1. You were no match for me.
  2. Better luck next time.
  3. Worthy of applause.
  4. I've seen my share of battles, dear.
  5. Manuela, you've still got it!
  6. I'll be taking this, thanks.
  7. I love what you've done with the place!
  8. That wasn't so hard, was it?
  9. You need to study harder, dear.
  10. You'll have to do better if you want top [cdb]billing, Dorothea.
  11. Try again after you shave off that ridiculous [cdb]mustache.
  12. Please forgive me, Lady Rhea!
  13. Spare me the lecture, Seteth.
  14. I never wanted this to happen, Jeralt.
  15. Why couldn't we have just gone out for [cdb]drinks?
  16. What am I going to do with you?
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. <<<EMPTY>>>
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Why must I always take things too far?
  25. I'm sorry, but I can't just let you win!
  26. How can one diva be so talented?! Oh dear, was that too much bravado?
  27. Forged in the crucible of fame, I am the Divine Songstress!
  28. I really should be more careful...
  29. Things are not looking good!
  30. Thank you!
  31. You're sweet.
  32. My, so helpful!
  33. Thanks so much!
  34. You're not half bad!
  35. A fine example.
  36. Exemplary as always.
  37. Don't let it go to your head.
  38. Amazing. As I've come to expect from you.
  39. You're really coming into your own!
  40. You could do this in your sleep, Hanneman.
  41. Your power knows no bounds, Lady Rhea!
  42. Simply spectacular, Seteth!
  43. You're going to make me swoon!
  44. Your strength is a little terrifying...
  45. You're certainly one of a kind, Jeritza.
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Your daring escapades are truly showstopping!
  49. As exemplary as ever, Jeralt. But I won't let [cdb]you leave me in the dust!
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Absolutely fabulous! I'll celebrate your [cdb]exploits in a song!
  54. My goodness! I can't take my eyes off you!
  55. You all but guarantee our victory!
  56. My dearest, Dorothea! You're so inspiring I [cdb]could die!
  57. I'm so glad you're here, Hanneman. Don't tell [cdb]anyone I said that!
  58. Such incredible power! Glad I'm on your side.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. How am I supposed to focus with you lighting [cdb]up the battlefield?
  61. So strong... So rugged... You might be the man [cdb]of my dreams.
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. How absolutely vexing!
  66. Someone do something!
  67. You'll rue the day you became my enemy!
  68. How did it ever come to this?
  69. Give a gal a break, would you?
  70. Ahaha! Attack!
  71. They'll take this place over my dead body!
  72. That looks bad! We need to get over there [cdb]right away!
  73. We don't even stand a chance now. It's over.
  74. Prepare yourself!
  75. On your knees!
  76. I can't let you just walk away!
  77. Be gentle with me now.
  78. I've been dying to see what you're truly [cdb]capable of.
  79. I'll be putting you in your place, Dorothea.
  80. I'm not about to lose to Hanneman, [cdb]for goodness' sake!
  81. Forgive my impertinence, Lady Rhea...
  82. Seteth, be a dear and get out of my way!
  83. Let's see why they call you the Blade Breaker.
  84. I certainly need to take this fight seriously!
  85. I'm far too talented to die!
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Look! I did it!
  89. I just need a little break.
  90. I can't believe this...
  91. This isn't over yet! You hear me?!
  92. Be a dear and sit tight till I return?
  93. Stay close to me! A little closer, dear.
  94. The Divine Songstress takes the stage!
  95. Ready for the encore?
  96. You held out admirably. I won't let you down.
  97. I had hoped to settle down...but it's too [cdb]late now...
  98. The roar of the crowd... It takes me back to [cdb]the stage...
  99. Everyone's equal in battle...
  100. Let's wrap this up quickly, shall we?
  101. We have to save them!
  102. No one takes anything from me!
  103. Run as far as your feet will carry you!
  104. I can't die single... No, positive thoughts, Manuela! We're going to win!
  105. I never let an audience down.
  106. I won't let anyone stand in the way of our [cdb]success!
  107. They look like they've got some fight in them.
  108. I was hoping we wouldn't cross paths.
  109. The goddess is smiling upon us today!
  110. Success follows wherever I go. I'm used to it.
  111. What a brilliant rescue! Someone should write [cdb]a song about it!
  112. If I close my eyes, I can almost hear my fans [cdb]cheering for me...
  113. I am exhausted! And my hair is an [cdb]absolute mess!
  114. I can't believe we won! Time to raise the [cdb]curtain on the next act!
  115. Come on, Manuela. Pull yourself together.
  116. I won't forget this! You can count on that!
  117. It's about time something went my way!
  118. Ugh, we're being overwhelmed...
  119. The path is cleared! Manuela coming through!
  120. Sorry, but it looks like we're stuck here!
  121. Ready or not, here I come!
  122. Need a hand, dear?
  123. I'm right here with you!
  124. Keep up the pressure.
  125. Help them out, dears.
  126. Our allies are in trouble! Help them!
  127. That location is crucial! Don't let them [cdb]take it!
  128. I'd love to break out on my own, but I don't [cdb]think that's going to happen.
  129. Spare a hand for a lady?
  130. I'm having a little trouble here! Help please!
  131. Could I trouble you for some help?
  132. Someone, please save me!
  133. I'm still in my prime! No way I'm dying here!
  134. It's too early to get discouraged! Chin up!
  135. Prepare to be amazed!
  136. Go for it!
  137. Impressive, aren't I?
  138. Of course I succeeded!
  139. I really blew it, didn't I...
  140. I was a bit out of sorts...
  141. A perfect performance!
  142. Oh dear. I'm so sorry.
  143. Manuela can do it!
  144. How delightful!
  145. Unacceptable!
  146. We need to do something!