link Hapi
link Hapi volume_up
Coco... I'm not gonna make it...
link Constance volume_up
Hapi? What in the world do you mean? You look rather unsteady all of a sudden.
link Hapi volume_up
I'm so sleepy... Why not just end my suffering now?
link Constance volume_up
Can you not pull yourself together? You were the one who volunteered for guard duty in the first place!
link Hapi volume_up
I know. But whenever it's just the two of us like this, it reminds me of how things used to be.
link Hapi volume_up
And then I get all nostalgic and sleepy. Usually I'd be in bed right now, you know.
link Constance volume_up
Well, I cannot deny feeling a little nostalgic myself.
link Hapi volume_up
I can't believe we're still together after everything that's happened.
link Hapi volume_up
First we had to help the knights, then we wound up in the Imperial army.
link Hapi volume_up
When you went back to the Empire, I thought that was it. But look at us now, together again.
link Hapi volume_up
We had to stick with the church for a while, and then we were lucky enough to be taken in by the Federation.
link Hapi volume_up
Wild, right? I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like we're best friends or something.
link Constance volume_up
Have you already forgotten what you once told me?
link Constance volume_up
You said that you would be so utterly lonesome without me to keep you company that it would only be a matter of time before you began to sigh.
link Constance volume_up
It was necessary that I stay with you in order to avert certain disaster. I had no choice in the matter, you see!
link Hapi volume_up
Did I really say all that?
link Constance volume_up
You did indeed! It was the very day we left Abyss, if memory serves.
link Hapi volume_up
All right then. Fine by me. I wonder what everyone else from Abyss is up to now.
link Constance volume_up
We know Balthus and Yuri are alive and well. And I believe it is likely everyone else is thriving too.
link Constance volume_up
I am certain everyone is alive and well. Just like we are, right now...
link Hapi volume_up
Yeah. I think you're probably right.
link Constance volume_up
Do you ever wish you could return to those days? Back in Abyss?
link Hapi volume_up
Me? Nah, not really.
link Hapi volume_up
Most of the people here don't know about my power. They actually treat me like a normal person.
link Constance volume_up
link Hapi volume_up
Plus, you're here. It's like you said, I'd get lonely without my Coco.
link Hapi volume_up
What about you? Would you be lonely without me?
link Constance volume_up
Well, lonely is not necessarily the word I'd use...
link Hapi volume_up
Hmmm... So it's just me then, huh?
link Constance volume_up
OK, fine! I would! I would be positively despondent without you here!
link Hapi volume_up
There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it? I'm glad you finally admitted it.
link Constance volume_up
You knew? Hmph. Why must you always tease me so?
link Hapi volume_up
Come on, you were pretty happy when I volunteered for guard duty, weren't you?
link Constance volume_up
Yes, well, you see...that was because it had already been assigned to me.
link Constance volume_up
I merely thought it would be easier to have a partner with whom I was already familiar.
link Hapi volume_up
Same here! That's why I volunteered. I knew you'd be my partner, Coco.
link Constance volume_up
Ugh! I simply cannot win with you!