snap out of it!
link Hilda volume_up
We need to hurry or we're not gonna make it in time!
link Jeralt volume_up
No, kid! You don't get to die before me!