1. Wow, that was amazing! You really know your way [cdb]around a sword!
  2. Oh, hey Caspar. You were looking pretty good [cdb]your...self. Wait. Haven't we had this conversation [cdb]before?
  3. I dunno. Must be 'cause you're always sweeping the [cdb]floor out there.
  4. Looks like I've still got my work cut out if I ever [cdb]wanna catch up to you!
  5. Cheer him up.
  6. Brag a lot.
  7. Show some humility for once.
  8. Hey, c'mon. I'd never be able to do what I do if I [cdb]didn't see how hard you were pushing.
  9. Yeah, yeah, again with the sore winner stuff. Talk down to me all you want, I'm still gonna [cdb]beat you!
  10. You're right, you do. How's this: I'll keep winning, [cdb]and you can keep eating my dust?
  11. Hey, this thing's just kicking off, and I'm not [cdb]going down without a fight!
  12. Wait, you, catch up to me? If anything I'm the one [cdb]who has some ground to make up.
  13. That's nice of you to say and all, but it's not gonna [cdb]stop me! I'm never slowing down!
  14. Anyway, let's get back to training! I'm gonna really [cdb]knock your socks off this time!
  15. Bring it on!
  16. Actually, hold on a sec.
  17. C'mon, what's the big idea?! You trying to throw me [cdb]off my game?
  18. That's not it. I was just thinking, we've been training [cdb]together a lot lately.
  19. But if we're doing all the same drills at all the same [cdb]intensity...
  20. Then aren't we just gonna get stronger at the same [cdb]rate? Nobody's closing any gaps, that's for sure.
  21. Ack! You do have a point...
  22. Yep, definitely have a point! But you know what? I don't care!
  23. You don't?
  24. Nope! I mean, I don't wanna run off and do some [cdb]cool secret training without you.
  25. Sounds boring if you ask me. Or sorta cheating? I wanna face you head-on!
  26. Same drills or not, I'm gonna blow past you no [cdb]problem! Well? You fired up now?
  27. Give him some sass.
  28. Calm him down.
  29. Fired up? Friend, I'm the flames. And trust me, [cdb]you're about to get burned.
  30. Heh, only one way to find out! And I'm putting my [cdb]bet down on ol' Caspar!
  31. Not especially. But this is a very Caspar idea, I'll give [cdb]you that.
  32. What do you mean, "not especially"?! Eh, you can't [cdb]win 'em all I guess.
  33. Whatever! This thing's going down whether you like [cdb]it or not, and I'm putting my bet down on ol' Caspar! I've got this!
  34. It's incredible just how focused you are, Caspar. I'm honestly kinda impressed.
  35. There aren't many people like you joining up with [cdb]mercenary groups, I'll tell you that much.
  36. Oh yeah? I'd have no idea, myself.
  37. But hey, let's both give this our best shot! The tougher we get, the quicker we can end this war [cdb]once and for all!
  38. And at the end of the day, that's the goal here. Let's never lose sight of that.