1. Hmm, perhaps I will ask Edelgard to handle [cdb]this matter.
  2. As for this one, it seems as though I have no choice [cdb]but to do it myself. If only I could spare the time...
  3. Hey, Ferdinand. You should probably think about [cdb]getting some sleep.
  4. That's an order actually, from Hubert. But I agree [cdb]with him.
  5. My apologies. My list of responsibilities has grown [cdb]rather unwieldy of late.
  6. Exhausted as I may be, I will be done here shortly. You need not fret.
  7. Ferdinand, come on. I thought you were supposed to [cdb]be giving everything "your all."
  8. If you're really that tired, how are you gonna be in [cdb]any shape for what's coming tomorrow? Go on and [cdb]give your all to a good night's sleep.
  9. Ah! Yes, you are right.
  10. How could I of all people not realize the error in my [cdb]ways? I shall take that to heart.
  11. Wish him good night.
  12. Stick around and make sure he actually sleeps.
  13. Glad to hear you're coming around. Anyway, good night.
  14. Tomorrow's another big day.
  15. Glad to hear you're coming around. Oh, and finish [cdb]fast, OK? Here, I'll even help.
  16. I don't wanna go to bed just to find out you stayed up [cdb]all night working. Lemme just...
  17. Wait.
  18. Hm? What's up?
  19. Uh... Never mind. Thank you for the concern.
  20. I will be sure to convey my gratitude to Hubert later [cdb]as well.
  21. Don't forget. He's really worried about you, [cdb]you know.
  22. Is he now? Usually he finds any occasion to [cdb]criticize me.
  23. Same here.
  24. Ha! Is that so? And here I thought he had taken a [cdb]shine to you.
  25. If he has, he sure doesn't show it.
  26. Ah, before I forget! What would you think about [cdb]coordinating our schedules tomorrow?
  27. I have been so absorbed in my work of late, we have [cdb]scarcely had the chance to spend time together.
  28. I have been pouring all my effort into rising early, [cdb]training, eating...and in the process I have neglected [cdb]our friendship.
  29. As fellow advocates of giving one's all to all of life's [cdb]pursuits, I say we work together to draw out each [cdb]other's dormant potential!
  30. Somehow that actually sounds pretty good.
  31. I dunno about this...
  32. Works for me. My schedule's pretty light these days.
  33. It'll be good to spend some time together, but just so [cdb]we're clear, we are not on the same page with this [cdb]whole "giving our all" thing.
  34. OK, once again, we are not really on the same page [cdb]with this whole "giving our all" thing.
  35. Perhaps not, but surely you would not turn up your [cdb]nose at the opportunity to perform a few great deeds [cdb]by my side. Would you?
  36. Yeah, I guess it doesn't sound too bad when you put [cdb]it that way.
  37. Splendid! This should serve as all the motivation I [cdb]need to continue pressing onward undaunted!
  38. And with that settled, I believe it is time for us to [cdb]devote ourselves fully to a tranquil slumber. Come, [cdb]our lump-riddled camp beds await our zealous efforts!
  39. OK, this time you are joking, right? It's seriously [cdb]impossible to tell with you sometimes...