
Right. Let's get this out of the way.


  1. Yuri: Stop quaking in your boots and help me already.
  2. Bernadetta: Easy for you to say. I just wanna go home!
  1. Yuri: Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. Of course, I did all the work, so why wouldn't it be good?
  2. Bernadetta: Hey, I pitched in! I did a lot!
  1. Yuri: Oh, come now. I'm supposed to believe you're here to train? You'll probably run away the moment my back is turned.
  2. Bernadetta: I would've already if that were possible! Just please, spare my life!


  1. Yuri: Guess I'm stuck with you today. Look, you stay here, and I'll go do my work over there. Later.
  2. Ashe: Hey, wait! Yuri! I guess I'll just do my part, then.
  1. Yuri: You're way too serious, you know that? But I guess that's what people like about you.
  2. Ashe: Hey, right back at you! You do love to complain, but you always do a great job with your work anyway.
  1. Ashe: Not half bad. See? A little teamwork goes a long way.
  2. Yuri: Yeah, yeah. Nice job, or whatever.
  1. Ashe: Hey there, Yuri. I took the liberty of thinking up a training routine that'll let us maximize our efficiency while cutting down on the time it takes to—
  2. Yuri: Please, spare me the dissertation. I'd rather just train and get it over with.


  1. Yuri: I do the brain work, and you do the heavy lifting. Just like when we were back at Abyss.
  2. Balthus: And also like old times, we split the reward fifty-fifty!
  1. Balthus: Nothing like a little coin to warm my pockets.
  2. Yuri: So warm it'll burn a hole right through. Well, don't come crying to me when you're broke again.
  1. Balthus: Been a while since the two of us had a serious fight. It reminds me of when we first met!
  2. Yuri: This is training, Balthus. Training. Don't come after me looking to mount my head on your wall.