1. At last, our full army is finally assembled. Soldiers as [cdb]far as the eye can see! Drink it in, Nader! It is quite a [cdb]sight to behold!
  2. Yeah, I guess it is.
  3. It should be child's play for an army of this size to [cdb]break through Fódlan's Throat. They may as well [cdb]crown me king of Almyra right now!
  4. I sure hope you're right about that.
  5. Who knows where Khalid is now, but I can just [cdb]imagine the look of despair on his face when he [cdb]hears of what I have accomplished!
  6. He has no clue how to lead an army this big, [cdb]and yet he's already bragging of his victory.
  7. I'm under no obligation to follow Shahid any further. Perhaps it's finally time to do as I please.
  8. Not many people in Almyra could mobilize an army [cdb]this massive. If it's not the king, it's gotta be one of [cdb]the princes.
  9. Which means... Shahid's definitely their commander.
  10. What's up? Something wrong?
  11. What's up? Something wrong?
  12. Nah, not especially.
  13. You sure? 'Cause I definitely just heard a "we've got [cdb]a problem" sigh.
  14. You sure? 'Cause I definitely just heard a "we've got [cdb]a problem" sigh.
  15. There's nothing to worry about, really. And besides, I can't see any other way around this.
  16. I'll just have to do what needs to be done. That's all there is to it.
  17. I feel like I'm missing something...
  18. I feel like I'm missing something...
  19. My lord, we have made ready to intercept the [cdb]attackers and await your signal.
  20. Right. Here goes. Listen up, everyone!
  21. The enemy may have an advantage in size, but they're [cdb]little more than a disorganized mob. We can defeat [cdb]them. No, we will defeat them!
  22. Drive them back today, and we'll toast our victory [cdb]tonight! Charge!