Imperial Army Camp (Riegan Territory)
link Leopold volume_up
What a brilliant trap. The Riegan boy's even craftier than they say.
link Mage volume_up
I agree, sir. Even Count Gloucester's inept army seems to be acting with remarkable discipline.
link Mage volume_up
But will the reinforcements reach us in time?
link Leopold volume_up
Hmph. The real question is are they coming at all?
link Leopold volume_up
Because if they're on the way, they'll make it in time. So long as I draw breath, they will make it.
link Leopold volume_up
So count on them coming. Her Majesty would never abandon us.
link Mage volume_up
Yes, sir!
link Leopold volume_up
Soldiers of the Empire! I know fear gnaws at your hearts, and that's nothing to be ashamed of!
link Leopold volume_up
Don't run from this fear—embrace it! Take measure of the enemy that surrounds us and look them square in the face!
link Leopold volume_up
Yes, we're outmaneuvered and face a vicious fight ahead. But pray to the goddess for protection, and her fire will fill your soul and temper your resolve!
link Leopold volume_up
Our only duty here is to stay alive! Be fearful of death, and let not a single soldier fall needlessly!
link Leopold volume_up
Raise your voices with me now! Let me hear your courage! We will not lose!
Alliance Army Camp (Riegan Territory)
link Claude volume_up
Wow, these guys aren't backing down. If anything, they actually seem more excited than before.
link Claude volume_up
How is that possible? They're completely surrounded! No one will ever reach them in time.
link Judith volume_up
Yes, but Count Bergliez is their commander.
link Judith volume_up
And I'm guessing a lot of those troops are veterans of the Dagda and Brigid War.
link Judith volume_up
During that conflict, the count's troops held off wave after wave of Dagda soldiers, right to the very end.
link Judith volume_up
Our force must look tame in comparison.
link Claude volume_up
OK, so what now? I wanted this to be clean, but we're looking at a complete bloodbath on both sides.
link Claude volume_up
What I want is the upper hand against the Empire, not these people's lives.
link Judith volume_up
And there's honor in that, but I don't think they're going to play along.
link Claude volume_up
They don't have to accept every part of it. I just thought they might know? Scared?
link Claude volume_up
Well, so be it. They may have boundless courage, but they don't have boundless food.
link Claude volume_up
If Count Bergliez wants me to tighten the snare, that's exactly what I'll do.