link Dimitri volume_up
And so, the knights have been ordered to apprehend Tomas.
link Dimitri volume_up
As it happens, he's been absent from Garreg Mach for the last several days.
link Dimitri volume_up
They are using this opportunity to prepare quietly, and intend to seize him upon his return.
link Dedue volume_up
Hard to believe someone within the monastery was working against us.
link Sylvain volume_up
It's shocking, yes, but we have testimony from the very person he abducted, not to mention all the other evidence they found.
link Sylvain volume_up
No surprise they wanna bring the guy in.
link Ingrid volume_up
This could be our only chance to find out about his co-conspirators.
link Shez volume_up
So who is this Tomas guy anyway? You say he works in the library?
link Shez volume_up
So who is this Tomas guy anyway? You say he works in the library?
link Annette volume_up
He used to help me track down all manner of obscure books. I always thought he was just a kind old man.
link Mercedes volume_up
Tomas is the last person I'd picture as a murderous kidnapper.
link Dimitri volume_up
I asked around, and it seems he's been in his current position for over forty years.
link Dimitri volume_up
Why he'd choose to lash out at the church now is beyond me.
link Ashe volume_up
Maybe his feelings aren't new—there could have been troubling signs for a while that we aren't aware of.
link Ingrid volume_up
Even if that's true, what is the point of kidnapping a student?
link Shez volume_up
Ransom, maybe? The kidnapped student is from an Imperial house.
link Shez volume_up
Ransom, maybe? The kidnapped student is from an Imperial house.
link Annette volume_up
Or maybe he wants to tarnish the church's reputation.
link Arval volume_up
Well, look at you reasoning things out. Your new friends must be rubbing off on you.
link Shez volume_up
No point in guessing. We'll know the truth as soon as the church snatches him up.
link Shez volume_up
No point in guessing. We'll know the truth as soon as the church snatches him up.
link Felix volume_up
Will we? I doubt they'll just reveal their findings to anyone who asks.
link Dedue volume_up
Your Highness, did this man hire the bandits that attacked you in the mountains?
link Dimitri volume_up
That's what I'm told, but I've yet to confirm it. There is evidence that seems to link them.
link Ingrid volume_up
I don't know about you, but I'm going to feel a lot less safe after this.
link Ashe volume_up
You're not alone—rumors are flying around the monastery about who else might be a traitor.
link Sylvain volume_up
You'd think the church would do a better job vetting the people they employ.
link Ashe volume_up
Maybe it's not so easy to— Hey, do you hear that? Something's happening outside.
link Old Man volume_up
Are they ready at the gates?
link Student volume_up
Yes, sir! Every exit is covered!
link Arval volume_up
Well, well. It sounds like Tomas has returned.
link Arval volume_up
I don't know why I know this, but you need to get out there—and quickly.
link Dimitri volume_up
Wait, where are you... Of course! Tomas!
link Shez volume_up
I think he's here. I'll be back!
link Shez volume_up
I think he's here. I'll be back!
link Dimitri volume_up
Shouldn't we take a moment to— Very well, we'll be right behind you!