1. I fear I may have miscalculated, my son.
  2. How can that be possible, Father? We have the enemy [cdb]surrounded.
  3. Yes, and they have yet to give a damn.
  4. Time grows short, and soon Edelgard's [cdb]reinforcements will descend upon the Alliance.
  5. Then we will hold them off at the Great Bridge!
  6. And they will find another way.
  7. If they manage to take even one of the Airmid River's [cdb]crossings, they can break through our ranks.
  8. And while that may not spell immediate defeat, it will [cdb]dash any hopes of Count Bergliez's surrender.
  9. Eventually, Edelgard's army will wash over the land. And then, my son, we will be defeated.
  10. Speak plain, Father, I beg of you. What does this [cdb]mean for House Gloucester?
  11. Do not fret, Lorenz.
  12. This was a leap of faith we had to take to better [cdb]our territory's fortunes.
  13. When Claude came to me with this offer, I [cdb]determined the reward to be worth the risk.
  14. If the gambit fails, so be it. All it means is that our [cdb]house will have to swear allegiance to the Empire.
  15. Edelgard will never settle for such. She will demand... Oh, Father. No!
  16. I am proud of you, my son. You have grown into a [cdb]man strong and wise enough to lead our house.
  17. Is there nothing that can be done?
  18. What of your dream to claim the Alliance leadership [cdb]from House Riegan?
  19. It is your house now—you determine our path.
  20. Besides, when the dust finally settles from this war, [cdb]there may not be an Alliance to lead.
  21. So I am to submit to the Empire and carve out as big [cdb]a place for our family as I can? Is that it?
  22. You would have me put an end to the Leicester Alliance?!
  23. Perhaps my praise of your wisdom was ill-advised.
  24. You get ahead of yourself, Lorenz. We bend the knee [cdb]only if we lose—not before.
  25. And as you said, we may yet be able to drive back the [cdb]emperor's reinforcements and win the day.
  26. Always think two steps ahead, my son. Be clever. Survive. That is the lesson I seek to impart.
  27. ...
  28. I had best go prepare for my final battle as Count Gloucester.
  29. However this plays out, look for a way for our house [cdb]to prosper and seize it, Lorenz. Seize it!
  30. That is how Erwin Fritz Gloucester fights, and it is [cdb]how you must fight as well!