1. I won't back down.
  2. This is the path I've chosen.
  3. I have to see this through.
  4. Have to keep going.
  5. No looking back!
  6. A successful conquest!
  7. This capture's a big win for our side.
  8. That should do it.
  9. I've trained too much to lose to you!
  10. I...beat His Majesty? This can't be real.
  11. I'm sorry, Dedue. I didn't have a choice.
  12. I always thought you'd make a terrifying [cdb]enemy. And now I know I was right.
  13. Thanks, Ingrid! I hope we can fight again [cdb]sometime soon.
  14. It's not like you to lose to me, Yuri.
  15. I never thought I'd defeat you in combat.
  16. Lonato... I'm sorry.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I'm a full-fledged knight now. I won't lose.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I have to keep moving, no matter how much [cdb]it hurts.
  25. I'll pursue the path of justice, even if it's [cdb]stained in blood.
  26. There's no point regretting what I've done. I chose to join this fight.
  27. None of this will mean anything if we don't [cdb]win in the end.
  28. I'm in a bad spot...
  29. I can't take much more of this. Someone, help!
  30. Thanks! This should help me get my feet back [cdb]under me.
  31. You came here just to help me? Thanks a lot!
  32. Thank you! I should be all right now.
  33. Sorry you had to come just for me...
  34. Nice job!
  35. I'm so glad we have you here.
  36. I never doubted you, not once!
  37. Inspirational as always.
  38. Great! Let's keep it up.
  39. There won't be anything for the rest of us to [cdb]do if you keep that up, Your Majesty.
  40. Nice work, Dedue! I'll have to try even harder [cdb]if I want to keep up with you!
  41. I knew we could count on you, Sylvain.
  42. Ingrid, let's keep pushing forward!
  43. That was incredible, Flayn! I didn't know you [cdb]had it in you.
  44. Thunder Catherine... She's incredible.
  45. There's no stopping you, huh? I better pick up [cdb]the pace!
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. I feel like I can do anything with you by [cdb]my side.
  49. You're incredible, Dedue. I'm sure His Majesty feels the same way.
  50. Don't get too careless out there, Sylvain. We need you now more than ever.
  51. Good job, Annette! I'm sure that wasn't easy.
  52. I've got to try harder. I can't let you do [cdb]everything around here.
  53. Victory feels like a foregone conclusion with [cdb]you on our side.
  54. Incredible. Not just fighting all those enemies, [cdb]but defeating them all too...
  55. I wonder how long I'll have to train to catch [cdb]up to you.
  56. A fearsome warrior who can crush entire [cdb]armies singlehandedly... It's like King Loog [cdb]himself is on the battlefield with us!
  57. Even the toughest armies would tremble [cdb]before you, Felix. You're like the legendary [cdb]swordsman Kyphon, reborn!
  58. I can tell you fight with all your heart. I need [cdb]to do the same.
  59. Will I ever be the amazing fighter you are, Rodrigue?
  60. You're incredible. I hope I can be as strong as [cdb]you someday.
  61. You're really giving this everything you've got, Dedue. We could all afford to follow your [cdb]example.
  62. The future of House Gautier's in good hands.
  63. We're inching ever closer to victory thanks to [cdb]you, Annette. Let's keep going strong!
  64. Nice going out there, Yuri. But don't push too [cdb]hard, OK? I'm worried about you.
  65. We should've expected this...
  66. We're really in a tight spot here.
  67. This won't be an easy win for us.
  68. Still impressive, even when you're fighting for [cdb]the other side. But I won't yield.
  69. I don't think I can handle this...
  70. Let's take it for ourselves!
  71. Don't let the stronghold fall! To your posts, [cdb]everyone!
  72. We can't let it fall... We have to help!
  73. No... What'll happen to us now?
  74. I came ready to fight. Did you?
  75. I'll do whatever I have to!
  76. I can't back down, no matter who I'm up [cdb]against. I have to fight for what I believe in.
  77. I can't help but wonder if all this could have [cdb]been avoided.
  78. I can't hesitate, not now. I have to face you [cdb]with everything I've got!
  79. Forgive me, Dimitri. But I have orders to [cdb]live on!
  80. I'll prove to you that I can overcome any foe!
  81. You're a knight too. You must know what we [cdb]have to do now.
  82. I have to fight for what I believe in.
  83. When you make a mistake, you risk life and [cdb]limb to fix it. That's what you taught me.
  84. Let's finish this, Catherine.
  85. I'm not sure I have any hope of winning [cdb]this fight.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. I've done all I can here.
  89. I can't keep going. I'd only be holding you [cdb]back if I tried.
  90. I've reached my limit...
  91. No... I can't let things end like this!
  92. I'm falling back for now.
  93. I'm here to fight!
  94. It doesn't matter where I am or who I'm [cdb]fighting. I'll do whatever it takes to fulfill [cdb]my duty.
  95. I'm not ready to give up just yet.
  96. The real fight starts now!
  97. I have to...survive this. I'm...so scared to die.
  98. I'll do whatever I have to!
  99. Let's go, everyone!
  100. Let's all make it out of this alive!
  101. There's no time to waste. We have to help!
  102. Let's work together and defend!
  103. We can't afford to lose anyone here. Hurry!
  104. No point getting nervous. We know what we [cdb]have to do!
  105. I'm with you!
  106. We can still fight our way out of this!
  107. It's all right. We've got nothing to be afraid of.
  108. You don't need to worry about our enemy. Just keep pushing, and don't let up!
  109. We... We won! I'm still not quite used to [cdb]saying that yet.
  110. Thanks for the help, everyone. We couldn't [cdb]have done this without a group effort.
  111. It was a little iffy for a while there, but we [cdb]made it just in time.
  112. Phew, we did it.
  113. We should be safe now.
  114. We're finally finished... No, it's too early to [cdb]breathe easy just yet.
  115. No... This is all my fault!
  116. How will I ever face the others?
  117. We have the upper hand. Let's push [cdb]them back!
  118. I know things are tough, but we can't afford to [cdb]lose hope.
  119. Looks like we can keep going now.
  120. There's no way through here...
  121. Let's move!
  122. I'll back them up.
  123. We'll win if we work together.
  124. Everyone, move out!
  125. They need your help!
  126. Save them, please!
  127. I'll leave the defenses to you.
  128. This is too much for me to take... Help me, [cdb]someone. Anyone!
  129. I could use a little help.
  130. Sorry... Can you help me?
  131. Um, could you possibly help me here?
  132. Please, lend me your aid!
  133. I've got to make the most of this!
  134. I need to pull myself together.
  135. I'll do my best!
  136. I'm a little nervous about this...
  137. Have to keep the momentum going.
  138. Yes, we did it!
  139. If only I'd trained harder...
  140. I'm sorry, everyone. There's no excuse.
  141. Hey, we did it!
  142. I didn't have what it takes, I guess...
  143. No time to hesitate.
  144. That wasn't so bad!
  145. No... How could this happen?
  146. This is bad. We need to do something!