Holy Army Camp (Tailtean Plains)
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Your Grace, the Federation army is approaching from the south.
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King Claude appears to be commanding them personally.
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The rebellious blood of those wretched Ten Elites has led one of their descendants to turn his blade against us.
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Perhaps it was a mistake not to have terminated their bloodlines long ago.
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Your Grace?
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Lady Rhea. With the Kingdom army occupied on the western front, we will have little in the way of support from them.
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I believe the wisest course of action would be to retreat to Fhirdiad and attempt to hold the palace there.
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No. We will face them here.
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Long before the Kingdom even existed, Saint Seiros slew the Fell King Nemesis upon this very soil.
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This field is a sacred place for the Church of Seiros. We will have the goddess's protection here.
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Indeed, but...
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You have nothing to worry about, Seteth. If anything should happen, I want you to take Flayn and escape.
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Lady Rhea, you cannot mean that!
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Long have I protected Fódlan in the goddess Sothis's stead.
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It may be time for that duty to finally come to an end.
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And would you accept that?
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Not willingly, no.
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In our absence, future generations are likely to repeat the foolish actions of their ancestors.
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And when that happens, who will be left to stop them? This land has suffered enough as it is.
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I will fight with all my strength and spirit. For my mother, for the future, even for humanity.
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What shall come to pass, only the goddess knows. Such are her teachings. The teachings of my mother.
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