Raphael: Claude certainly is trouble.
Jeralt: General Randolph is doing well.
Miklan: I received a letter from my father.
Rodrigue: I've gotta get stronger.
Jeritza: Is someone writing this script?
Tomas: I realized something...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am sensing little unity in the Alliance.
Ordelia General: Could Claude be plotting something else?
Viscount Enid: The strongest man in the Empire...
Myson: La la la la!♪
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm so relieved.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: This might be my first time here.
Metodey: It's honestly a relief.
: ...
Charon General: Your pockets have gotta be heavy, yeah?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Thank you for the assistance.
???: Whatcha looking for today?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: This is driving me up the wall!
Retired Knight: House Riegan...
Merchant: I'd not be surprised if he also had a nickname.
???: Perhaps she is more cautious than expected.
Old Man: We must help them no matter what!
???: You the commander?
???: You there!
???: This is the best, right?
???: I've come from the Imperial capital.
Thales: I am overjoyed!
Constance: Still your joy.
Thales: This is the truth of war.
Thales: I am overjoyed!
Constance: Still your joy.
link Edelgard
Claude has been causing me no end of trouble. He truly is a cunning adversary.
link Edelgard
Come to think of it, that particular quality stretches back to his student days.
link Edelgard
He appears suddenly and with an easy smile that reveals nothing, yet the entire time he is scheming to outwit you.
link Edelgard
Tell me, what's your impression of the man?
link Shez
He seems like a nice, easy-going sort of fellow— especially for a noble.
link Shez
He seems like a nice, easy-going sort of fellow— especially for a noble.
link Edelgard
A positive evaluation indeed. But perhaps not all that surprising.
link Shez
I dunno. There's something...elusive about him. Guy doesn't really strike me as a noble.
link Shez
I dunno. There's something...elusive about him. Guy doesn't really strike me as a noble.
link Edelgard
I'm surprised to hear you hand out such a harsh evaluation. I'll have to be more vigilant around you, lest I find myself in your bad books.
link Hubert
Honestly, my greatest concern right now is the situation on the Kingdom side of matters.
link Hubert
Especially as my reports claim Count Rowe gives no indication of further betrayal.
link Hubert
Also, General Randolph appears to be doing well.
link Hubert
The man has ambition to spare, and is beloved by his subordinates. He rather reminds me of yourself.
link Ferdinand
This is the way of war, and it is folly to suggest there is no sadness with it.
link Ferdinand
Nonetheless, we must move forward and focus on ending hostilities as quickly as possible.
link Linhardt
I recently received an unusual letter from my father regarding the Minister of Military Affairs.
link Linhardt
He says this is an opportunity to have the man in my debt, and entreats me do my utmost to rescue him.
link Linhardt
I find the whole thing quite odd. They dislike each other as much as ever, yet still maintain a deep concern for one another.
link Shez
Maybe they patched things up? Wartime makes for strange bedfellows and all that.
link Shez
Maybe they patched things up? Wartime makes for strange bedfellows and all that.
link Linhardt
If they could patch things up just like that, why have they been at loggerheads for more than five years?
link Linhardt
Well, it's nothing to me. If they wish to play politics, they can have their fun.
link Shez
They seem like a rather cunning pair—maybe their whole "not getting along" thing was just for show.
link Shez
They seem like a rather cunning pair—maybe their whole "not getting along" thing was just for show.
link Linhardt
I can't fathom what purpose deceiving so many people would have. Why go to the trouble?
link Linhardt
Well, it's nothing to me. If they wish to play politics, they can have their fun.
link Caspar
I've gotta get stronger—but I also need to start using my head more!
link Caspar
War isn't just about two sides smashing into each other—much as I'd like it to be. You've also got sieges, rescues, logistics, defense, and so much more.
link Shez
You've really been using your head lately, Caspar. I'd better keep up.
link Shez
You've really been using your head lately, Caspar. I'd better keep up.
link Caspar
Haha! You make it sound so easy. Guess that's what it's like to have the cool poise of a hardened merc!
link Shez
Good point. I better sharpen my thinking as well.
link Shez
Good point. I better sharpen my thinking as well.
link Caspar
Say, why don't we do it together? We'll work our bodies with hours of training and our minds by reviewing battle tactics. Whaddya say?
link Dorothea
Sometimes I wonder if this war is merely some grand opera that takes place on the stage of Fódlan.
link Dorothea
It's a dramatic portrayal of life and death where everyone's hopes and dreams come crashing into one another.
link Dorothea
It's almost like we're part of someone else's script.
link Shez
That kind of thing is a little above my pay grade, but I know plenty of people who claim every possible outcome is predetermined for us by the goddess.
link Shez
That kind of thing is a little above my pay grade, but I know plenty of people who claim every possible outcome is predetermined for us by the goddess.
link Dorothea
Well, if she's our scriptwriter, I sure hope we're serving as her protagonists.
link Shez
Yeah, I dunno. I don't think we'd fight as hard if we thought the outcome had already been decided.
link Shez
Yeah, I dunno. I don't think we'd fight as hard if we thought the outcome had already been decided.
link Shez
Sure, there's a lot of drama and action going on, but we're the only ones who can determine how this whole thing is going to end.
link Shez
Sure, there's a lot of drama and action going on, but we're the only ones who can determine how this whole thing is going to end.
link Dorothea
Well said. In truth, I think I wanted you to disagree.
link Dorothea
Well said. In truth, I think I wanted you to disagree.
link Petra
I am sensing little unity in the Alliance. What could be the reason?
link Petra
They are having many lords, but each of them are doing whatever they please.
link Petra
I am wondering if a region requires a leader such as an emperor or other monarch in order to function.
link Bernadetta
You know what? I kinda like sieges.
link Bernadetta
You know what? I kinda like sieges.
link Bernadetta
I mean, think about it! You get to stay nice and cozy in some castle or whatever? It sounds great!
link Bernadetta
Oh, but then there's the part where the enemy cuts off your supply lines and tries to starve you out, huh... Nope! Never mind! Go away, sieges!
link Bernadetta
Oh, but then there's the part where the enemy cuts off your supply lines and tries to starve you out, huh... Nope! Never mind! Go away, sieges!
link Shez
Uh...OK then.
link Shez
Uh...OK then.
link Monica
As one would expect from the territory of the house that leads the Alliance, Riegan is well-prepared for any and all possibilities.
link Monica
They've even shown signs of preparing for an invasion of the Empire.
link Monica
You think Claude is plotting something else? Because if so...
link Shez
You thinking Count Gloucester might be doing some behind-the-scenes scheming again?
link Shez
You thinking Count Gloucester might be doing some behind-the-scenes scheming again?
link Monica
Exactly! Hanneman and all the others at the Great Bridge of Myrddin have to stay vigilant.
link Shez
Didn't Edelgard tell you to stop overthinking things?
link Shez
Didn't Edelgard tell you to stop overthinking things?
link Shez
Let's just deal with the problems we know are in front of us and save the "maybe" stuff for another day.
link Shez
Let's just deal with the problems we know are in front of us and save the "maybe" stuff for another day.
link Monica
That's...not really what I expected you to say, actually. But good advice regardless!
link Manuela
La la la la!♪
link Manuela
Oh, dear. So terribly sorry. Just checking the condition of my throat, is all!
link Shez
You have a beautiful voice, Manuela.
link Shez
You have a beautiful voice, Manuela.
link Manuela
Well, I'm delighted to hear you say that!
link Shez
The wonder of your voice is surpassed only by the beauty of your person.
link Shez
The wonder of your voice is surpassed only by the beauty of your person.
link Manuela
Well, you certainly know how to compliment a woman! I think my heart just did a backflip.
link Manuela
Er, you're not saying anything. Are you all right? Do you need medical aid, perhaps?
link Manuela
Or perhaps you were transfixed by my beauty and lovely voice! It happens a lot, I'm afraid.
link Jeritza
Some say Count Bergliez is the strongest man in the Empire.
link Jeritza
Perhaps he can slay me if we cross blades.
link Shez
Now there's a fight I'd pay to see! Can't say who'd come out on top, though—might end up a draw.
link Shez
Now there's a fight I'd pay to see! Can't say who'd come out on top, though—might end up a draw.
link Jeritza
A pathetic outcome.
link Shez
Uh, our job is to help Count Bergliez, so maybe slow down on all this duel talk.
link Shez
Uh, our job is to help Count Bergliez, so maybe slow down on all this duel talk.
link Jeritza
Only a jest, I assure you.
link Constance
This has nothing whatsoever to do with me...
link Constance
But I was incredibly relieved that House Gloucester did not meet with ruin.
link Shez
Huh. So why are you happy about it?
link Shez
Huh. So why are you happy about it?
link Constance
I would hope someone like yourself might be able to at least guess at the reason.
link Constance
It's just that, long ago, there was once a noble family who suffered the hardship of extinction due to their loss in a war.
link Shez
This have something to do with your house?
link Shez
This have something to do with your house?
link Constance
Please don't shout it aloud for the world to hear! Though yes, you have seen to the core of me...
link Constance
Still, I feel certain that my house will see its own revival one day.
link Hapi
I think this might be my first time going into Alliance territory.
link Hapi
It's fun to discover new things. Like, did you know there might be some trees that only grow here?
link Shez
So you don't know for sure?
link Shez
So you don't know for sure?
link Hapi
Yeah, see, when I was a kid, I was dragged all over the place without ever knowing where I was.
link Shez
You like trees?
link Shez
You like trees?
link Hapi
Sure do. Or to be more specific, I like the berries that fall off of them—or anything else that tastes good.
link Ashe
I was relieved when I heard we wouldn't be fighting the Kingdom right away.
link Ashe
I suppose that makes me selfish, huh? I can follow orders if it involves taking Alliance lives, but I hate the idea of hurting people from the Kingdom.
link Shez
It's not selfish to dislike the idea of fighting your old allies and friends. No one wants to do that.
link Shez
It's not selfish to dislike the idea of fighting your old allies and friends. No one wants to do that.
link Ashe
Yeah, I suppose.
link Shez
Look, you can't let every little thing weigh on you— especially when we're going to be fighting the Kingdom at some point soon.
link Shez
Look, you can't let every little thing weigh on you— especially when we're going to be fighting the Kingdom at some point soon.
link Ashe
Yeah, I suppose you're right...
link Ignatz
link Shez
You're a knight of House Gloucester now, right? So what's with the long face?
link Shez
You're a knight of House Gloucester now, right? So what's with the long face?
link Ignatz
Oh, just thinking about what the future will bring.
link Ignatz
I'll likely have to fight people I know, and it's just sad.
link Shez
Gotta say, having you House Gloucester types back on our side again is pretty reassuring.
link Shez
Gotta say, having you House Gloucester types back on our side again is pretty reassuring.
link Ignatz
It's an honor to hear that. I look forward to fighting at your side.
link Balthus
Well, look who it is! The big bad sellsword folks just can't stop talking about.
link Balthus
Heard the emperor went and made you a general, yeah? Bet that put some coin in your pocket!
link Shez
Good thing they're paying me all that money, too. I'm gonna have to buy a bigger purse to hold it all.
link Shez
Good thing they're paying me all that money, too. I'm gonna have to buy a bigger purse to hold it all.
link Balthus
Haha! Glad to hear it! Also, it sounds like this might be a good opportunity for me to get my debts in order...
link Shez
Funny thing about money—the more you have, the more you seem to find yourself spending.
link Shez
Funny thing about money—the more you have, the more you seem to find yourself spending.
link Balthus
Haha! You sound like me! I love it!
link Balthus
Now let's make sure we both get outta this mess in one piece so we can spend that coin, eh?
link Ladislava
I thank you for your assistance on the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
link Ladislava
I volunteered to take up the vanguard, yet ended up deceived by the enemy's actions and was cut off.
link Ladislava
I do hope that troublesome Count Gloucester remains in quiet retirement going forward.
link ???
Hello there, friend! What are you looking for today?
link ???
Not sure I've got anything stocked in the way of "tools for breaking a brutal siege," sadly.
link ???
Still, I'd be in a real mess if I lost a valued customer like you, so take your time and look around!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Count Bergliez's forces are right in front of us, but our march is going to still take a while longer. It's driving me up the wall!
link Gatekeeper
Sure wish there was something I could do...
link Gatekeeper
Well, guess I'll just hunker down and keep on keeping on. No enemies are getting in here, I swear it!
link Arval
She wants to change the world, does she? How amusing.
link Arval
And what do you think of this idea of hers?
link Shez
I definitely wanna try and make it happen, if we can.
link Shez
I definitely wanna try and make it happen, if we can.
link Arval
Is that so? But even if you manage to change things, there's no guarantee such actions will bring about the bright future you desire.
link Shez
I honestly don't know what I think. I have no idea if it's the right thing to do.
link Shez
I honestly don't know what I think. I have no idea if it's the right thing to do.
link Arval
An understandable response. But there may come a time when you have to draw a line in the sand and take an actual stance for yourself.
link Ferdinand
Lorenz, I am simply overjoyed that you have decided to fight on the side of the Empire!
link Lorenz
Still your joy, Ferdinand. A defeated man makes no decisions—he simply does as he is told.
link Ferdinand
Even so, you were clever enough to read the winds of war and stop fighting before it was too late.
link Lorenz
To fight in vain is to bring suffering upon one's people. That is a thought neither I nor my father could ever stomach.
link Shez
No need for the false humility. Not many people could make the call you did.
link Shez
No need for the false humility. Not many people could make the call you did.
link Ferdinand
Exactly! And now, we two will henceforth show the world the true spirit of the nobility!
link Lorenz
Delightful words. I will return the favor of my life by fighting alongside you all.
link Shez
Don't be hard on yourself. That win was pure luck on our part.
link Shez
Don't be hard on yourself. That win was pure luck on our part.
link Lorenz
I have no need of your pity! But that being said, I will accept your solicitude.
link Lorenz
And I will return the favor of my life by fighting alongside you all.
link Ferdinand
Lorenz, I am simply overjoyed that you have decided to fight on the side of the Empire!
link Lorenz
Still your joy, Ferdinand. A defeated man makes no decisions—he simply does as he is told.
link Lorenz
Furthermore, though I may look hale and hearty, I have sustained a most grievous injury.
link Lorenz
Sadly, I will be unable to take up arms at your side. I pray you can forgive me.
link Ferdinand
Though we may not have you standing with us, Lorenz, your resolve will ever be in our hearts.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I am a knight of House Gloucester. Lord Lorenz ordered me to come here and join your ranks.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The previous count, Erwin, has long desired to stand above the ruling House Riegan.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though we now serve the Empire, it seems we are fated to share a relationship with their house.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Claude makes much trouble for us. He oversaw the recapture of the bridge, and commanded the siege of the Imperial army as it attacked Leicester.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though it pains me to do so, I would be a liar if I did anything but acknowledge his ability.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I imagine the man has earned a nickname of his own by this point. Perhaps the Master Tactician?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I've found myself wondering if Her Majesty couldn't have us advance at greater speed.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And yet we continue our careful, plodding pace, holding both banks of the Airmid as we do.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Perhaps she is more cautious than expected. Or perhaps... Ah, no. Forget I said anything.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Why aren't we advancing more quickly?!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
When I think about how Leopold and our allies are in danger... Ugh, it really makes me mad!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We're going to help them, no matter what!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
You the commander I've heard about? The one lifted up from the commonfolk and given authority?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Some folks say you aren't even from the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Regardless, your being here is good news for me— means a rough-and-tumble lady like myself might actually end up with a promotion someday!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
You there! You recognize me, yes? Don't tell me you were trying to slip by without giving proper respects!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It boggles the mind to think a commoner like you would ignore a highborn baron such as myself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hmm? You wonder how I pinpointed your baseborn nature? Your aura and stench tell me all I need to know. Hmph!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Heya! I'm from Abyss, the place under Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Basically, I crawled outta the same hole as Hapi and Constance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm here 'cause the Imperial army's recruitin' bodies. But the pay's good and the rations are plentiful, so you won't hear me complain!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Heya! I'm from Abyss, the place under Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm here 'cause the Imperial army's recruitin' bodies. But the pay's good and the rations are plentiful, so you won't hear me complain!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was dispatched from the capital as a messenger. And honestly, the mood here at the front is much better than I expected it to be.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I was pretty worried about the Minister of Military Affairs being in such a tricky spot, you know?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But now I can return to the capital with my mind at ease. May the tides of battle flow in your favor!