Catherine tells Ashe what happened with his older brother, Christophe, from her perspective. Before he can digest what she's shared, however, familiar faces appear before him...

Pallardó volume_up
Why does nothing ever go as planned...
link Yuri volume_up
Hm... We need to secure an escape route, but I think we should deal with Ashe first.
link Catherine volume_up
Right, who knows how much longer he can hold out. We need to break through the troops surrounding him as soon as possible.
??? volume_up
If he'd never adopted this filthy wretch of a child, Lord Lonato would still draw breath!
link Ashe volume_up
I recognize all of these faces... No doubt they despise me for betraying Lonato.
link Catherine volume_up
The things I do for this kid... I see why his brother always looked out for him.
link Catherine volume_up
Ashe! I'm coming to rescue you, so don't you dare die before I get there!
link Ashe volume_up
Huh? Was that Catherine? What do I do?
Shez volume_up
Glad you're OK, Ashe. Now c'mon, let's haul ourselves out of here!
Shez volume_up
Glad you're OK, Ashe. Now c'mon, let's haul ourselves out of here!
link Ashe volume_up
I'm sorry for the trouble, really...
link Ashe volume_up
Catapults! Watch out, everyone!
link Catherine volume_up
That does it for the catapults. Now let's hurry and help Ashe before it's too late.
link Yuri volume_up
Oh, look. It's a trap. I'm so surprised. C'mon, let's kill these guys and get outta here.
??? volume_up
Lord Lonato looks down on you with scorn, you ungrateful peasant!
link Yuri volume_up
And what, Ashe was supposed to show his gratitude by dying alongside the guy? C'mon.
link Yuri volume_up
Ashe. You did what you did because you thought it was right, so don't give in now.
link Ashe volume_up
??? volume_up
Why you little...
link Ashe volume_up
I'm sorry, but I did what I thought was right.
link Catherine volume_up
Let's keep moving! Well, a different way, because there's no getting through here.
Shez volume_up
Lots of enemies this way, too. Guess we've just gotta push through 'em.
Shez volume_up
Lots of enemies this way, too. Guess we've just gotta push through 'em.
link Catherine volume_up
We've no other choice. Keep up, Ashe!
link Ashe volume_up
Yes, ma'am!
link Ashe volume_up
I get it now. Lonato would've wanted me to stay true to myself.
link Yuri volume_up
Well, well. Someone finally snapped out of it. You're looking good, Ashe—I mean, no match for me, but who is?
link Catherine volume_up
Our escape route's ready! All that's left is to take it out of here!
link Ashe volume_up
Let others say what they will—I've chosen my path!
link Yuri volume_up
Nope. Not getting through here. These folks are clearly trying to herd us in a certain direction, but I don't see another choice.
link Catherine volume_up
Don't worry, kid. No trap in all of Fódlan can hope to hold us!
link Ashe volume_up
Lonato would still be alive if I had just remained loyal and fought beside him...
link Yuri volume_up
OK, that was a lot more work than they're paying me for.
link Catherine volume_up
Don't go relaxing just yet—that tricky commander of theirs is still out there.
Pallardó volume_up
Oh dear. It appears my friends from Gaspard weren't up to the task.
link Catherine volume_up
He must be the one who incited this whole rebellion. He'll pay for that with his life!
link Pallardó volume_up
Me? No, no! I am but a humble merchant! Pray do not concern yourselves with me.
link Pallardó volume_up
Hmm... You're rather famous, aren't you? Yes, I imagine you'd fetch a tidy sum.
link Yuri volume_up
You? Capture me? Not likely.
link Pallardó volume_up
And after I sold them all those weapons, too... Bah! What a useless bunch.
link Ashe volume_up
You were just using House Gaspard! Admit it!
link Yuri volume_up
And that's that. Come on, Ashe. Let's go.
link Ashe volume_up
Thank you, everyone.