1. I came here to win, and that's what I'm doing!
  2. Not losing today!
  3. Sorry, but I'm not backing down!
  4. OK, where to next?
  5. Guess it's too late to ask for forgiveness.
  6. This should make things a little easier on us!
  7. This belongs to us now!
  8. Let's capture some more!
  9. I don't know how I beat you, but I did! That was really tough.
  10. Whoa, I beat Dedue?! I guess all the hard [cdb]work is finally starting to pay off!
  11. You've grown really strong over the [cdb]years, Ashe.
  12. Come on, Mercie! You're never gonna get [cdb]better if you keep holding back like that!
  13. How many times have we trained together by [cdb]now? I know all the moves you could possibly [cdb]throw at me!
  14. I never want to lose, especially not to you, Lorenz!
  15. You went easy on me, didn't you? I told you [cdb]to stop doing that!
  16. I'm really sorry, but this is the choice I've made!
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. You've all gotten so much stronger. I hope the [cdb]same's true for me, too.
  20. I managed to win somehow...but wow. That's some serious strength.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I'm taking a stand here.
  25. I have to keep going, even if it means doing [cdb]things I don't want to.
  26. That's not enough. I have to keep aiming [cdb]higher!
  27. Maybe now the enemy will just give up and go [cdb]home... Maybe?
  28. Urgh... I'm fine, really.
  29. Please... I'm not ready to die.
  30. Phew, thanks for that. And sorry for the [cdb]trouble!
  31. I won't forget this!
  32. Sorry for making you go out of your way!
  33. This is a huge help. Thank you!
  34. Wow, that was great!
  35. Let's keep that momentum rolling!
  36. Nice one!
  37. I have to do my part, too!
  38. Whoa... Sorry, I shouldn't stare!
  39. Don't push yourself too hard, Your Majesty! Urgh, I should really take my own advice.
  40. You're the coolest, Felix!
  41. That's great, Ashe! Let's keep it going.
  42. I wish you'd work that hard all the time, Sylvain!
  43. I have so much to learn from you, Mercie!
  44. Amazing as always, Father. Can I really be as [cdb]strong as you one day?
  45. I've heard the rumors, but I didn't realize you [cdb]were this strong!
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. I can always count on you!
  49. Crest or no, you're super strong, Dedue!
  50. You'll be a legendary knight just like my father [cdb]before all this is said and done.
  51. I've gotta pick up the pace if I don't want you [cdb]hogging all the glory, Mercie!
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. I'm as calm as can be when you're around, [cdb]even in the heat of battle!
  54. I feel like we can actually win this thing with [cdb]you on our side!
  55. I'm glad you're fighting with us, not against us. The thought of going up against you in battle [cdb]is terrifying.
  56. Hey, that's cheating! You're already king— [cdb]you don't get to be an incredible fighter too!
  57. Wow, Ashe! You're even tougher than I [cdb]thought!
  58. I wish I could be half as cool as you, Ingrid.
  59. You're really showing them who's boss, Mercie! I'll have to try even harder now.
  60. Whoa... I hope I can be as tough as you [cdb]someday!
  61. I always feel better when you're here, Dedue! You're like a big bear-sized security blanket!
  62. I wonder how much I'd have to train to become [cdb]as good as you.
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. We have to stand our ground.
  66. I've got to do something!
  67. They're so strong... But I'm no pushover [cdb]either!
  68. I won't go down without a fight!
  69. Not looking good...
  70. We need to move fast! Attack!
  71. We have to protect it, no matter what!
  72. We can't lose that stronghold! Hurry!
  73. No... We're too late.
  74. I'm not afraid to fight. I'm doing this for all [cdb]the people I care about!
  75. You've got this, Annette. Deep breaths!
  76. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be... and you're not changing my mind!
  77. I'll do what I have to do. It's the only way to [cdb]get this war over with.
  78. It doesn't matter who you are. I'll come at you [cdb]with everything I've got!
  79. I could never hope to beat you normally... but there's a first time for everything!
  80. This should be easy for you, right? Seeing as [cdb]you're a knight and all.
  81. You're not the only one who's been training [cdb]hard, Ingrid!
  82. No holding back, Mercie. Let's leave [cdb]everything we have out here on the battlefield.
  83. Ugh, Father! Don't get in my way!
  84. Get ready, Uncle. I won't hold anything back!
  85. I'm a knight's daughter, you know. I won't go [cdb]down easy!
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Um... Did I do it?
  89. Ow... Guess I have to pull back for now.
  90. I'm sorry. That's all I've got in me...
  91. I won't give up after just one or two setbacks. It'll take a lot more than that to stop me!
  92. Sorry, be right back!
  93. I'm with you from here on out!
  94. I have to fight...and I have to win!
  95. You can't hold me back forever!
  96. Sorry to keep you waiting!
  97. I can't move my legs... I think...this is it [cdb]for me...
  98. I'll give it my best shot!
  99. I can't let fear hold me back.
  100. I'm gonna pull my weight, just you watch!
  101. I won't let you die here!
  102. It'll be a huge step forward if we can just hold [cdb]our ground!
  103. We have to get out of here!
  104. We can do this... We're gonna win, and we'll [cdb]all make it home together!
  105. I'll do what I can!
  106. Don't worry, I know we'll get a chance to turn [cdb]things around!
  107. We didn't come here to lose to you!
  108. This isn't easy...but I promised myself I [cdb]wouldn't hesitate.
  109. Phew, I'm still alive and kicking.
  110. We only won because everyone pitched in!
  111. I'm glad everyone's safe. That's the most [cdb]important thing right now!
  112. There's nothing to worry about now!
  113. Phew, that was close! Does anyone need some [cdb]healing magic?
  114. It's...over? I can't believe we did it.
  115. This is my fault, everyone. There's no hope of [cdb]us winning now...
  116. There's no hope left for us now...
  117. We've got the momentum. Don't let up!
  118. No... We can't lose hope yet!
  119. Yay! Let's get a move on!
  120. There's no way through. How are we supposed [cdb]to get past here?
  121. Time to push on!
  122. I'll back you up!
  123. We can do it together!
  124. Here we go!
  125. Back them up!
  126. You have to help them!
  127. Keep them safe, please.
  128. I wish I could do more than just sit around [cdb]waiting to be rescued.
  129. Uh, can someone help me out here?
  130. Sorry, but some help would be great!
  131. Am I glad to see you! Can you help me [cdb]out here?
  132. Sorry to ask, but I really need your help!
  133. I'll show the world what I can do!
  134. Oh... What do I do now?
  135. I'll give it a thousand percent!
  136. Leave everything to me!
  137. Thank the goddess it worked!
  138. Yesss, we did it!
  139. And it was going so well, too...
  140. Ugh, I can't believe I screwed that up.
  141. I did pretty good out there, huh?
  142. I really messed up. This is on me...
  143. You never know until you try!
  144. Not sure how, but it worked!
  145. Urgh, not again...
  146. No... This can't be happening!