1. Ngh...
  2. We won, but... It wasn't supposed to be like this.
  3. Judith is dead, and it's all because of my idiotic [cdb]scheme.
  4. This is all my fault. If only I hadn't sacrificed Randolph like that...
  5. Enough. You know that's not true.
  6. Enough. You know that's not true.
  7. I'm the one who set these events in motion. I was [cdb]only trying to limit our casualties, but... Well, look [cdb]what it got me.
  8. I started a pointless feud that put my friends and [cdb]allies in danger.
  9. And now it's cost me Judith. Damn it.
  10. Hey, I bear some responsibility for this too.
  11. Hey, I bear some responsibility for this too.
  12. I had the Ashen Demon cornered and couldn't close [cdb]the deal.
  13. I had the Ashen Demon cornered and couldn't close [cdb]the deal.
  14. And then Jeralt gave me so much trouble that I [cdb]wasn't able to reach you in time.
  15. And then Jeralt gave me so much trouble that I [cdb]wasn't able to reach you in time.
  16. I could've prevented all this if I'd just been a little [cdb]quicker. A little better.
  17. I could've prevented all this if I'd just been a little [cdb]quicker. A little better.
  18. What are you talking about? You took out the [cdb]legendary Blade Breaker himself!
  19. If you hadn't done that, we probably would've lost [cdb]even more people.
  20. But if I'd been stronger, Judith might still be here [cdb]with us.
  21. But if I'd been stronger, Judith might still be here [cdb]with us.
  22. You hold yourself to an impossible standard, [cdb]you know.
  23. So do you, Claude. You need to quit trying to carry [cdb]this whole war on your own.
  24. So do you, Claude. You need to quit trying to carry [cdb]this whole war on your own.
  25. Let me be the one to avenge Judith. I'll cut down the Ashen Demon for you. And for her.
  26. Let me be the one to avenge Judith. I'll cut down the Ashen Demon for you. And for her.
  27. You're more than capable of it, too. You had that [cdb]monster right in your grasp.
  28. I only wish my premonition hadn't come true.
  29. Jeralt's...gone?
  30. Jeralt's...gone?
  31. No! This is all my fault!
  32. I let them walk all over me! I left him unprotected!
  33. I'm sorry, Captain! I'm so sorry!
  34. It is what it is. Mercenaries live short lives.
  35. It is what it is. Mercenaries live short lives.
  36. It did not have to be like this. Had you not scorned [cdb]my strength, your father would yet live.
  37. The captain was a true titan among men. I...can't believe he's gone.
  38. ...
  39. ...
  40. There is a way to solve this woe. Just grant to me your [cdb]worldly flesh, and vengeance shall be yours.
  41. We must now send the whelp that killed your father [cdb]to an early grave.
  42. Do you mind taking command for a while, Alois?
  43. Do you mind taking command for a while, Alois?
  44. There's something I need to do.
  45. There's something I need to do.
  46. Well, yes, of course, but surely I can aid you?
  47. No. This task is mine alone.
  48. No. This task is mine alone.
  49. Very well. But don't you dare get yourself killed!
  50. ...
  51. ...