1. The roundtable voted on our next course of action, [cdb]and support for an attack on the Empire was [cdb]unanimous. We need to get preparations underway.
  2. Unanimous? I was led to believe that my father [cdb]would be too busy overseeing the restoration of [cdb]our territory to attend.
  3. Wait, it was unanimous? But I thought Count Ordelia [cdb]couldn't make it.
  4. The count made me his proxy, which I interpreted as [cdb]a sign of support.
  5. That's surprising. I'd heard Ordelia territory suffered [cdb]greatly when the Empire invaded.
  6. Are you sure my father has agreed to this? Our [cdb]resources are limited enough as it is. I can't imagine [cdb]what we could spare for an extended campaign.
  7. Is it really a good idea to keep fighting this war?
  8. Since Houses Ordelia and Gloucester suffered the [cdb]brunt of the casualties in our previous battles, we [cdb]plan to ask relatively little of them going forward.
  9. In fact, Margrave Edmund has generously agreed to [cdb]raise the lion's share of the funds we'll need.
  10. My adoptive father views this war as just another [cdb]investment. He must be expecting significant returns.
  11. And I am sure that when the war is over, he will [cdb]expect a significant return on his investment.
  12. And he has every right to a return comparable to his [cdb]contribution. Look, this isn't something you all need [cdb]to worry about.
  13. Now, Lorenz, since you're the head of House Gloucester, would you care to elaborate on your [cdb]thoughts about the proposal?
  14. Given the treachery House Gloucester has shown the Alliance as of late...
  15. I did not believe we were in any position to object to [cdb]your proposal. Therefore, I chose to quietly acquiesce [cdb]during the roundtable.
  16. That so-called "treachery" was all part of the plan to [cdb]save the Alliance. No one actually thinks your house [cdb]betrayed us.
  17. Laudable results do not erase duplicitous intent. Had the winds shifted in their favor, my father was [cdb]prepared to remain with the Empire.
  18. Yeesh, all right. Let's ask someone else. What do [cdb]you think, my friend?
  19. Hasn't the decision already been made? At this [cdb]point, you should be free to speak your mind.
  20. Express support for the attack.
  21. Suggest an attack is premature.
  22. The Imperial army attacked the Alliance first. They need to pay for what they've done.
  23. The Imperial army attacked the Alliance first. They need to pay for what they've done.
  24. I agree. The Empire started this war. I say we finish it.
  25. I dunno, seems like it might be a little too soon for an [cdb]invasion.
  26. I dunno, seems like it might be a little too soon for an [cdb]invasion.
  27. That's what I think, too. Maybe if we don't do [cdb]anything to provoke them, the Empire will leave [cdb]us be for a while.
  28. I just want to be clear about one thing. I'm not [cdb]trying to invade the Empire because of some [cdb]personal ambition.
  29. Seizing House Bergliez's territory is essential to the [cdb]future of the Alliance.
  30. That much won't change, whether we continue to [cdb]wage war with the Empire or simply need a little [cdb]leverage for peace talks.
  31. This fight is about protecting our future. So I'm [cdb]asking you all to lend me your strength, because I [cdb]can't do this alone.
  32. Oh, all right. I'm sure you must've agonized over [cdb]this decision.
  33. I suppose the die has been cast. What matters now is [cdb]that we win.
  34. That's true. All right, I'll steel my resolve and fight!
  35. This battle is for everyone in the Alliance! I'm gonna [cdb]fight with all my muscles—even the ones I don't know [cdb]are there!
  36. I'm in, too. And I'm not about to let Jeralt and his [cdb]mercenaries beat me, either.
  37. I'm in, too. And I'm not about to let Jeralt and his [cdb]mercenaries beat me, either.
  38. I may be the one drawing up the plans, but it's up [cdb]to all of us to see them through. I know you won't let [cdb]me down.