1. Ah, there you are.
  2. Here to complain again, Lorenz?
  3. Do I look like a man who does nothing but complain? Simply preposterous!
  4. OK, then what do you want?
  5. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I have grown [cdb]remarkably stronger as of late.
  6. I've poured all my effort—nay, my very blood—into [cdb]these results. And do you know why that is?
  7. He probably did it to win the war.
  8. He probably did it to get the girls.
  9. To win the war, right?
  10. That may be part of it, yes. But the impetus came [cdb]from you throwing down the gauntlet!
  11. Because you wanna be more popular with women?
  12. I assure you, I have never lacked popularity with [cdb]the ladies! No, it is because you threw down [cdb]the gauntlet!
  13. I don't remember doing anything like that.
  14. You surely could not have forgotten. Your words ring [cdb]true in my ears even now.
  15. It was something like, "If you don't want people [cdb]running in to save you, then you just gotta get [cdb]stronger than me."
  16. That does sound like me.
  17. And I believe I responded...
  18. "The day my strength surpasses yours, my noble [cdb]personage will save your commoner skin and restore [cdb]the proper order to this world!"
  19. Did you?
  20. Yes, I most certainly did! And now, that day has [cdb]finally come. I am a man of my word, after all.
  21. If I could only just rescue you from a perilous spot in [cdb]battle, I will have truly fulfilled my vow.
  22. So that was a vow, huh?
  23. Yes, one I whispered into the ears of the goddess [cdb]herself. Yet you seem dead set on foiling my every [cdb]opportunity to fulfill it!
  24. Somehow you never stumble, never falter on the [cdb]battlefield. It's almost as if you're an army all on [cdb]your own.
  25. And so, despite my every intention to rush in and [cdb]rescue you, the opportunity never arises! Well? What do you plan to do about this?
  26. OK, see what you're doing right now? You're complaining again. But you've got it all wrong.
  27. The reason I don't run into trouble in battle isn't [cdb]because I'm all-powerful or something.
  28. It's because I have reliable allies like you [cdb]fighting alongside me.
  29. So, you see, you've already fulfilled your vow.
  30. What? I... Hm. Well, I must say I'm quite impressed [cdb]with myself. It seems I've managed to save your life [cdb]without even realizing it!
  31. Which means I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, [cdb]have emerged victorious in our challenge!
  32. Accept defeat.
  33. Question his idea of a "challenge."
  34. Congrats, Lorenz. You did good.
  35. But just so we're clear, you're not so full of it to think [cdb]you're actually stronger than me, are you?
  36. Challenge? What challenge? All of this was your idea. I never agreed to any of it.
  37. And besides, I don't think you've actually [cdb]accomplished anything yet. I mean, you don't really [cdb]think you're stronger than me, do you?
  38. Ah, throwing down another gauntlet! Very well, then! How about a little sparring session, [cdb]right here and now?
  39. Bring it. But no complaining if you lose, all right?