1. By the grace of the goddess.
  2. This is the true path to salvation.
  3. Judgement unto the blasphemous!
  4. The inevitable outcome.
  5. This too is a blessing from the goddess.
  6. Wonderful, we have secured the stronghold.
  7. Let us proceed to the next location.
  8. Maintain pressure on the enemy.
  9. Wilhelm... If only you were alive today...
  10. This reminds me of our friendly bouts in days [cdb]long past.
  11. Your ambition is admirable, Flayn. But remember, all things in moderation.
  12. Until we spar again, Catherine. After all, [cdb]we cannot afford to lose our edge.
  13. You have grown much, Cyril. You may even [cdb]surpass me before long.
  14. I see your skills have waned. Such is the [cdb]burden of mortality.
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I am amazed you have come this far. Jeralt's training is very effective.
  20. Might you be... No, that would be [cdb]impossible...
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I only pray you did not suffer.
  25. I shall not yield.
  26. They will need a far larger army if they hope [cdb]to defeat me.
  27. I am the sword of the goddess, the scourge of [cdb]evil. This was a mere trifle.
  28. I am in need of reinforcements.
  29. For all those who call Fódlan home, I must not [cdb]fall today...
  30. I am eternally grateful you came to help me.
  31. I knew you would come to my aid.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. You have done so well.
  35. I commend your bravery.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. You have trained yourself well. I am proud to [cdb]call you my ally.
  39. I can always count on you, Seteth.
  40. You have been working hard, Flayn. You have [cdb]my utmost respect.
  41. You are doing so well, Cyril. Your bravery is [cdb]worthy of praise.
  42. Absolutely masterful, Catherine. It is a great [cdb]comfort to have you with me.
  43. Impressive as always, Jeralt. I hope to see [cdb]your success continue.
  44. I would expect nothing less from Jeralt's child. Your efforts are awe-inspiring.
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. <<<EMPTY>>>
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Magnificent. I dare say your bravery is [cdb]unmatched in all of Fódlan.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. I was told you were a mercenary, but it is [cdb]clear you are far more than just that.
  56. We must strive to build a world where you [cdb]need not dirty your hands in such a way.
  57. Nothing is more reassuring than having you at [cdb]my side.
  58. It brings me great joy to see the Blade Breaker [cdb]still going strong.
  59. The goddess protects those who wield the [cdb]power of their Crest with a righteous heart.
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. <<<EMPTY>>>
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Do not let the enemy intimidate you!
  66. The enemy has skilled individuals on their side [cdb]as well.
  67. I do admire their tenacity, but this cannot [cdb]continue.
  68. They have made it much further than I [cdb]anticipated.
  69. To think I would struggle so!
  70. Attack as one!
  71. Enemy trespass will not be tolerated.
  72. We must spare no effort to support that [cdb]location!
  73. No... We were unable to make it in time...
  74. Judgment for all who defile the [cdb]goddess's name!
  75. Hehe, you would do well not to [cdb]underestimate me.
  76. I will end your interference.
  77. This too is the will of the goddess.
  78. You wish to challenge me? Then I will [cdb]dispatch you with my full strength.
  79. Have we...met somewhere before? Heh. I'm sure that couldn't possibly be the case.
  80. You bear such a resemblance to him. It breaks [cdb]my heart that I must defeat you.
  81. Show me the true extent of your power.
  82. I am certain that she would lament you and I [cdb]crossing swords.
  83. We have not sparred in quite some time, Seteth.
  84. Are you certain about this, Flayn? Take care [cdb]not to overexert yourself.
  85. Who are you?
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. We have seen the mission through.
  89. We have no other option but to retreat.
  90. We lacked the power necessary to succeed.
  91. We must take a moment to regroup.
  92. Under no circumstances are you to yield [cdb]before I return!
  93. My apologies for the wait, but I am here now.
  94. The battle has already begun. Very well then, [cdb]follow me!
  95. This battle is far from over.
  96. You have done well to endure. Allow us to [cdb]take it from here.
  97. Mother... Please, forgive me...
  98. Goddess grant us protection.
  99. I believe in all of you.
  100. We strike together with the goddess.
  101. We shall never abandon them.
  102. We will hold fast.
  103. Retreat! We cannot afford any more losses.
  104. Fear not, for the eyes of the goddess are on [cdb]us today!
  105. We shall follow suit.
  106. No matter what adversity we face, the goddess [cdb]will watch over us.
  107. The enemy is on the move. We must remain [cdb]vigilant.
  108. You shall bear witness to my true power.
  109. Goddess, thank you for this blessing.
  110. You all fought valiantly.
  111. Despite the challenge, we managed to make it [cdb]in time.
  112. Our stalwart defense remains unbroken.
  113. The safety of our people is the greatest [cdb]reward.
  114. Mother! Are you watching?
  115. Perhaps my leadership was inadequate...
  116. Why? I do not understand...
  117. We have been blessed with an opportunity.
  118. The enemy may be even stronger than we had [cdb]anticipated.
  119. We are held back no longer.
  120. Perhaps this is a test from the goddess.
  121. March forth.
  122. I shall offer protection.
  123. I offer my aid.
  124. Advance.
  125. Go provide reinforcements.
  126. You must save them.
  127. I entrust you with this defense.
  128. I never imagined I would find myself in such a [cdb]predicament...
  129. Please, lend me your strength.
  130. I am in dire need of your assistance.
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. Sweep them all away!
  134. Do not waver, everyone!
  135. The will of the goddess shall be done.
  136. I will show the strength of my devotion.
  137. I merely followed the goddess's guidance.
  138. I did what must be done.
  139. How dare they interfere!
  140. My own inadequacy is to blame.
  141. Another blessing from the goddess.
  142. How could this come to pass?
  143. It shall be as the goddess wills...
  144. Success.
  145. How could I have miscalculated so?
  146. We must take immediate action!