1. I can tell you were trying to make something that [cdb]would appeal to a child, but I suppose that's OK once [cdb]in a while. I'd eat it again.
  2. I'm not sure if you want to hear my honest opinion. But in any case, thank you for the meal.
  3. I'm not a child, so I could force myself to eat this if I [cdb]had to, but I'm going to pass this time.
  4. Let's hurry. There's no time to waste.
  5. Shall we head out? It'll be nice to take it easy today.
  6. It feels as though time flows slower in open spaces [cdb]like this.
  7. The air here is so clear, it feels like it could even [cdb]cleanse the corruption within me.
  8. I never thought I'd see anything like this in [cdb]my lifetime.
  9. It's so peaceful here. It makes it easy to forget we're [cdb]in the middle of war.
  10. I had no idea you were the type to give flowers. I'll accept it though.
  11. You caught an insect, did you? You are surprisingly [cdb]childish at times.
  12. What made you say that now? We've been alone this [cdb]entire time.
  13. It's a wonder you managed to become a mercenary [cdb]with that sense of direction. Not to worry, though. I know the way.
  14. You're usually so uncouth. It's nice to see that you can [cdb]be considerate at times.
  15. Would you give it a rest? I'm not a child!
  16. You can go ahead and fish if you're hungry. Personally, I would rather let them be.
  17. That sounds so fun! Uh, I mean, that would be so [cdb]improper. I'm not a child, you know.
  18. House Ordelia isn't descended from one of the Ten Elites, but nonetheless, many of us have been born [cdb]with Crests over the years.
  19. If you could be reborn, would you choose to be a [cdb]noble or a commoner?
  20. I have a tendency to think I'm always right. I'm well [cdb]aware I do that, but it's a difficult habit to break.
  21. The responsibilities of a noble are such a burden. I don't have time for all that.
  22. I find the mercenary lifestyle fascinating. It's a world [cdb]that's so far removed from my own.
  23. I honestly don't understand why certain vegetables [cdb]exist. We can get along just fine without them.
  24. For the life of me, I can't understand people who [cdb]only want to talk about love during a time like this.
  25. I like can...canopies. Yes, tree canopies are just so [cdb]lush, don't you agree?
  26. I hate gho...er, goatees. Yes. If you're not going to [cdb]grow a full beard, just shave it off, I always say.
  27. As long as my parents can live out the rest of their [cdb]years in peace, then...I'll be fine with whatever [cdb]happens.
  28. I'd rather study and get stronger than waste time [cdb]fretting.
  29. Apparently Ordelia territory used to have a lot of [cdb]fertile land, but that's not the case now.
  30. Ever since I can remember, the Empire... No, let's not [cdb]talk about that today.
  31. I'm grateful for all the friends I have now. Even if I [cdb]never tell them that.
  32. Obviously I'm incredibly skilled in magic, but I also [cdb]have a talent for coming up with clever strategies.
  33. You don't bear a Crest, right? I wonder who you [cdb]really are.
  34. I'm sure you have your fair share of problems, [cdb]but they never seem to faze you.
  35. Nothing has changed to speak of. I'm doing well, [cdb]as you can clearly see.
  36. I have no idea how to even answer such a vague [cdb]question.
  37. I take proper care of my hair, you know. Just like any [cdb]other grown woman.
  38. My hair used to be a darker color when I was young. I hardly remember what it looked like, though.
  39. Why are you staring at me? Don't you dare say you [cdb]think I look like a child.
  40. It's rude to stare, you know. But I suppose I can [cdb]overlook it for you.
  41. I inherited my petite stature from my mother. It certainly isn't because I'm a child.
  42. No amount of staring is going to reveal the secrets I hold, if that's what you're curious about.
  43. It's been a while since I've been able to relax like that. It wasn't half bad.
  44. I enjoy spending time with you. Invite me again [cdb]sometime.
  45. Very well. I will join you.