1. It seems the Leicester campaign is proceeding [cdb]smoothly.
  2. Indeed. Count Gloucester's timely surrender allowed [cdb]us to advance with minimal casualties.
  3. Ferdinand's battalion is tightening the noose around House Riegan's territory as we speak.
  4. The Minister of Military Affairs is making the [cdb]necessary preparations to move his forces into [cdb]the Alliance as well.
  5. Once Count Bergliez takes the field, we won't have [cdb]anything to worry about on that front.
  6. Yes. And at the moment, we have little choice but to [cdb]divert most of our military might to our conflict with Faerghus on the western front.
  7. I fear Count Rowe's abrupt change in allegiance will [cdb]have only served to further provoke the Kingdom's [cdb]army.
  8. Ah, yes. Him. He disregarded our timetable and [cdb]launched an attack on the Kingdom without our [cdb]approval.
  9. And in doing so has done nothing but make [cdb]trouble for the Empire. Still, we can hardly afford [cdb]to abandon him.
  10. We have led our vassals to believe the Empire will [cdb]always come to their aid. What a troublesome policy [cdb]that has turned out to be.
  11. The policy may be irksome, but we will not fail to [cdb]honor it. Dispatch immediate reinforcements to Count Rowe.
  12. Understood. And what message shall I send to Count Bergliez?
  13. I'm still a little wary of the Alliance's plans, but...tell [cdb]him we leave matters in his capable hands.