1. Good news. We've dislodged another foothold those [cdb]who slither in the dark held in Empire territory.
  2. Good news? That's great! So that soldier was one of [cdb]theirs after all, huh?
  3. He was. It's uncanny how you manage to identify [cdb]their agents so precisely. Ordinary spies would be one [cdb]thing, but these villains are another entirely.
  4. I'd like to say it's just intuition, but there's more to it [cdb]than that.
  5. It's my power. Their magic is almost identical to the [cdb]one I use, so it's not hard for me to pick up on.
  6. Guess we have Hubert to thank for connecting the [cdb]dots between the two.
  7. How strange that you would hold such an [cdb]important key.
  8. The more I look back, the more I realize...
  9. Without you among our ranks, I may never have [cdb]broken the stranglehold those who slither in the dark [cdb]exerted on the Empire.
  10. Me? What did I do?
  11. Our hidden foe was deeply entrenched in almost [cdb]every facet of Adrestian society. The two were [cdb]almost inseparable.
  12. And so, I turned a blind eye to the lives that were [cdb]being lost to their cruel designs, opting instead to [cdb]focus my energy on preparing for war.
  13. But then you came along, and helped show me a way [cdb]to kill two snakes with one stone, as it were.
  14. You were the cog that was missing from the [cdb]turnwheel. The one final push that urged me to act.
  15. Nod in understanding.
  16. Look at her puzzled.
  17. Right. Well, I'm not sure I can take credit for that, [cdb]but I'm glad I could be there for you all the same.
  18. Really makes me wonder why you all didn't trust [cdb]me, though.
  19. Uh, yeah, sure. Whatever that means. You can be so [cdb]confusing sometimes, you know that?
  20. Forgive me.
  21. You may be the only person I know who would look [cdb]an emperor in the eye and speak their mind so freely.
  22. I dunno, I could totally see Ferdinand doing it, too.
  23. Yes, I can see your point. It was my mistake.
  24. In any case, I'd like you to know just how pleased I [cdb]am to have you fighting alongside us.
  25. You were a perfect stranger who owed nothing to the Empire, yet you're still here. That means much.
  26. Eh, it wasn't that big a deal.
  27. I just needed some gold, and figured if anyone was [cdb]gonna have the coin to spare, it'd be the Empire.
  28. You know, some things are best left unsaid.
  29. Oh, and you were really quick to compliment me [cdb]back at the academy. That left an impression for sure.
  30. I mean, most nobles don't give us mercs the time of [cdb]day. You were different.
  31. Arval tried to convince me I was just picking up on [cdb]your "rosy qualities," but I knew that was who you [cdb]really were.
  32. It's nice to hear you say that.
  33. And hey, I was right about you! I wouldn't be shining [cdb]half as bright as I am today if I didn't hitch my wagon [cdb]to yours.
  34. Trust me, no regrets here.
  35. ...
  36. Talk about the future.
  37. Try to lighten the mood.
  38. Anyway, back to it! Victory is so close I can almost [cdb]smell it.
  39. And I'll be right here by your side the rest of the way. No stopping till we've united all of Fódlan!
  40. Anyway, we've flushed those who slither in the dark [cdb]out of another one of their hiding spots.
  41. Which seems like cause for celebration, if you ask me. You, uh, remember how to do it?
  42. I don't wanna get left hanging like I did back [cdb]in Enbarr.
  43. That wasn't my fault. I had simply never done [cdb]it before.
  44. We will reach the end of this path soon—all of us, [cdb]together.