1. I admit, this is not ideal. We should retreat and [cdb]regroup.
  2. What did you expect? You practically waltzed right [cdb]up to an enemy patrol!
  3. I thought if I pretended to be an ally and struck up a [cdb]friendly conversation, they wouldn't notice.
  4. That's why I tried to stop you. Not even the greenest [cdb]rookie would mistake you for an ordinary soldier.
  5. Regardless, it was a learning experience, so our [cdb]efforts were not entirely in vain. Now let's head [cdb]back before the enemy finds us.
  6. They've probably got a bunch of search parties out [cdb]looking for us. We might draw too much attention if [cdb]we're together.
  7. Splitting up will improve both our chances. I'm sure you'll have no trouble on your own.
  8. That's fine by me. It'll be easier for you to slip by on [cdb]your own as well.
  9. Let's rendezvous in front of the nearest allied [cdb]encampment. We should arrive before dawn.
  10. Got it. Good luck out there.
  11. You as well.
  12. Finally. Don't know how, but I made it back without [cdb]getting spotted.
  13. Took longer than I expected, though. I wonder if Holst got back before me... Hm, doesn't look like it.
  14. He knows this area better than me, so I doubt he [cdb]got lost... Could he have been captured?
  15. Zzz... Zzz...
  16. Huh? Is that...Holst?
  17. What's that? Ah, you made it.
  18. Apologies, I must've dozed off. I was up all night [cdb]fighting.
  19. Fighting? So the enemy found you?
  20. Quite the opposite, in fact. I happened to stumble [cdb]upon one of their guardhouses and figured I should [cdb]destroy it.
  21. I kicked down the door, only to find myself staring [cdb]down a platoon of heavily armed soldiers.
  22. You didn't even check before you went in? Bold.
  23. And that's when their reinforcements showed up. I had to deal with them as well.
  24. Yet here you are, safe and sound.
  25. Safe, maybe, but completely exhausted. I probably should've looked before I leapt.
  26. That's for sure. Another lesson learned, eh, Holst?
  27. That's right. There is no end to what the battlefield [cdb]can teach us, and I am a lifelong learner.
  28. Care to accompany me again sometime? Or have you grown tired of my antics?
  29. Happily accept.
  30. Accept with hesitation.
  31. Hey, I'd be glad to tag along. I've still got a lot to [cdb]learn.
  32. Honestly, it can be exhausting trying to keep up [cdb]with you. But yeah, I guess I'll go.
  33. After all, there's never a dull moment with you [cdb]around.
  34. Hah! I'll take that as a compliment. I think you and I [cdb]truly make the best of partners!