link Claude volume_up
So Holst's leading the soldiers' drills himself, eh?
link Claude volume_up
And everyone looks to be way more into it than usual. That's Holst for you, all right.
link Holst volume_up
My ears are burning, my lord.
link Claude volume_up
Holst! Well, what a surprise. I was just watching your drills.
link Claude volume_up
Everyone looks so spirited—probably because they know you're keeping an eye on them.
link Holst volume_up
So the soldiers aren't so enthusiastic with others?
link Holst volume_up
Training is only meaningful if it emulates true battle. Without tension, it's little more than exercise.
link Holst volume_up
We'll need to improve our methods at once.
link Claude volume_up
Let's cut them a little slack. It's not like they're all goofing around when you're not there.
link Claude volume_up
It's just that everyone gets a tiny bit more excited when they get to see you in the flesh.
link Claude volume_up
You're Leicester's living legend—the powerful warrior who accomplishes feats of undaunted heroism without even a Crest to help him.
link Claude volume_up
And they get to train and fight with you? Seriously, it's probably the biggest thrill of their lives.
link Holst volume_up
Ha! You have quite the gift for flattery.
link Holst volume_up
But someone like me is nothing when compared to the Ten Elites.
link Holst volume_up
Of course, I wouldn't walk away from that fight empty-handed. Even unaided, I bet I could take a limb or two before the end.
link Claude volume_up
If you can keep up with the Ten Elites, I'll need to invent some even more impressive flattery.
link Claude volume_up
But I meant what I said about the troops. Honestly, I feel the same excitement just standing next to you.
link Holst volume_up
Then it was worth my coming here.
link Holst volume_up
Still, I believe that you inspire far more trust and enthusiasm than I do.
link Holst volume_up
The Alliance would never have come together like this if that weren't the case.
link Claude volume_up
If only it would have. A little solidarity would go a long way for us.
link Claude volume_up
Anyway, thanks again, Holst. It's much appreciated.
link Holst volume_up
I'm just doing my job as the heir to House Goneril.
link Holst volume_up
All I do is for the sake of the Leicester Alliance.
link Holst volume_up
Though even more importantly, Hilda stands at your side. That alone is enough to keep me near at hand.
link Claude volume_up
It sounds like I need to thank Hilda instead, then.
link Holst volume_up
It couldn't hurt to do so—but also keep her safe.
link Holst volume_up
As you know, I've sworn to protect Fódlan's Throat with my very life if need be.
link Holst volume_up
So if the Almyrans turn their attentions to it, I'll have no choice but to return there at once.
link Claude volume_up
And if that happens, we'll be right there with you to drive them back.
link Claude volume_up
Call it a gut feeling, but I suspect their next attack will be a battle that changes Fódlan's fate forever.