1. It is the end of 1181. Two years have passed [cdb]since the Officers Academy closed its doors. After ascending the throne, Dimitri labors to [cdb]bring peace to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  2. With Edelgard ruling as the emperor of Adrestia, and Claude leading the Leicester Alliance, the three erstwhile schoolmates [cdb]strike out as the next generation of leaders.
  3. A new era is dawning in Fódlan, and much [cdb]teeters at the brink of great change. The first [cdb]tremors of a major upheaval rock the land as Edelgard declares war on the Central Church.
  4. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus grants refuge [cdb]to the Central Church as they flee Garreg Mach Monastery, in turn provoking the Adrestian Empire to declare war on Faerghus.
  5. While Dimitri and his advisors strategize how [cdb]to repel the Empire's assault, they are met with [cdb]devastating news: Lonato of Castle Gaspard [cdb]has raised an army against him.
  6. Having laid Lonato low, the Kingdom's army [cdb]proceeds south. Count Rowe, who had prior [cdb]declared fealty to the Empire, surrenders, [cdb]and Arianrhod falls back into Kingdom hands.
  7. With its foothold in the west lost, the Empire [cdb]amasses troops in the former Arundel territory [cdb]to the south, prompting the army of Faerghus [cdb]to strike before Adrestia can regain its footing.
  8. The Kingdom's assault on the former Arundel [cdb]territory proves successful, but the wind carries [cdb]dire word of invasion from Sreng in the north.
  9. Having lost contact with Margrave Gautier, Dimitri departs Arianrhod and makes for the [cdb]capital, Fhirdiad. He fears he may be walking [cdb]into a trap, yet he marches on all the same.
  10. The western lords suffer defeat at the capital. Cornelia, the instigator of the uprising, flees [cdb]west and commands her allies—Viscounts Mateus and Gideon—to muster their forces.
  11. Hoping to settle this matter before reengaging [cdb]with the Empire, the Kingdom army makes for [cdb]the Mach region in order to defeat Cornelia [cdb]and learn the truth of the Tragedy of Duscur.
  12. The Kingdom army crushes the western lords, [cdb]and with them, the budding civil war. But [cdb]amidst the chaos, Adrestia strikes at Arianrhod.
  13. Dimitri marches on the Fortress City at once, [cdb]and challenges the emperor herself to save [cdb]those trapped within the Silver Maiden's walls.
  14. Having driven off the Empire and defended Arianrhod, Faerghus gains a distinct advantage [cdb]on the western front—while the indisposed [cdb]emperor retreats to her palace in Enbarr.
  15. Capitalizing on Edelgard's condition, control [cdb]of Adrestia is wrested away by the now Regent Aegir. However, the citizenry grows quickly [cdb]resentful of his brutal manner of governance.
  16. The year is 1182. Five moons have passed [cdb]since the battle at Arianrhod. While the war [cdb]itself has changed little in this time, Adrestia [cdb]has undergone a striking transformation.
  17. Its rivers run red with the blood of its citizens, [cdb]who are beset by rampant pillage and slaughter. Dimitri resolves to kill the emperor, dismantle Adrestia, and put an end to this grim reality.
  18. Having repelled the forces of the Western Church, the Kingdom and Alliance armies [cdb]join together to launch a large-scale, [cdb]coordinated attack on the Empire.
  19. Preparing to assault a key Imperial position, [cdb]the Kingdom army uses northeastern Gerth [cdb]territory as a bridgehead to press further south. Meanwhile, a reliable ally returns to their side.
  20. Central Adrestia is soundly defended under the [cdb]command of Regent Aegir. However, attacks [cdb]from the Kingdom and Alliance erode the Empire's defenses in both the east and west.
  21. Amidst all this, General Randolph enlists a [cdb]certain mercenary company to Adrestia's cause. Their forces stand to defend Hevring territory, [cdb]the Empire's final bastion in the west.
  22. The Kingdom, Alliance, and Church of Seiros [cdb]join hands, laying bare their true aim: forcing [cdb]the Empire to split their army between the [cdb]eastern and western fronts.
  23. Their united armies gather their elite soldiers [cdb]in the Valley of Torment and begin the march [cdb]to reclaim Garreg Mach. However, the Empire [cdb]will not sit idly by and let them take it.
  24. The combined might of the Kingdom, Alliance, [cdb]and church crush Adrestia's forces in the Valley [cdb]of Torment, forcing the emperor and Regent Aegir to flee southward to Garreg Mach.
  25. The might of Faerghus relentlessly pursues [cdb]them in hopes of finally putting an end to the [cdb]war. However, Count Bergliez stands firm in [cdb]the way, a stalwart defender of his emperor.
  26. Dimitri and his troops slay Regent Aegir, and [cdb]in doing so deliver a crushing blow to Adrestia [cdb]and its army. Seizing this momentum, they [cdb]continue onward toward Garreg Mach.
  27. En route to the monastery, Dimitri receives [cdb]word that the Knights of Seiros are struggling. He marches with one purpose: to slay Edelgard [cdb]and Thales, ending the war once and for all.
  28. It is now 1183, Great Tree Moon. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, beside the Leicester Alliance and the Church of Seiros, emerged [cdb]victorious against the forces of Adrestia.
  29. With the loss of Regent Aegir and many of its [cdb]leading strategists, the Empire has been forced [cdb]back on all fronts, radically transforming the [cdb]power structure throughout Fódlan.
  30. In pursuit of their ideals, the young leaders [cdb]press ever southward to crush the Empire for [cdb]good. None know what tomorrow this war may [cdb]bring, nor what future awaits Fódlan...