Somewhere in Riegan Territory
link Claude volume_up
So we've lost Gloucester. Unavoidable, perhaps, but it still stings all the same.
link Claude volume_up
Fortunately, I haven't been sitting on my hands this whole time.
link Claude volume_up
If we smash the Imperial reinforcements and stop them from breaking the siege, Count Bergliez will have no choice but to give up.
link Claude volume_up
We're going to face that challenge, and we're going to face it with the Alliance's latest and greatest— which is why I've asked all of you here.
link Lysithea volume_up
Did you really just say "latest and greatest" with a straight face?
link Hilda volume_up
Oh, he said it, all right. And while I can't swear we'll have that, we do at least have numbers on our side.
link Raphael volume_up
Yup! More than half of the old Golden Deer house is here!
link Marianne volume_up
Some of us may not be quite as "great" as you say, but... Well, you know best.
link Claude volume_up
I'm grateful to each of you for answering the call. It's more than I can say for some of our classmates.
link Claude volume_up
I'm grateful to each of you for answering the call. I only wish all of us had lived to see this day.
link Raphael volume_up
Yeah, Ignatz and Lorenz both sided with the enemy...
link Raphael volume_up
Aw, poor Ignatz... It isn't fair!
link Lysithea volume_up
link Lysithea volume_up
About that. It pains me to say this, but House Ordelia has made its allegiance to the Empire clear.
link Lysithea volume_up
It was against my parents' protests that I came here in the first place.
link Lysithea volume_up
If this battle doesn't unfold the way you're hoping, I may be forced to leave as quickly as I arrived.
link Hilda volume_up
That's OK, Lysithea. You're not the only one who's here with strings attached.
link Marianne volume_up
Yes, my adoptive father has also insisted I return home at once should the tides turn against us.
link Claude volume_up
Sounds about right. Three cheers for that good old Alliance solidarity!
link Raphael volume_up
I'll fight with you to the end, Claude!
link Raphael volume_up
Uh, unless it puts Maya in danger. Then I'm out.
link Claude volume_up
Look, what matters is that you're all here—and that we settle this war with the next battle.
link Claude volume_up
Also, for full disclosure, I may have sort of brought along some extra professional muscle. Come on in!
link Byleth volume_up
It's good to meet you. I'm the acting captain of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
link Byleth volume_up
It's good to meet you. I'm the acting captain of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
link Claude volume_up
Our guest here is fresh off another battle with the Empire on Kingdom soil.
link Claude volume_up
From what I gather, remaining in the Kingdom was no longer an option.
link Claude volume_up
And that's when our paths crossed here in Alliance territory.
link Hilda volume_up
Oh, hello. I know "reliable" when I see it, and you are definitely that!
link Byleth volume_up
I'll do whatever you ask as long as I'm getting paid. So long as we're allied, I won't fail you.
link Byleth volume_up
I'll do whatever you ask as long as I'm getting paid. So long as we're allied, I won't fail you.