1. Oh, Rodrigue. You're up late.
  2. Oh, Rodrigue. You're up late.
  3. Ah, yes. Preparing strategy proposals for tomorrow's [cdb]war council.
  4. The more legwork I can do in advance, the smoother [cdb]the process will go—thus lessening the burden on His Majesty.
  5. Even one as strong as he would collapse from [cdb]overwork were all our councils an unchecked slog.
  6. He barely sleeps as it is, right? Sometimes I see him [cdb]face down on his desk, I guess catching what little [cdb]shut-eye he can.
  7. He barely sleeps as it is, right? Sometimes I see him [cdb]face down on his desk, I guess catching what little [cdb]shut-eye he can.
  8. Yes, he reminds me of the late king in that sense.
  9. Lambert too ascended the throne at a young age— [cdb]too young, if you ask me—and struggled greatly to [cdb]adapt to the many rigors of governance.
  10. Guess you two knew each other a long time, then. I'd heard you went to the academy together, at least.
  11. Guess you two knew each other a long time, then. I'd heard you went to the academy together, at least.
  12. I've gotta ask—is Dimitri really that much like [cdb]his dad?
  13. I've gotta ask—is Dimitri really that much like [cdb]his dad?
  14. You would hardly be able to tell them apart were they [cdb]in the same room now. Though Lambert did have a [cdb]somewhat shorter temper.
  15. Still, they're birds of a feather compared to my son [cdb]and I. The two of us are as different as the blackest [cdb]night and the brightest day.
  16. Disagree with him.
  17. Agree with him.
  18. I dunno, I think you're pretty similar. Like, you're [cdb]both the first to take the initiative when something [cdb]important needs doing.
  19. I dunno, I think you're pretty similar. Like, you're [cdb]both the first to take the initiative when something [cdb]important needs doing.
  20. That's enough to make this old man's cheeks burn. Make sure you share that opinion with Felix as well.
  21. I suppose he is quite like me, though mostly in ways I had hoped to avoid.
  22. Yeah, you're really not very similar at all. Your looks [cdb]aside, of course.
  23. Yeah, you're really not very similar at all. Your looks [cdb]aside, of course.
  24. If you're wondering where his stubbornness came [cdb]from, that was entirely his mother.
  25. That said, he has come to resemble me over the [cdb]years, though mostly in ways I had hoped to avoid.
  26. Meaning what?
  27. Meaning what?
  28. He can't live without some great purpose in life [cdb]urging him forward. There is no peace in such an [cdb]existence—I know because I'm the same way.
  29. As Lambert's right hand, I devoted every waking [cdb]moment to serving him. Supporting him.
  30. And when he was lost, so too was my reason for [cdb]being. I had no choice but to search for something [cdb]else to propel me forth.
  31. In the end—and after much consideration—I chose to [cdb]devote myself anew to Lambert. To seeing through [cdb]the promise I had made him.
  32. And what was that?
  33. And what was that?
  34. That should his son ever lose his way, I would be the [cdb]one to set him back on the proper course.
  35. But I won't be here forever.
  36. Thankfully, His Majesty is blessed with friends like [cdb]you. Ones who are willing to ease the immense [cdb]burden on his shoulders.
  37. Funny. I feel like Dimitri's been helping me this [cdb]whole time, not the other way around.
  38. Funny. I feel like Dimitri's been helping me this [cdb]whole time, not the other way around.
  39. But it's all a give-and-take in the end, right? You've done more than your fair share for me, too.
  40. But it's all a give-and-take in the end, right? You've done more than your fair share for me, too.
  41. I'm glad to hear that, truly. But to be frank, my own [cdb]shortcomings have grown alarmingly clear of late.
  42. It's not enough to simply stand by his side in support. He needs someone to grab his hand and pull him in [cdb]the right direction.
  43. And you don't think you can do that? Even with Gustave's help?
  44. And you don't think you can do that? Even with Gustave's help?
  45. At the end of the day, he and I are nothing more than His Majesty's retainers.
  46. We cannot view Fódlan through his eyes.
  47. But you... You stand on equal footing with him, as a [cdb]trusted friend. Such a bond is a rare thing indeed.
  48. Dimitri's my leader, yeah, but he's a friend first. Probably helps that I'm not in the nobility.
  49. Dimitri's my leader, yeah, but he's a friend first. Probably helps that I'm not part of the nobility.
  50. Is that the root of it, I wonder? If I recall, you were [cdb]born in Alliance territory, yes?
  51. Yep, in a remote mountain town off in Ordelia land. Honestly, I don't remember much more than that.
  52. Yep, in a remote mountain town off in Ordelia lands. Honestly, I don't remember much more than that.
  53. And with this weird power and all, it's hard to say for [cdb]sure where I really came from.
  54. And with this weird power and all, it's hard to say for [cdb]sure where I really came from.
  55. Well if you ask me, those things—your background, [cdb]your abilities—don't matter much in the end.
  56. I can't blame you for being curious, of course.
  57. But we haven't put our faith in you because of whose [cdb]child you are.
  58. The relationships you've built in your time here [cdb]transcend whatever blood may flow in your veins.
  59. Huh, what a wonderful human being. A true man of [cdb]character.
  60. Anyway, seeing as you're here, I was hoping you [cdb]might be willing to share some of your wisdom [cdb]with me.
  61. I would love to know a mercenary's thoughts on the [cdb]proper location to stage an ambush—and where in [cdb]that position our archers should take up posts.
  62. Now we're talking. Let's see...
  63. Now we're talking. Let's see...