link Shez volume_up
Hey, Manuela? Huh... She must be out.
link Manuela volume_up
Zzz... Ngh... Zzz...
link Shez volume_up
Did I hear something? Oh wait, is she sleeping in one of the patient beds?
link Manuela volume_up
Zzz... Oh you... So silly... Zzz...
link Shez volume_up
She's smiling. I wonder what she's dreaming about.
link Manuela volume_up
Wait... Don't go... So you're just...gonna leave?
link Shez volume_up
Uh oh. Now she's scowling. Looks like things are going downhill fast.
link Manuela volume_up
Get back here... You'll regret this...
link Manuela volume_up
You hear me?! I'll never forget... Oh!
link Shez volume_up
Morning, Manuela.
link Manuela volume_up
Oh my. I don't even remember falling asleep.
link Manuela volume_up
I don't suppose I was talking in my sleep, was I?
link Shez volume_up
You said something about someone leaving, like, "Don't go!"
link Manuela volume_up
Yeah, that's what happened in the dream. I thought I'd found the one. But in the end, he cast me aside.
link Shez volume_up
You said some stuff like, "Get back here!" and "You'll regret this!"
link Manuela volume_up
Ugh, yes. You see, I was trying to stop my dream man from leaving. I had tears streaming down my face and everything. But he just left me there. Alone.
link Shez volume_up
Nah, I didn't hear anything.
link Manuela volume_up
Really? I have a feeling you're just saying that. It's sweet of you, though.
link Manuela volume_up
Actually, I had the most dismal dream that I'd finally found my soulmate, only for him to dump me.
link Manuela volume_up
Just thinking about it makes me furious! How is it that even in my dreams I am hopelessly single— Oh, I, ugh... I need a moment.
link Shez volume_up
Are you OK?
link Manuela volume_up
I'm sorry, but...urgh, could I, uh, trouble you for a glass of water?
link Manuela volume_up
Phew, that is much better. Thank you.
link Shez volume_up
No problem. But, uh, it smells like you've been swimming in booze. Are you hungover?
link Manuela volume_up
I might be. Is that a problem?
link Shez volume_up
Well, I don't think the infirmary is supposed to look like a bear charged through here. That seems like a problem to me.
link Manuela volume_up
Back off, will you? You're the one who trounced in here unannounced and eavesdropped on my private— if humiliating—sleep talking.
link Manuela volume_up
And now you're attacking me for a tiny hangover and a messy room?
link Manuela volume_up
Who do you think you are, my husband?
link Shez volume_up
What? No. But as your friend and comrade, I can't not say anything.
link Manuela volume_up
I know, you're right. I'm sorry. I tend to fly off the handle when I'm embarrassed.
link Manuela volume_up
Hey, can I ask you for one teensy favor?
link Shez volume_up
Lemme guess, you want help getting this place cleaned up, right? I suppose I could lend you a hand.
link Manuela volume_up
No, no, not that. Would you be a dear and pretend like you didn't see any of this?
link Shez volume_up
Ah, gotcha. Don't worry, I won't say a word.
link Shez volume_up
You want me to pretend like none of this ever happened, right? Don't worry, I won't tell a soul.
link Manuela volume_up
You're a class act. Thank you. I don't want everyone to think worse of me than they already do.
link Manuela volume_up
I mean honestly, where did it all go wrong?
link Manuela volume_up
Did you know I was once a diva with the Mittelfrank Opera Company?
link Manuela volume_up
But now, apparently I'm just a "shadow of my former self." Can you believe how rude that is? Why would you kick a girl when she's down!
link Shez volume_up
What? But...I didn't...
link Manuela volume_up
How about this? In lieu of hush money for our little secret, perhaps I'll let you hear me sing next time.
link Manuela volume_up
I'll show you that this diva's just as dazzling as ever!
link Manuela volume_up
Now you have something to look forward to. Anyway, did you need something?
link Shez volume_up
Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm sure I had a reason to come in here, but now I don't have the slightest idea what...