1. Urgh... Do you really think you can afford to kill me?
  2. If you do, the truth about the Tragedy of Duscur will [cdb]evaporate into the shadows. Forever.
  3. I have no intention of slaying you. Not yet. But if you [cdb]have something to say, I suggest you spit it out before I change my mind.
  4. Now Cornelia. Earlier you said my father was [cdb]betrayed, murdered by lords from within Faerghus.
  5. But it was you who fueled the flame of that [cdb]betrayal.
  6. You saw my uncle and Lord Arundel join hands, [cdb]and you brought the western lords and the Imperial [cdb]nobles together. All of it was you.
  7. What a fascinating theory.
  8. There are two things I need to know.
  9. First, your motivation. Who are you working for, [cdb]and why?
  10. I know what spurred my uncle and the western lords [cdb]to act. While the Empire has long smoldered, waiting [cdb]for even the slightest spark to reignite their fury.
  11. There are a thousand reasons why one might want to [cdb]assassinate a king. But what's yours for this attempt [cdb]on my life?
  12. And what of my father? Why murder him in a [cdb]manner as roundabout as a staged raid?
  13. All you had to do was fail to end the plague twenty [cdb]years ago, and the entire royal family would've been [cdb]consumed by it.
  14. You have a point, but I couldn't say. In a sense, [cdb]that was another lifetime completely.
  15. One more question, then. My stepmother's body was [cdb]never recovered from the site of the Tragedy.
  16. What happened to her? Tell me, Cornelia.
  17. You'll find the answers you seek in the Imperial [cdb]capital. Though you'll have to extract them from [cdb]your dearest stepsister.
  18. She must surely know something, wouldn't you think? After all, she is your stepmother's actual flesh and [cdb]blood.
  19. In Enbarr?
  20. Now, I've really enjoyed our little chat here, but I [cdb]have so many places to be.
  21. Why you!
  22. Don't be so sad. You'll be seeing me again before you [cdb]even know it!