link Hapi volume_up
Sun's up already? Yaww...haaa! Good morning!
link Claude volume_up
Whoa! Hapi, is that you? Where are you?
link Claude volume_up
I'm surprised you knew I was here. You just about gave me a heart attack with that impromptu "good morning."
link Hapi volume_up
I wasn't exactly saying it to you, Claudester, but... Oh, never mind.
link Claude volume_up
So you're waking up with the sun, huh? I love it. You're like a steppe-dweller.
link Hapi volume_up
And what would that be, exactly?
link Claude volume_up
Oh, you know. Those folks who live to the east of Fódlan.
link Hapi volume_up
But you're also awake. Does that mean you're a steppe-dweller like me?
link Claude volume_up
Hey, my motto is "the early bird gets the worm."
link Hapi volume_up
Sounds fake.
link Claude volume_up
Aw, but I said it in my most earnest voice!
link Hapi volume_up
And your face betrayed you.
link Hapi volume_up
link Hapi volume_up
Still, it's surprising how easy you are to talk with. I figured a king would be an arrogant blowhard, but that's not you at all.
link Hapi volume_up
You're a lot more comfortable to be around than the emperor or the king of Faerghus.
link Claude volume_up
link Claude volume_up
Not sure if that's a compliment, but it's definitely not easy leading the Federation.
link Claude volume_up
I could spend days unloading my troubles on you and only scratch the surface.
link Hapi volume_up
Sounds like you've got your hands full. Also, please don't unload your troubles on me.
link Claude volume_up
Haha! Don't worry, I won't.
link Hapi volume_up
Still, if it's that much grief, why not quit?
link Hapi volume_up
link Hapi volume_up
You could have someone else take your place if you hate it so much. I mean, the whole thing was your idea, so you should be able to step aside if you want.
link Claude volume_up
Sure, I suppose I could do that.
link Claude volume_up
But that's not the path for me at the moment.
link Claude volume_up
The list of things I want to accomplish is as long as my arm, and if I want to see them become a reality, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.
link Hapi volume_up
Well then, I guess you've got my support.
link Hapi volume_up
I mean, all these heady thoughts and ideas are a bit above the level of yours truly...
link Hapi volume_up
But I can still give support. So chin up, Claudester. It's all gonna work out.
link Hapi volume_up
Someone I knew used to say that. A relative, I think? I can't really remember.
link Claude volume_up
Well, I appreciate it regardless—it's exactly the kind of thing I need to hear right now.
link Hapi volume_up
In that case, I'll double down. It's all gonna work out.
link Claude volume_up
It sounds even better the second time! Seriously, you should be telling that to everyone you meet.
link Hapi volume_up
There you go again, putting others first...
link Hapi volume_up
Yeah, well, it's all gonna work out, Claudester. I just have a feeling.