1. Well? Who's next?
  2. Not even the shroud of death can stand in [cdb]my way.
  3. I won't allow myself to be outdone.
  4. We press onward.
  5. Just one foot in front of the other.
  6. They put up a tough fight.
  7. Let's be sure to keep hold of it.
  8. This should make a good foothold.
  9. That was a tough fight. You must have made [cdb]quite a name for yourself as a mercenary.
  10. Forgive me, Your Majesty, but this is one [cdb]fight I cannot lose!
  11. I win this time, Felix. You clearly still have a [cdb]long way to go.
  12. That took all I had, and more. I would expect [cdb]nothing less from His Majesty's most trusted [cdb]vassal.
  13. You were slacking off, Sylvain!
  14. You've improved greatly, that much is clear. But I think you'll find me no easy opponent.
  15. I'm not sure how, but I won. It feels like I [cdb]improved by leaps and bounds in just that [cdb]fight alone.
  16. Had things been different, we might have [cdb]helped each other reach new heights...
  17. Thank you for sparring with me. I think I've [cdb]gained a little confidence as a result.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. A fine bout. Let's do it again sometime.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Our paths in life diverged. That's all this is.
  25. I had no other choice.
  26. I think I've proven myself quite well today.
  27. I won't falter, no matter how fierce the battle [cdb]becomes.
  28. This doesn't look good... Please, I need help!
  29. It cannot end like this!
  30. Thank you!
  31. It seems like I always need to be rescued...
  32. Thank you very much!
  33. Thank you for the help. I should be OK now.
  34. Nicely done.
  35. I can't let you outshine me!
  36. A fine showing.
  37. You set a fine example!
  38. We can always depend on your strength.
  39. Incredible, Your Majesty! I must strive to be [cdb]more like you on the battlefield.
  40. I always feel safe with you here.
  41. I always used to worry about you, Mercedes, [cdb]but I see now that there is no need.
  42. Fine work, Marianne! But I will not let you [cdb]outshine me!
  43. I just can't look away when you fight, Rodrigue.
  44. As loathe as I am to admit it, you're beginning [cdb]to earn my respect.
  45. I'm proud to say I studied beside you.
  46. You are incredible, Felix! We will be sure to [cdb]win if you keep this up.
  47. I feel as though I can do anything with you by [cdb]my side.
  48. You never cease to amaze me.
  49. That was incredible, Felix! Now come, let us [cdb]win this day!
  50. I feel as though I can accomplish anything [cdb]with you at my side.
  51. Amazing, Mercedes! I'm glad to know I can [cdb]always rely on you.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Wow! I still have a ways to go if I want to [cdb]catch you.
  54. I could not be more proud to fight beside you.
  55. You must surely be the finest mercenary in all [cdb]of Fódlan.
  56. Your unparalleled gallantry will ever guide us, Your Majesty!
  57. Your courage in battle inspires each and [cdb]every one of us.
  58. Tales of your deeds will echo throughout [cdb]every corner of Fódlan.
  59. Come, everyone! Rodrigue will lead us all to [cdb]the warm embrace of victory!
  60. I always knew you were capable of greatness!
  61. Nobody could hope to lay a finger on His Majesty with a vassal like you by his side.
  62. I would venture at this point, you've surpassed [cdb]even...him.
  63. The future of Faerghus is in good hands with [cdb]you, Sylvain.
  64. I can scarcely believe how far you've come, Mercedes!
  65. The odds may not be in our favor here...
  66. We will have to be more careful from here [cdb]onward.
  67. Far be it from me to praise our foes, and yet...
  68. I wish we could greet this day not as enemies, [cdb]but side-by-side.
  69. This will be a struggle...
  70. Let us take this stronghold!
  71. Do not let a single one in!
  72. We must send reinforcements at once!
  73. We were too late... I doubt a path forward still [cdb]exists.
  74. Prepare yourself!
  75. For my friends, for my family...and for my [cdb]people!
  76. I will be your opponent today!
  77. You will rue the day you stood against me!
  78. Let me see the extent of your power!
  79. Allow me to test my might against you, Your Majesty!
  80. Here I come, Dedue. Give me a good, [cdb]honest duel!
  81. You claim to walk a knight's path, but can [cdb]you persevere when I stand in your way?
  82. I will fight with everything I have. All I ask is [cdb]that you do the same.
  83. We must fight as though today is our last. Hold nothing back, Annette!
  84. Are you prepared to fight, Mercedes? Then [cdb]stand before me with everything you have!
  85. Blood relation matters not. I will defeat all [cdb]enemies who block my path.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Our duty is complete!
  89. My further presence will only hold you all [cdb]back. I must retreat.
  90. This is all I can do...
  91. I will redeem myself, I swear it!
  92. I have to retreat for now!
  93. I will join the fight!
  94. This is the perfect chance to demonstrate how [cdb]far I've come. Now, forward!
  95. Apologies, but I don't accept defeat that [cdb]easily!
  96. Forgive my absence. I have returned to lead [cdb]us to victory!
  97. I fought bravely...to the end. Maybe now I [cdb]can meet Glenn...with my head held high.
  98. I will never falter. Now, onward!
  99. Glory to the banner of the knights! Victory [cdb]shall be ours!
  100. Everyone, on me!
  101. Hurry. We cannot allow them to fall here.
  102. Do not let anyone through!
  103. Your lives are too important to waste here. Everyone, retreat!
  104. Let us settle this once and for all!
  105. We will win. I am sure of it.
  106. The situation is not in our favor. Let us [cdb]proceed with caution.
  107. No matter what the enemy might be planning, I will snuff it out.
  108. I will not let you do as you please!
  109. We would never have achieved victory [cdb]without everyone's help.
  110. We emerged victorious, this time. Now come, [cdb]let's prepare for the next battle.
  111. We have made it in time... I am so glad.
  112. Well done, everyone. That was a harsh battle.
  113. That was close. I'm glad everyone is safe.
  114. Let us raise our voices in victory!
  115. We've failed... Is there nothing left we can do?
  116. I'm sorry, I can go no further...
  117. Do not give the enemy an opening. We will [cdb]overwhelm them!
  118. Fierce as our foe may be, we cannot let [cdb]ourselves lose heart!
  119. The path is clear. Let's continue on!
  120. Our advance is halted. What now?
  121. All troops, march!
  122. I have your back!
  123. Allow me to lend a hand.
  124. Now, move out!
  125. Give them your aid.
  126. You must save them!
  127. Please, protect them!
  128. I will not so readily accept my death. I must [cdb]endure until aid arrives!
  129. Do you think you could help me?
  130. Don't just stand there. Help me, please!
  131. I am sorry to ask this, but could you help me?
  132. I'm in a difficult spot. Please, I need your help!
  133. Victory will be mine, no matter the cost!
  134. Hesitating now will only lead to failure. We must stand strong!
  135. Begin the operation!
  136. Our orders are clear.
  137. That should do it.
  138. Now then, what next?
  139. No... I will atone for this failure!
  140. Forgive me. I lacked the strength to succeed...
  141. Victory is ours! Now then, what comes next?
  142. How could this happen?
  143. Perhaps we should give this a try.
  144. A great success.
  145. We must accept failure, however frustrating it [cdb]may be.
  146. No... We must do something soon.