1. Hey there, Ignatz! What are you up to?
  2. Oh, Claude. I was just admiring the scenery.
  3. I come here sometimes to bask in the embrace of [cdb]unfettered natural beauty.
  4. Stunning, isn't it? I find being in the environment [cdb]like this to be quite calming.
  5. You can say that again. My favorite napping spot's [cdb]always been right under a nice, shady tree.
  6. That does sound comfortable.
  7. ...
  8. Ignatz. You always wanted to be a painter, right?
  9. Huh? Well, yes. But how did you know that?
  10. Oh, easy. I've got you all figured out, my friend. All your secrets, your worries, everything. Kidding, of course.
  11. Right.
  12. Really, it wasn't too hard to piece together. I heard you haven't always wanted to be a knight.
  13. And seeing you take in the world the way you do...
  14. There was only one possibility: You dreamed of being [cdb]a painter, but gave it up before you could ever make [cdb]it a reality.
  15. My father wished that I become a knight, yes. But the decision to actually do so was mine alone.
  16. That's enough of that, though.
  17. What demands our attention most in this moment [cdb]is the instability among the Alliance nobles.
  18. What demands our attention most in this moment is [cdb]the instability both in and outside of Leicester's [cdb]borders.
  19. As a knight, I must do whatever I can to help [cdb]alleviate the situation.
  20. You're right. The whole Alliance has been in [cdb]complete chaos ever since Shahid attacked.
  21. We'll need the unified support of all the noble families [cdb]if we want to make it through this, but things aren't [cdb]going quite the way they should.
  22. You're right. The whole Alliance was in complete [cdb]chaos when Shahid attacked.
  23. But that's exactly why I founded the Federation. So we could overcome whatever strife came our way.
  24. I really wish there was more I could do to help.
  25. In that case... How about we send you on [cdb]a reconnaissance mission?
  26. What?
  27. It's simple. You go to all sorts of different places, [cdb]maybe scout out a few towns, and take note of [cdb]everything you see and hear while you're there.
  28. Sounds like the perfect job for you, doesn't it?
  29. Are you sure I'm the right person for it?
  30. Of course I'm sure. I want you to travel the world, Ignatz. See the wonders it has to offer with your own [cdb]two eyes.
  31. ...
  32. You know, I thought my dream of becoming a painter [cdb]was nothing more than dust in the wind; that giving [cdb]up was my only path forward in life.
  33. But you've shown me that isn't how it has to be. Once this war is over, I'll do whatever it takes to [cdb]make it a reality again.
  34. As you should. What kind of dream would it be if [cdb]you just abandoned ship the moment one little thing [cdb]knocked you off course?
  35. Thank you, Claude.
  36. Once I'm a full-fledged painter, I'll be sure to do [cdb]a wonderful portrait of you. I promise.
  37. Sounds good to me. Oh, and make sure it's extra [cdb]grand so that it'll survive for centuries to come.
  38. Yes, of course!