1. That you, Claude? What're you doing in a place [cdb]like this?
  2. That you, Claude? What're you doing in a place [cdb]like this?
  3. Oh, hey. I'm not up to much, just shirking my duties [cdb]for a little bit.
  4. Your plan's going well, huh? We've managed to corral [cdb]most of the Imperial forces that are still in the Alliance.
  5. Your plan's going well, huh? We've managed to corral [cdb]most of the Imperial forces that are still in the Alliance.
  6. Everything's moving like clockwork. At this rate, [cdb]it won't be long before we've finished off the [cdb]entire enemy force.
  7. You don't seem too happy about it.
  8. You don't seem too happy about it.
  9. Hasn't this whole war been unfolding exactly the way [cdb]you thought it would?
  10. Hasn't this whole war been unfolding exactly the way [cdb]you thought it would?
  11. So far, yeah. But it's not over yet.
  12. Unless we find a way to stop them, the Empire is [cdb]going to make another play for the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
  13. And when that happens, we'll be taking on Count Bergliez himself. It'll be a brutal fight, no matter how [cdb]many angles we try to play.
  14. And even if we pull it off, what then? Do we invade [cdb]the Empire, or just stay on the defensive?
  15. We don't know what's going on with the Kingdom [cdb]and the church, and the Almyrans could decide to [cdb]drop in on us again at any time.
  16. There are limits to how far I can map things out, but [cdb]the Alliance won't survive unless I account for every [cdb]possibility.
  17. I'm dancing as fast as I can here, but there's no end in [cdb]sight. And these feet are starting to get tired.
  18. Assure him he can do it.
  19. Tell him you'll get through it together.
  20. Claude, if anyone can do this, it's you. You'll figure [cdb]something out, just like you always do. I know it.
  21. Claude, if anyone can do this, it's you. You'll figure [cdb]something out, just like you always do. I know it.
  22. I only hope that happens before I flat out collapse.
  23. Guess that would be a problem, yeah.
  24. Guess that would be a problem, yeah.
  25. You don't have to shoulder all that weight by [cdb]yourself. I'm sure we can figure out a plan if everyone [cdb]puts their heads together.
  26. You don't have to shoulder all that weight by [cdb]yourself. I'm sure we can figure out a plan if everyone [cdb]puts their heads together.
  27. Now there's an idea... Hey, would you be willing to [cdb]hash it out with me?
  28. Me? Oh, uh, I'm not sure there's anything all that [cdb]useful knocking around in my head.
  29. Me? Oh, uh, I'm not sure there's anything all that [cdb]useful knocking around in my head.
  30. Speak for yourself. I, for one, have plenty of wisdom [cdb]to share. Perhaps I should grant you some?
  31. I probably won't be much help, but on the off chance I do get a flash of inspiration, I'll be sure to let you [cdb]know.
  32. I probably won't be much help, but on the off chance I do get a flash of inspiration, I'll be sure to let you [cdb]know.
  33. Excuse me? I've placed myself at your disposal, yet [cdb]you claim there's only an "off chance" that I'd have a [cdb]good idea? I'd appreciate a little more credit!
  34. Y'know, I'm really glad you're the one who hired [cdb]me, Claude.
  35. Y'know, I'm really glad you're the one who hired [cdb]me, Claude.
  36. You've got vision. You think about all these things [cdb]that'd never even occur to me. Plus, I know you'll [cdb]always pay me on time.
  37. You've got vision. You think about all these things [cdb]that'd never even occur to me. Plus, I know you'll [cdb]always pay me on time.
  38. Hah, well, thanks for the vote of confidence. Sorry to [cdb]make you listen to all my griping.
  39. But you know what, I feel a bit better now. Maybe it's [cdb]not such a bad thing to let it all out now and then.
  40. Well, if all you need is someone to vent to, I'm here. I'll even give you a real good rate on it.
  41. Well, if all you need is someone to vent to, I'm here. I'll even give you a real good rate on it.
  42. Wait, you're charging me for this? You mercenaries [cdb]sure know how to bleed a guy dry, don't you?