1. I'm glad we have returned to Enbarr. It's far warmer [cdb]than the Kingdom, for one.
  2. How are you doing, Your Majesty? I hope you've [cdb]been getting some rest, at least.
  3. It seems you never stop working unless someone [cdb]physically pulls you away from it.
  4. I've been getting more rest than Hubert, at least.
  5. We're here in the gardens chatting, are we not?
  6. Fair enough. And so I'm clear, even a sliver of your [cdb]time is a blessing beyond all measure.
  7. Though I suggest you find a better point of [cdb]comparison than Hubert for how hard you work.
  8. Suggest having tea together.
  9. Suggest some alone time.
  10. This is the part where you nobles all crowd around a [cdb]table slurping on tea, right? Seems like a good enough [cdb]way to unwind a bit.
  11. This is the part where you nobles all crowd around a [cdb]table slurping on tea, right? Seems like a good enough [cdb]way to unwind a bit.
  12. Tea? I wouldn't mind were it just myself and Her Majesty, but...
  13. You know what I need? Some good, solid alone time. Just kicking back and taking it easy for a bit.
  14. You know what I need? Some good solid alone time. Just kicking back and taking it easy for a bit.
  15. I agree. When you're busy, "taking it easy" begins to [cdb]sound like quite the luxury.
  16. Hm? What's happening in the throne room?
  17. Hubert, what's wrong?
  18. Intruders in the palace, Your Majesty!
  19. They entered through one of the secret passages, [cdb]and are even now attempting to hunt you down.
  20. I sent soldiers to intercept them, but we should be [cdb]prepared for anything.
  21. Do you think it's those who slither in the dark?
  22. I know not—but they could not have breached that [cdb]passage without assistance from the inside.
  23. Though there are only a few who know of that [cdb]passage and would be capable of acting as a guide.
  24. Your Majesty, might you kindly step this way?
  25. Hubert, do you really think he would do that?
  26. Hubert, do you really think she would do that?