1. And that's why Rhea has decided to take Tomas into [cdb]custody.
  2. When he gets back, that is. Seems he's been away [cdb]from the monastery for a bit.
  3. Custody? They ought to end his life on the spot! The churl's enmity toward the church is plain for all [cdb]to see!
  4. All the more reason to keep him alive and question [cdb]him. You really think he's working alone?
  5. This all comes from that Monica girl we rescued, [cdb]right? Still, I guess if Lady Rhea believes her...
  6. So who is this Tomas guy anyway? You say he works [cdb]in the library?
  7. So who is this Tomas guy anyway? You say he works [cdb]in the library?
  8. Yes, and he's always bent over backward to help me [cdb]find whatever book I'm searching for.
  9. He's a kind man—and the last person you'd ever [cdb]expect to stab you in the back.
  10. Well, you won't make it too far as an evildoer if you [cdb]can't pull the wool over people's eyes.
  11. I can't believe someone that nasty was working right [cdb]here under our noses.
  12. But wait... What if the dining hall lady is a traitor, [cdb]too? I'll never be able to ask for seconds again!
  13. As if anything would stop you from asking for [cdb]seconds. Besides, what kind of villain sets their [cdb]sights on someone's lunch?
  14. I think we can give the poor dining hall lady the [cdb]benefit of the doubt. Right?
  15. I think we can give the poor dining hall lady the [cdb]benefit of the doubt. Right?
  16. Trust the dining staff.
  17. Suspect the dining hall staff.
  18. If we can't trust the hand that feeds us, we can trust [cdb]nothing.
  19. If we can't trust the hand that feeds us, we can trust [cdb]nothing.
  20. Exactly. If we start looking at everyone with [cdb]suspicion, we may as well pack up and go our [cdb]separate ways now.
  21. For now we should assume everyone could be an [cdb]enemy. There's no telling where their spies might be [cdb]lurking.
  22. For now, we should assume everyone could be an [cdb]enemy. There's no telling where their spies might be [cdb]lurking.
  23. Well, unless you're proposing we stop eating [cdb]altogether, we'd best muster a little faith.
  24. I'd really like to stop talking about the dining hall [cdb]lady now, please.
  25. So is it safe to assume Tomas hired the bandits that [cdb]tried to kill us?
  26. No one has proven he was the mastermind behind it [cdb]all, but there is no doubt he was involved.
  27. You're awfully quiet, Marianne. Is everything OK?
  28. Oh, it's just, I suppose I'm worried about what this [cdb]all means.
  29. Hey, I understand. These walls were supposed to keep [cdb]trouble out, but now everything feels very different.
  30. Wait. Do you hear that outside?
  31. Are they ready at the gates?
  32. Yes, sir! Every exit is covered!
  33. Well, well. It sounds like Tomas has returned.
  34. I don't know why I know this, but you need to get out [cdb]there—and quickly.
  35. Dash off without a word.
  36. Mention Tomas before you run off.
  37. Sheesh, what's gotten into— Oh! Tomas!
  38. I think he's here. I'll be back!
  39. I think he's here. I'll be back!
  40. But let's do it together! Wait, what are we doing?