link Edelgard volume_up
Thank you, Claude. I owe you a great debt.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, we really saved your skin. Though I'm sure you would've preferred to have us in your debt instead. Must really chafe having the shoe on the other foot.
link Edelgard volume_up
And what is that supposed to mean? If all you plan to do is mock me, then perhaps I'll not honor the debt after all.
link Claude volume_up
Hey, it was just a joke. Just something Lorenz said. Nothing for Your Imperial Majesty to worry about.
link Edelgard volume_up
link Claude volume_up
Jokes aside, do you have a minute? Eager as I am to get back out there and chase down our enemies, we need to talk.
link Edelgard volume_up
If you insist. What is it?
link Claude volume_up
Right now, the Federation and the Empire are fighting together against the Kingdom.
link Claude volume_up
But honestly, I have no desire to see Faerghus in ruins. I'm only after the Central Church.
link Edelgard volume_up
At this point, though, wouldn't you say the two are one and the same?
link Claude volume_up
I'm not so sure. When Dimitri decided to grant sanctuary to the Central Church, he really wasn't in any position to refuse.
link Claude volume_up
If he had, the chaos that ensued would've torn Faerghus apart.
link Claude volume_up
But what if things are adding up differently now? It's clear the war will drag on so long as he continues to shelter them.
link Claude volume_up
Besides, the Federation's Eastern Church and the Empire's Southern Church are both operating independent of Rhea's influence.
link Claude volume_up
The Central Church must be looking like a pretty heavy burden to Dimitri right about now.
link Claude volume_up
And hey, it's not like the Kingdom wouldn't still have the Western Church.
link Edelgard volume_up
Perhaps. But the archbishop has far more influence in Faerghus than anywhere else.
link Edelgard volume_up
Even if Dimitri has changed his mind, I doubt those around him would be open to the idea.
link Edelgard volume_up
The fact remains that the Kingdom has yet to show any sign of severing ties with the Central Church. They stand beside them even now.
link Claude volume_up
This is just a theory... Well, actually, it's more like wild speculation...
link Claude volume_up
But what if the reason Dimitri tried to take Garreg Mach was because he wanted to distance himself from the church?
link Claude volume_up
By facilitating Rhea's return to Garreg Mach, he could be trying to set the stage to break away.
link Edelgard volume_up
That's an interesting theory. Do you have any evidence to support it?
link Claude volume_up
Not really. But that's the impression I got when I saw Dimitri on the battlefield.
link Claude volume_up
To be honest, it didn't even occur to me before now.
link Claude volume_up
We were so determined to take down Rhea in that battle, we never spared a thought for Dimitri's motivations.
link Edelgard volume_up
I see. Had it occurred to you sooner, you would've had quite the decision to make. About whether to leave me for dead, I mean.
link Edelgard volume_up
After all, if the Central Church was really leaving the Kingdom to return here, abandoning me would've been the expedient choice.
link Claude volume_up
Oh, come on, Edelgard. Sure, we've had our differences, but that doesn't mean I want you dead!
link Edelgard volume_up
Hm. I'm happy to hear you say that, even if it is a lie.
link Claude volume_up
You wound me! It's the honest truth, from the bottom of my heart.
link Edelgard volume_up
So you say. No matter. You should continue to do as you see fit.
link Edelgard volume_up
And I will do all I can to bring this war to an end.
link Claude volume_up
Sounds like a plan. Let's end this war. Right now, that's all that matters.
link Edelgard volume_up
I will pursue the Kingdom's army westward, conquer Arianrhod, and take control of Faerghus.
link Claude volume_up
And I'll go north, after the Knights of Seiros. I'll defeat Rhea and dissolve the Central Church.
link Edelgard volume_up
Let us hope the paths we walk continue side by side.
link Claude volume_up
And don't forget that you owe me for today, Edelgard. If our paths do collide, I'll expect to see that debt repaid.