The Empire moves forward with its invasion of the Kingdom, trusting in its pact with the Alliance. But before you can strike at the heart of Faerghus, you must first traverse Ailell, the Valley of Torment.

link Edelgard volume_up
Claude clearly wants us to deal with the Kingdom and the church ourselves so that he can profit from the fallout.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, it would appear someone has let our plans slip. The enemy knew precisely how to box us in.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We will be torn apart if we fail to forestall the enemy. Seize their forward stronghold! Push their lines back!
link Edelgard volume_up
I had no intention of retreating anyway. Instead, we'll bring the fight to them before they can overwhelm us!
link Hubert volume_up
We cannot maintain our assault without some kind of foothold. Our strongholds must be protected at all costs!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Watch the ground! Even a single wrong step will cause undue pain!
link Linhardt volume_up
You people do love your bloodshed...
link Petra volume_up
Do not have fear! If we are taking control of one stronghold at a time, we will prevail!
link Caspar volume_up
The Kingdom's no match for us, and neither is the Alliance. Everyone just stay calm!
link Edelgard volume_up
We've gained an early advantage. Well fought, one and all!
Matthias volume_up
I will heal your wounds! Please, be careful out there.
link Hubert volume_up
What is this, the second coming of Saint Cethleann? Strike her down and put an end to it already!
link Monica volume_up
Say, check out that boulder. I wonder if we can use it to block the lava and reach the other side.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Our way is clear! Onward!
link Monica volume_up
Say, check out that boulder. I wonder if we can use it to block the lava and reach the other side.
Matthias volume_up
Why must you hurt each other like this? You are all brothers and sisters!
Matthias volume_up
I cannot take much more, yet the others will be in grave danger if I flee...
Arval volume_up
Flayn, no more! Get to safety!
Matthias volume_up
Very well, Brother—but you must swear not to put yourself in unnecessary danger!
Felix volume_up
My turn. I'll carve my way right through them.
link Caspar volume_up
Not on my watch, pal!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
What sort of knight draws a weapon on his own king? You disgust me.
link Ashe volume_up
I had no choice. And if it's you or me, then I'm telling you right now, it won't be me!
link Mercedes volume_up
I'm so sorry it's come to this, Felix. I don't suppose you'd be willing to stand aside?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Not a chance. You know what I fight for.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
All right. You'll do.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm still on my feet, and I can still hold a sword...which means I can keep fighting!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ha! You think a few nicks and scratches will send me packing?
Kostas volume_up
Stand down, Felix!
Sylvain volume_up
It's a wonder you can still stand. Now would you please let us handle the rest?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
You better come back alive, Sylvain—or else!
Kostas volume_up
I hope you're watching, Ingrid—today is the day I avenge you.
Kostas volume_up
I know you had no choice, but that doesn't mean I have to forgive you.
link Ashe volume_up
Yeah...which means the only thing left for us is to fight.
Kostas volume_up
Oh, Mercedes... Why did it have to be you?
link Mercedes volume_up
I'm sorry, Sylvain. I know nothing I can say will ever be enough.
Kostas volume_up
I hope you're ready to part with your head, because I mean to lay it at my friend's grave.
Kostas volume_up
This is nothing compared to the pain she felt!
Sylvain volume_up
Forgive me, Your Majesty... May fortune favor you in battle...
Leonie volume_up
Not you too, Sylvain! What am I supposed to do now...
link Edelgard volume_up
If we keep this up, the battle may be ended before it can truly begin.
link Dorothea volume_up
It's unnerving how well we're doing. I hope that means we're headed for a quick victory.
link Bernadetta volume_up
I'm in way over my head, but I'm not letting up until it's over!
Dimitri volume_up
You will go no further.
Dimitri volume_up
I will kill you before I let you harm our king.
link Ashe volume_up
Dedue, no...
Dimitri volume_up
I will kill you before I let you harm our king.
Dimitri volume_up
In the name of His Majesty, you will perish here.
Dimitri volume_up
My chances dim...
Dimitri volume_up
Ngh... I'm not finished yet!
Leonie volume_up
Fall back, Dedue! Please! I cannot afford to lose you!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Well, if this is our fearless leader's big moment, I guess I can pitch in.
link Marianne volume_up
Why, Hilda? We were allies... Friends!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Sorry, Marianne. Looks like you picked the wrong side.
link Balthus volume_up
Hang on. I don't wanna kill you. Is your leader out of his mind?
Viscount Albany volume_up
Hey, I chose this. But if you really wanna be nice to me, you could always just step aside.
link Lorenz volume_up
What is the point of this needless bloodshed, Hilda? We should not even be fighting!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Oh, I'm with you on that—but I'm also not the one sitting at the Empire's table, am I?
link Lysithea volume_up
It was selfish of Claude to drag you into his ambitions.
Viscount Albany volume_up
He didn't "drag" me into anything. Now are you gonna try and stop me or not?
Viscount Albany volume_up
Can't you let me pass for old times' sake? C'mon, please?
link Ignatz volume_up
No! Why are you doing this? I thought the Alliance was finally going to know peace!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Can't you let me pass for old times' sake? C'mon, please?
link Raphael volume_up
Sorry, Hilda, but my reason for being here is just as good as yours.
Viscount Albany volume_up
Can't you let me pass for old times' sake? C'mon, please?
Viscount Albany volume_up
Get ready for Hilda Valentine Goneril!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Well, this turned out to be a stupid idea... Now what do I do?
Gustave volume_up
Hilda's in trouble! Archers, give her some cover!
Gustave volume_up
Call it off when you need to, Hilda. There's no shame in falling back!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Thanks, Claude. But I'll be OK so long as the archers are with me!
Viscount Albany volume_up
No, the archers! I should probably get outta here...
Gustave volume_up
You did good, Hilda! Now let me take over!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Things aren't looking so hot...
Gustave volume_up
I told you to get outta there, Hilda! Now back off and let me take over!
Viscount Albany volume_up
Sorry, Claude—and good luck!
Gustave volume_up
Enough messing around—you'll have to contend with me now!
link Hubert volume_up
The man strides to the fore knowing it could cost him his life? Astounding.
Gustave volume_up
Edelgard's lucky to have someone like you on her side. I envy her.
Shez volume_up
You'd be right here with us if you didn't decide to stab her in the back!
Shez volume_up
You'd be right here with us if you didn't decide to stab her in the back!
link Edelgard volume_up
This is a shame, Claude. I thought we'd finally forged a path to true friendship.
Gustave volume_up
What can I say? I've got big dreams, same as you. Plus, I think we both knew this was gonna happen eventually.
Gustave volume_up
Say, Lorenz. If this all goes sideways for me, can I trust you to take care of the Alliance?
link Lorenz volume_up
Of course—but the Alliance will assuredly be a lonelier place without you.
link Lysithea volume_up
It's not like you to pick a losing battle, Claude.
Gustave volume_up
Are you kidding? All I've done my whole life is fight losing battles— but this is the first one I'm gonna win!
Gustave volume_up
Your father's not gonna like this one bit... Too bad this is one time I can't stand down.
link Marianne volume_up
Then I'll just have to do everything in my power to stop you!
link Ignatz volume_up
Why didn't you ask me about any of this first? We were classmates! Fellow Golden Deer!
Gustave volume_up
"Were" classmates. Now you're just another one of House Gloucester's lousy knights.
link Hubert volume_up
And here I thought you were a rational man—although I admit I find myself rather admiring of your ambition.
Gustave volume_up
I guess watching you do whatever you wanted all over Fódlan finally rubbed off of me.
link Raphael volume_up
I can't believe you, Claude! By putting the Alliance in danger, you put Maya in danger!
Gustave volume_up
I know, but it had to be done. Also, you're talking like I'm going to lose!
Gustave volume_up
People trusted me to pull this off... I have to win!
Claude volume_up
It was a good strategy, but not good enough. And now look what I've done to all of you...
link Edelgard volume_up
It's not what you wanted, Claude. But the world won't forget your ambition, because it will live on through me.
Arval volume_up
We are losing the battle... I must act!
Arval volume_up
The Empire and all who prostrate themselves before it will be punished by my hand!
Arval volume_up
Gone are the days when the battlefield would shudder before me—but I am not beaten yet!
Arval volume_up
Bested again... But I must live on, for Flayn!
link Monica volume_up
That was the archbishop's aide, but there's still no sign of most of the Knights of Seiros.
Leonie volume_up
I take the field. Every last one of them will yield to me...or they shall perish.
link Edelgard volume_up
Courage, now! The time has come to bring our war with the Kingdom to its end!
Leonie volume_up
Our conflict ends here. I shall see to your demise with my own two hands!
Shez volume_up
I'm up against the king of Faerghus himself... but I'm not about to back down!
Shez volume_up
I'm up against the king of Faerghus himself... but I'm not about to back down!
link Edelgard volume_up
It's not too late, Dimitri. Sever ties with the Central Church and return to your people.
Leonie volume_up
And I'm to believe that will end your aggression? You'll come for me anyway. Your thirst for blood is unquenchable.
link Ashe volume_up
Your Majesty, I...
Leonie volume_up
Save your words, Ashe. There can be no turning back for either of us.
link Mercedes volume_up
I never thought this would be how we'd meet again.
Leonie volume_up
Nor I, Mercedes. My heart aches.
Leonie volume_up
What is this folly? Yours is not the head I seek.
Leonie volume_up
I will sacrifice my own body if I must. Every ounce of my being I offer for the future of Faerghus!
Leonie volume_up
If I die, the Kingdom dies... I must retreat...
Gustave volume_up
Looks like Dimitri's called it quits. Guess that means it's down to us.
Gustave volume_up
Dimitri's made his move. Time for me to swoop in there and claim victory!
link Hubert volume_up
The battle is nearing its end, but I wager this will be a fight to the finish.
link Edelgard volume_up
Stand ready, everyone! The only victory I'll accept is one where Dimitri and Claude both lie defeated before me!
Gustave volume_up
Prepare yourselves to face Claude von Riegan, protector of all Leicester!
Gustave volume_up
It was a good strategy, but not good enough... Better lay low for a bit and plan my next move.
Leonie volume_up
Claude retreated? Well, no matter—we're not here for him anyway.
link Edelgard volume_up
I don't think we've all been on the same field since the mock battles at the academy.
Leonie volume_up
Heh. It feels almost akin to ancient history.
Gustave volume_up
We never did decide a real victor back then, but I guess now's our chance to settle the score once and for all.
Leonie volume_up
There's no diplomacy that can mend the rift between us, so let us get on with the fight.
Gustave volume_up
Wait, you're coming for me? I thought you were after Edelgard!
link Edelgard volume_up
There's no time to give chase. Still, this is a victory for the Empire all the same.
Shez volume_up
Yeah, they kept us guessing, but at least we... Huh? What's that?!
Shez volume_up
Yeah, they kept us guessing, but at least we... Huh? What's that?!
Byleth volume_up
Butcher most vile. You killed the sire of this vessel, and now you die for it.
Byleth volume_up
Butcher most vile. You killed the sire of this vessel, and now you die for it.
link Arval volume_up
It's you the monster wants, so let's give the Ashen Demon a fitting end.
Shez volume_up
You're strong...but I've got a little something of my own—and this time, I know I can take you!
Shez volume_up
You're strong...but I've got a little something of my own—and this time, I know I can take you!
Linhardt volume_up
Our foe intends to win. But just for you, I'll see the pest crushed underfoot myself.
Linhardt volume_up
You arrogant speck! Begone! This fight is not for you.
Linhardt volume_up
This vessel will not move as I command!
link Arval volume_up
The monster's losing control. Now's our chance to finish it!
Linhardt volume_up
This vessel will not move as I command!
Linhardt volume_up
You wretched...hateful...thing!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Go! Seize the Empire's strongholds!
??? volume_up
Attack! Don't let those Imperial weaklings scare you!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh no! They're coming at us from the front and the rear!
link Edelgard volume_up
It will take more than that to stop us, but stay alert and keep an eye on both armies!
Citizen volume_up
Go! Seize the Empire's strongholds!
??? volume_up
Attack! Don't let those Imperial weaklings scare you!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Oh no! They're coming at us from the front and the rear!
Gustave volume_up
Now! Give the signal!
Gustave volume_up
The Empire's fanned out to the north and south! Split them in two and box them in!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Alliance reinforcements have appeared in the middle of our ranks!
link Edelgard volume_up
There's no time to regroup. Just deal with them as best you can and minimize casualties!
link Linhardt volume_up
Now I know what death's door looks like...
link Edelgard volume_up
Take control of the whole area. Our victory must be beyond question!
link Monica volume_up
That just leaves the enemy leaders...
link Hubert volume_up
Those are the forces we slipped our agents into.
link Hubert volume_up
A seed early sown is a reward richly reaped. Imperial agents! Break disguise and cut the Alliance down!
Gustave volume_up
Looks like they didn't trust me as much as I thought... Well, this is gonna hurt.
link Hubert volume_up
It seems the enemy already discovered our agents and put an end to them.
link Hubert volume_up
Just in case, I put eyes on those enemy archers. We can eliminate them on your command.
link Edelgard volume_up
Do it! Take out the archers!
Citizen volume_up
How did the Empire...get behind us...
Gustave volume_up
Hubert set us up! I should've known he'd have a dozen tricks up his sleeve...
link Hubert volume_up
Those archers have been put to flight. I will have to find another task for our agents.
link Monica volume_up
We can probably secure a crossing if we find a way to stop the lava.
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, but if we can cross, so too can our enemy. Now is not the time.
link Monica volume_up
We should be able to take our troops across now that the ground has cooled.
??? volume_up
Look, the lava stopped! They're wide open! Attack!
link Hubert volume_up
It seems we were too hasty with that strategy...
link Hubert volume_up
The enemy has dispatched flying units to the fore. It no longer serves us to delay stopping the lava.
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Ferdinand volume_up
If we do not maintain control of our footholds as we go, the battle will turn against us!
link Hubert volume_up
Our army will collapse if the enemy wrests control of all of our strongholds! Fight back!
link Edelgard volume_up
Our troops are scattering! We've lost!