1. We've finished laying out where the troops will be [cdb]positioned, Claude. But, uh...are you sure about this?
  2. Am I sure about what?
  3. This isn't even remotely like a standard attack [cdb]formation. It's like you're going out of your way to [cdb]limit casualties.
  4. Not true. The moment the enemy drops their guard, [cdb]we'll swarm them like a pack of bees.
  5. And if they don't drop their guard?
  6. Then I guess we'll just sit here making angry faces [cdb]at each other.
  7. OK, come on! This strategy is not helpful!
  8. Look, just by being here, we're drastically reducing [cdb]the number of Kingdom soldiers the Imperial army [cdb]has to deal with, right?
  9. Which means we don't have to kick our troops into [cdb]action until the Empire has marched further north.
  10. Once they're positioned to seize Blaiddyd territory, [cdb]that's when we'll move.
  11. And if it all goes wrong, the losses could have [cdb]catastrophic consequences for the future of [cdb]the Alliance.
  12. I'm not used to you being so worried about the big [cdb]picture, Hilda. You've grown.
  13. I wasn't going to stay a kid forever, you know.
  14. Apparently not. I'm impressed.
  15. Look, Hilda. I promise you, your fears are misplaced [cdb]this time.
  16. The Empire's already compensated us for any [cdb]potential losses, and will continue to do so.
  17. You don't think I would've signed that fancy pact if [cdb]they weren't taking care of us, right?
  18. Sure, but are they good for their word? Because I [cdb]have doubts about that.
  19. I wanna believe the pact will hold—I really do.
  20. But they strike me as folks who won't think twice [cdb]about sticking an axe between your shoulders if [cdb]the situation calls for it.
  21. Fortunately, I can be pretty ruthless myself when it [cdb]suits me.
  22. If I don't like something the Empire is doing, it might [cdb]even be me who ends up breaking the pact.
  23. If that's supposed to make me feel better, it is [cdb]absolutely not working!
  24. Easy! Easy. I'm just throwing out a what-if here.
  25. Just promise that you'll always have my back even [cdb]when things look their worst, all right? I need you.
  26. Oh, fine... But only because it's you!