1. Hmm. And you say I have two years to complete [cdb]these preparations?
  2. In cooperation with Count Hevring, of course. You and Hubert can finalize the details later.
  3. As I won't be choosing a prime minister for some [cdb]time, I realize this may result in extra work for you.
  4. However, that also means more latitude to do things [cdb]as you see fit—so long as you ensure we're prepared [cdb]for a five-year war.
  5. I will not rest until I discover a solution, Your Highness.
  6. So long as our military leaders don't tread on my toes, I shouldn't have too much difficulty.
  7. Hmph! For something this big, you better believe [cdb]we'll have plenty of need for resources.
  8. Leave it to a narrow-minded quill-carrier like you to [cdb]call that "treading on your toes."
  9. In Her Majesty's name, I will decide what is and isn't [cdb]appropriate regarding your "needs."
  10. Also, anyone would seem "narrow-minded" when [cdb]compared to a swollen-headed juggernaut such [cdb]as yourself.
  11. A juggernaut, huh? Yeah, I like the sound of that!
  12. I see someone allowed his sarcasm lessons to lapse.
  13. Moving on. Lord Arundel's followers will doubtless [cdb]attempt to interfere, so we'll need to keep a close eye [cdb]on them.
  14. Once Count Varley joins us, we can discuss the [cdb]matter I mentioned further.
  15. It seems he's just arrived, Your Majesty.
  16. Apologies for my tardiness. Grégoire von Varley, [cdb]at the court's service.
  17. My, but attendance seems light. Where is the lord [cdb]regent and the rest of our noble six?
  18. Duke Aegir stands accused of treason and has been [cdb]dismissed as prime minister. He currently awaits [cdb]judgment in one of our finer dungeons.
  19. Lord Arundel is a fugitive from the same crime and [cdb]will be taken in soon—dead or alive, it makes no [cdb]difference.
  20. Well, this is a rather shocking turn of events!
  21. I had no idea Ludwig was capable of such things. Still, rest assured that I am nothing like him.
  22. Indeed. And as for the others, Duke Gerth was [cdb]dispatched to western Fódlan to conduct [cdb]negotiations.
  23. And my father, the late Marquis Vestra, perished in [cdb]the struggle to capture Duke Aegir.
  24. Which makes me the new Marquis Vestra and Minister of the Imperial Household.
  25. Ah!
  26. You've nothing to fear, Count Varley. Her Majesty [cdb]intends to bestow a great honor upon you.
  27. Majesty? Wait, you mean...
  28. The title hasn't been formalized just yet. But as it [cdb]stands you should view it as a foregone conclusion.
  29. More importantly, Count Varley, there is a very [cdb]important position I wish for you to fill.
  30. I intend to rebuild the Southern Church. And who [cdb]better to be the bishop than you, our Minister of Religious Affairs?
  31. I will make my case to the archbishop personally.
  32. Thankfully, Lord Arundel and his men are no longer [cdb]around to obstruct such a move.
  33. You would bestow such a position on me?
  34. Make no mistake, it is a great honor, but...are you [cdb]certain?
  35. Very. Now then, your first duty in the role will be to [cdb]oversee my coronation. Do not fail me, Bishop.