1. Hubert, have you learned anything about my [cdb]father's whereabouts?
  2. Nothing. We've not the faintest idea what he is up to.
  3. If we are lucky, he will be naught but a corpse by the [cdb]wayside.
  4. I know that sounds cruel, but frankly, his death would [cdb]do us a great service.
  5. You remain as blunt as the blacksmith's anvil. Still, I cannot deny the truth of what you say.
  6. I still think it for the best if he is taken into custody [cdb]and given a fair trial under Imperial law.
  7. And yet, at times, a different thought manages to [cdb]creep in around the edges of my mind.
  8. There is a part of me—a very small part, granted— [cdb]that hopes he has found a quiet life for himself [cdb]somewhere out of the way.
  9. The man can strive for a bucolic life all he wants, [cdb]but he will never have it.
  10. Adrestia looks to be at peace, but beneath the surface [cdb]many disagree with the emperor's ways.
  11. Make no mistake—these dissidents will seek out your [cdb]father and prop him up as their leader.
  12. Yes, I suppose he will never stop being the former [cdb]prime minister and a symbol of the old regime.
  13. But to frame it as you do...
  14. I am right, and you know it. Make your peace with it.
  15. Once a man strays from the path, there is no guiding [cdb]him back.
  16. I disagree. I believe we all deserve a second chance.
  17. In any case, if you find out anything about my father, [cdb]be sure to inform me.
  18. I almost wish they did prop the man up, [cdb]because perhaps then... Ah, but no.
  19. Either way, it seems I will have to start taking [cdb]more serious precautions.
  20. I only hope he can settle things with his father in one [cdb]manner or the other—just as I did.