1. Wow, this is so good! I had no idea you had this kind [cdb]of skill.
  2. It's so nice to eat in the great outdoors like this! Beats [cdb]sitting in the mess hall, that's for sure.
  3. You should have told me we'd be eating. I'd have [cdb]brought something, too...
  4. Hey, thanks for the invite! Where are we off to?
  5. Sorry to keep you waiting! I kind of...tripped and fell [cdb]over there, so let's just go!
  6. Ahh, this place is so peaceful! I love the feeling of a [cdb]nice breeze on my face.
  7. Do you want to keep going deeper? I'm worried we'll [cdb]get lost if we go too far in.
  8. We've been so lucky with the weather today! But we [cdb]can't let our guards down—clouds can show up and [cdb]ruin it all before you know it.
  9. Look how clear that water is! I bet it would feel great [cdb]to swim in!
  10. Hey, did you make that up yourself? Teach me, [cdb]teach me!
  11. Kind of early to be getting hungry, don't you think? Though, I might be ready for a snack in a bit, myself.
  12. What if we told each other secrets? Like... Ooh, [cdb]is there someone you like? Come on, tell me!
  13. Not to worry, I've got a flawless sense of direction! Let's see... I think it's this way. Or maybe that way?
  14. Wow. Did you learn how to do that back in your [cdb]mercenary days?
  15. Uh... Sure, I'll try! Let's see how much my training's [cdb]paid off!
  16. I love it. When I was little, my father used to go out [cdb]and catch fish, then me and my mom would cook [cdb]them up together. Good memories.
  17. Yeah, this little guy was clearly made with a lot of [cdb]care. I'm sure it means a lot to the person who lost it.
  18. I never really get to relax on my days off. I'm so [cdb]indecisive that I spend all my time thinking about [cdb]what to do instead of actually doing it.
  19. I like the capital fine enough, but Dominic territory [cdb]is nice too. And it's way warmer, for one.
  20. My cousin Simon's not a bad person or anything, [cdb]but once he got it in his head that he was going to be [cdb]a traveling minstrel, nobody could talk him out of it.
  21. I'd love to visit Derdriu over in Leicester sometime. I hear the shopping there is to die for!
  22. It gets so cold in Fhirdiad. I used to make [cdb]snowfriends all the time when I was a kid.
  23. What do you like more, sweet or spicy food? I'd have [cdb]to go with sweet, myself!
  24. I bet I could swing a heavy axe around no problem if I was just a tiny bit taller...
  25. I love studying! And I love helping other people study [cdb]too! There's no thrill quite like learning something [cdb]new, don't you think?
  26. I've always hated the dark. It's scary not knowing [cdb]what else is there in the room with you.
  27. Hm, there are a lot of things I want to try. Ooh, [cdb]maybe I could be a magic teacher!
  28. There was this book back at the Garreg Mach library [cdb]that I always wanted to read. I never got the chance [cdb]before it shut down, though.
  29. I know he doesn't look it, but my father's a great [cdb]cook! You should ask him to make you something.
  30. I remember how proud my father looked the first [cdb]time I ever used magic. That's what made me want [cdb]to keep learning.
  31. Everyone's working so hard to reach their goals. It makes me feel like I've got to work extra hard too!
  32. Magic, I guess. But I'd rather not fight in the first [cdb]place if I can avoid it.
  33. I trust you and all...but please don't sing my songs in [cdb]front of other people again, OK?
  34. What are you going to do once the war's over? I...hope you settle down in the Kingdom.
  35. I was cooking the other day and accidentally dumped [cdb]in way too much honey. You couldn't even tell what I [cdb]was trying to make anymore.
  36. I saw some rare fruit for sale over in town the other [cdb]day! I wonder if there's something good I can whip [cdb]up with it.
  37. My hair'll just get in the way if I don't put it up [cdb]like this.
  38. Do you think I should grow my hair out? Or maybe [cdb]cut it? Ooh, what if I let it get super long? I've always [cdb]wanted to have hair down to my feet!
  39. If I knew you'd be looking at me this close, I'd have [cdb]put on makeup!
  40. What is it?
  41. I have a bunch of cute dresses I like, but they're so [cdb]long I always end up tripping on the hem...
  42. My mom picked these clothes out for me. I love how [cdb]easy it is to move around in them!
  43. Thanks for that! I can't remember the last time I had [cdb]so much fun!
  44. That was a great day. Kinda sad to think it's over now.
  45. Yeah, we've got this!