1. You saved my life. Feel free to take one of these as [cdb]thanks.
  2. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. You saved my life. Please, take one of my family's [cdb]heirlooms as thanks.
  6. These are valuable pieces. Please take one.
  7. <<<EMPTY>>>
  8. I have heard of your exploits and greatly look up to [cdb]you. Please let me fight under you.
  9. I owe you my life. Take this as a token of my [cdb]gratitude.
  10. I want to evacuate, but I don't have enough gold to [cdb]cover the travel expenses. If you lend me a hand, I'm [cdb]willing to give you something in return.
  11. I've collected plenty of information. I do hope that you [cdb]find it useful.
  12. Sorry, but I'm too old for the battlefield. Let me [cdb]teach you what I know instead.
  13. We can't get any work done with all these bandits [cdb]around. Would you deal with them for us?
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. Now we can use this place again. Go ahead and take [cdb]this. We've got extra.
  16. I have heard that the fog is thick in these parts. Let us [cdb]take measures to ensure we are not ambushed.
  17. I couldn't have gotten through that without you. I [cdb]can't give you anything for free, but I'll lower my [cdb]prices.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. <<<EMPTY>>>
  20. Thank you! We will do our best to repay the favor!
  21. That lawless bunch of bandits looted everything. I [cdb]want you to go teach them a lesson!
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. Eek! I'll cooperate fully and return all the money I [cdb]took. Just don't kill me!
  24. Thank you! It's not much, but please take these.
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. <<<EMPTY>>>
  27. We're traveling mages. If anyone wishes to learn, [cdb]we'd be willing to give some lessons.
  28. I like you guys. You're pretty capable. One of you is [cdb]gonna get to learn my signature move.
  29. I would love to support you in your cause any way [cdb]that I can. It isn't much, but please take these!
  30. You don't come across one of these every day. If you [cdb]want it, don't let this chance pass you by.
  31. As much as I hate to say this, we surrender. I'll give [cdb]you the remainder of our supplies, so please spare my [cdb]subordinates' lives.
  32. Our soldiers recovered these. Please use them to [cdb]fortify our army!
  33. That myrmidon was talking about personal training [cdb]tips. And the monk over there is good at giving [cdb]advice.
  34. Feel free to take one of these weapons. They're [cdb]prototypes, so I'm not charging for them.
  35. This is a very promising bunch. I will strengthen one [cdb]among you who has sufficient talent.
  36. These are books I've collected. I'd be willing to give [cdb]them to you if any among you are dedicated to the [cdb]pursuit of knowledge.
  37. If you need more troops, I have some ready right [cdb]now. You may hire one of these battalions.
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. We've got room for one more pair to join! Are you interested?
  40. With all the fighting around here, we can't get much [cdb]work done. If you help us out, we'll teach you a [cdb]hunter's recipe.
  41. I'm not sure of the health benefits yet. Why don't you [cdb]take one and find out?
  42. I'm looking for something in particular here. If you've [cdb]got any for me, I'll make it worth your while.
  43. No! Just let us live! Here, we'll give you back [cdb]everything we grabbed!
  44. You saved our village! Please take one of these [cdb]treasures as thanks!
  45. You all look like you've got some skills. There's a [cdb]prize for the winner. Anyone interested?
  46. Thanks, you saved my life. Once I'm all recovered, I'd be happy to do some work for you!
  47. Thank you. I hope this information is useful to you.
  48. You're a restless bunch. Sit down and learn some [cdb]meditation.
  49. We came to help Lord Lonato, but now that it's real, [cdb]we're all so afraid.
  50. The fact that you've come commands our deepest [cdb]respect. Fear not. We will find places for all of you.
  51. Wow, you folks are strong. Let us pitch in to help [cdb]you. We'll do anything!
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. You all seem like valuable customers. As a welcome [cdb]bonus, I'll let you have one of these for free.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. <<<EMPTY>>>
  56. We're rooting for you! Take anything you think you [cdb]can use.
  57. Now we don't have to worry about supplies. Go on [cdb]and take what you need.
  58. Don't think this is over! Our lord will defeat you!
  59. We sympathize with the future you're trying to [cdb]achieve. Here, please take this. Everyone in town [cdb]saved up to give it to you!
  60. Got some wares here that might help ya out. Whaddya say?
  61. Thanks. You can have one of these. They're pretty [cdb]rare, you know!
  62. OK, we got it! We'll beat it and we'll even give back [cdb]the goods! Just don't kill us!
  63. <<<EMPTY>>>
  64. Things are going well right now and we have [cdb]extra supplies. Take whatever you want.
  65. I don't want to get drawn into this war business. Help [cdb]me escape and I'll give you something as thanks.
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. I'm getting as far away as possible, so I'm trying to [cdb]lighten my load. Take anything you want.
  68. I'll give you whatever you want! Just leave me alone. I may have deserted, but I'll never work with you.
  69. We support what you're doing. We don't have much [cdb]to offer, but take this for your cause.
  70. We can't do business here anymore with all these [cdb]bandits around. So we'll let this go for cheap before it [cdb]gets stolen.
  71. Good thing we saved them. With the extra troops, we [cdb]now have more strategies at our disposal.
  72. Thank you for your assistance. Please allow us to join [cdb]you!
  73. Archers comprise the bulk of the enemy army. This [cdb]should allow us to turn the tide of battle.
  74. The supplies on your list are all right here. May [cdb]we prevail in battle!
  75. Yes, all the amounts are correct. I'll order our combat [cdb]engineers to get to work immediately.
  76. I've brought you some goods that just came in! I'll [cdb]have to charge you for them, but I guarantee you'll [cdb]find them useful.
  77. Their magic skills will be of great use. We must [cdb]position them well for optimal support of the troops.
  78. We were cut off from His Excellency's main army. Please, help us.
  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. <<<EMPTY>>>
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. Sorry it took us so long to rendezvous with you. We're here to fight by your side.
  83. Very well. You'll be posted at the rear, but we will [cdb]indeed be counting on your unit.
  84. Welcome! We're currently having a sale. Are these to [cdb]your liking?
  85. I'm going to take a look at your skills with a sword. Don't worry, you'll get something good in return.
  86. No thank you, I find myself more suited to this [cdb]lifestyle. Simply allow me to pray for your safety.
  87. I'm glad to train anyone who's proven themselves on [cdb]the battlefield!
  88. We are ready to fight for you. Use us as you will.
  89. These are sorcery engineers of House Vestra. They [cdb]have already been notified of their mission.
  90. I was about to take the last of my wares and run. But [cdb]for someone like you, I'd be willing to give you [cdb]everything.
  91. There's something I want very badly. Could you [cdb]bring it to me? I'll reward you for it.
  92. <<<EMPTY>>>
  93. I have high hopes for you. Make sure you do not [cdb]disappoint.
  94. Thank you for the support. We won't let you down. Just wait for word of our success with the mission.
  95. Off, are they? If they do succeed, that will see the [cdb]battle half done.
  96. Yes, that information seems to be accurate. Now we [cdb]can take the enemy by surprise.
  97. Do you have one more of this? I'll trade you for [cdb]something good.
  98. Thanks for the help. I can give you this weapon in [cdb]return, though I admit it's a little rusty.
  99. <<<EMPTY>>>
  100. Are any of you confident in your magic? We have a [cdb]prize for anyone who can prove themselves.
  101. They may be inexperienced, but I admire their [cdb]determination. We'll leave some behind to guard the [cdb]village and add the rest to our forces.
  102. I gathered these in the forest. Take anything that [cdb]looks useful.
  103. We hit some hard bedrock and can't mine any further. Do you have anyone who could break through it?
  104. Yes, this is everything we asked for. The engineers [cdb]will handle it from here.
  105. Your passion has inspired me. I'm happy to give you [cdb]this book on a dancer's secret techniques.
  106. Thank you! I'll give you a small discount on my [cdb]wares.
  107. Enemy soldiers are amassing in every region. We [cdb]must strike first and divide them up.
  108. <<<EMPTY>>>
  109. A brawler and a traveling entertainer are here. It's [cdb]nice to see smiles on everyone's faces again.
  110. We have enough stones. Now all that's left is to [cdb]construct the onager and our plan will be complete.
  111. Attacking from afar will grant us an advantage in [cdb]battle. We'll rush our preparations so we can make it [cdb]in time.
  112. I came across an odd building in the mine, and I [cdb]found that inside. Would it be helpful to you?
  113. Do you know what my favorite food is? Give it to me [cdb]and I'll give you my book in return.
  114. I'll slip in with some merchants and sneak into enemy [cdb]territory. Await my report.
  115. Your clothes and equipment match what is typical for [cdb]this region. You should be able to blend in without [cdb]getting detected.
  116. If you've got the cash up-front, I can work fast to get [cdb]you more troops.
  117. There's a secret technique passed down in my family. I'll teach it to you, so please! Help me out here!
  118. I'm planning on closing down my shop and returning [cdb]to my hometown. Take whatever you want, free of [cdb]charge.
  119. We can't fight anymore, but we can sure give you [cdb]some pointers.
  120. We cooked this using crops harvested from the fields. There's plenty to go around, so would you like to [cdb]join us?
  121. That is the message the Alliance leader wished to [cdb]convey. Our unit will aid you in whatever way we [cdb]can.
  122. Could you tell Claude that we've received his [cdb]message? We'll hurry to get everything ready as well.
  123. <<<EMPTY>>>
  124. I can't do business here anymore. I'll let this go to you [cdb]for cheap.
  125. Neither should be weak. I'll leave you to them. If [cdb]they're not strong enough, I'll train them up myself.
  126. I suppose you can call this the strength of the people. We'd better not underestimate them.
  127. <<<EMPTY>>>
  128. We don't have enough rations. If you can spare [cdb]anything for us, we'll reward you.
  129. You're welcome to take one of these! And as a sign of [cdb]our newfound friendship, I won't even charge you for [cdb]it!
  130. Please take us with you! We'll give our lives for the [cdb]archbishop!
  131. I appreciate that offer. May we fight well together.
  132. The fog gets pretty thick around here. Take this so [cdb]you don't get lost.
  133. Some of us will stay behind to defend the town, but [cdb]please take the rest of us with you into battle.
  134. Unfortunately, we don't have enough feed. If you [cdb]have any vegetables to share, we'll give you [cdb]something in return.
  135. The enemy will use every tactic at their disposal. We [cdb]must be especially guarded against magical attacks.
  136. Here you finally are. Let's put you to work.
  137. What finely honed skills. I hardly recognize them [cdb]anymore. This should mean we can expect great [cdb]things from them at the next battle.
  138. Do you have another of this? I'll give you a reward if [cdb]you let me have it. Heh.
  139. How very formidable you all are. We'll need to rally [cdb]ourselves as well.
  140. I want to meet a gallant knight riding on a horse. This book is for that knight.
  141. I could make some fine equipment if I had that to [cdb]work with. Bring me what I'm after and I won't [cdb]charge you for labor.
  142. Who would've ever thought that I'd end up doing [cdb]this? Ha! People sure are funny.
  143. We want to fight in your army. Please, take us with [cdb]you.
  144. Once we're done checking all this over, we'll get back [cdb]on the road.
  145. Heh. I've tapped into a nice vein of ore. I'll give you a [cdb]discount if you want to buy anything.
  146. I heard from someone who came from Elidure [cdb]territory that magic exploded from a weird pillar [cdb]and destroyed the nearby village.
  147. It sounds like the enemy possesses a powerful magical [cdb]weapon. It may be good to send a scout to investigate.
  148. A thousand apologies for being late! We'll make it up [cdb]on the battlefield, we promise!
  149. Defense should be much easier with them on our side. I'll think of the best way to make use of them.
  150. May the blessings of the goddess be upon you. Please, [cdb]take one of these.
  151. Please save my mother! They say only healing magic [cdb]can cure her.
  152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  153. You're going to give someone medicine you just [cdb]picked up off the ground? Well, don't blame me if [cdb]anything goes wrong.
  154. The goddess was our foundation. We don't know who [cdb]did this and we're beside ourselves.
  155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  156. Our training is complete. We will follow you into any [cdb]battle!
  157. So you've finished. We'll be counting on you.
  158. Thank you for making it back alive. We will be sure to [cdb]make the most of this information.
  159. You want to try your hand? There's a prize in it for [cdb]you if you beat us.
  160. Fódlan's war is good for the earning of money. I give [cdb]you one of my country's weapons to try.
  161. During battle, bring us your wounded. Though it [cdb]would be better if no one was hurt in the first place.
  162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  163. We did it for the mission, not because we wanted to!
  164. This will be difficult to pull off, but I guess we've got [cdb]to try. First we should probably review our battle [cdb]style.
  165. I am ashamed to have lost so many troops, but we [cdb]managed to recover some supplies.
  166. You know, I'm also a sword collector. If you've got [cdb]anything good, I'm willing to train you.
  167. This is a keepsake of my husband's. I will give it to [cdb]you with the hopes that you avenge him!
  168. The trade routes have become much more dangerous [cdb]as of late. Please seize the area to give us safe [cdb]passage.
  169. It is an honor to instruct you. I will teach you all that I know!
  170. I need inspiration for my next play. The sight of a [cdb]horned pegasus should do it.
  171. That was a breeze! So what do you think? How [cdb]about adding one of our units to your forces?
  172. The enemy's formation is rock solid. We may need to [cdb]attack from the rear.
  173. That's my absolute favorite. If you give it to me, I'll [cdb]do some work for you.
  174. There's a trick to drawing out your full strength, you [cdb]know. I'll teach one of you how to do it.
  175. They're rusted, but I sense an unusual power [cdb]emanating from them. Would you like to take one [cdb]with you?
  176. Wait until you get the signal. We'll take the enemy by [cdb]surprise.
  177. I lost the hair ornament I was going to give to my [cdb]daughter. It was a rare one that isn't sold around here.
  178. <<<EMPTY>>>
  179. I would bet that soldiers are lying in wait somewhere [cdb]around here. If we can find out where they are, we [cdb]could take the enemy by surprise.
  180. I'm traveling across Fódlan collecting literature. If [cdb]you have something I'm interested in, I'm willing to [cdb]trade.
  181. Thank you! Let me repay you with something! Here, [cdb]these are the pastilles we take. They'll make you [cdb]stronger.
  182. Looks like we're going to need good defense for this [cdb]battle. We should put together an expert unit.
  183. I want to craft a pen of some kind for my daughter, [cdb]but I don't have the right materials.
  184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  185. It is good to hold a feast now and then. His Majesty [cdb]looked like he was enjoying himself as well.
  186. We've gotten it all set up. You may give the order to [cdb]launch the plan into action at any time.
  187. Very well, then please take your positions. We're [cdb]counting on you.
  188. I was about to take the last of my wares and run. Go [cdb]on and take one of my leftovers.
  189. We promise not to fight for the enemy, and we'll even [cdb]give you a nice weapon! So please, let us go!
  190. The enemy is utilizing a cluster formation. In that [cdb]case, I have the perfect strategy in mind. I'll go give [cdb]the archers their orders.
  191. We can still fight. Please let us come with you.
  192. <<<EMPTY>>>
  193. You saved our lives! The village gathered these and [cdb]we want you to have them.
  194. You've saved me time and time again. Allow me to [cdb]give you a discount.
  195. Our skills have been honed. Please let us help you in [cdb]the next battle!
  196. Good to see everyone in such high spirits. I guess I've [cdb]got to cheer on such hard workers.
  197. I was shot at by bandits, and they did it partially for [cdb]sport. I'm resting and taking it easy, but it's taking a [cdb]long time to heal.
  198. <<<EMPTY>>>
  199. We can't let down anchor here, so we're stringing [cdb]smaller boats together to make a pontoon.
  200. Interesting. I never thought to use boats that way. That may be advantageous in a naval battle.
  201. This stuff'll only slow me down, so I'll give it to you [cdb]for cheap.
  202. Now we can strip the Imperial army down to their [cdb]bones. Tell everyone to prepare to implement our [cdb]strategy.
  203. We're ready to launch the beacon. All that's left is to [cdb]sneak it into the designated location.
  204. I don't know what kind of wild scheme our leader [cdb]has come up with this time, but let's see what he's got [cdb]up his sleeve.
  205. We've picked out the most capable archers in the [cdb]army and assembled them. We'll shoot through any [cdb]target!
  206. Wow, they've all gotten so strong. Guess that means I [cdb]can sit back and take up the rear.
  207. Coordinating with one another will be even more [cdb]important going forward. We should do a lot of [cdb]practical exercises.
  208. Have you heard about the shoes that have a [cdb]mysterious power? Rumor has it that a soldier tried [cdb]them on and could suddenly run much faster.
  209. Sounds like a rumor is all that is. But if it is true, I'd [cdb]love to get my hands on those shoes. Let's look into it.
  210. I wasn't sure what was going to happen for a second [cdb]there. Once we get back to camp, I'm completely at [cdb]your disposal!
  211. You would dabble in something so questionable? Respectfully, I will have no part in that.
  212. This dish is my specialty. I'll teach you how to make [cdb]it.
  213. Sorry, but we have to make a living too. Take one of [cdb]these and let us off.
  214. Do not neglect to spend time with your troops and [cdb]fellow soldiers. The more you interact with them, the [cdb]stronger your bonds will be.
  215. Where is that person from? At least it doesn't [cdb]look like they're selling anything too weird.
  216. Aww, better luck next time. You'll all keep me safe, [cdb]right?
  217. I've picked some medicinal herbs in this area. Let me [cdb]give you one, although I don't know what its effects [cdb]are.
  218. Thank you. Do you think I could serve under you? I'm confident in my training.
  219. I'm sorry to bring this up. I can carry out the mission, [cdb]but I'm a little worried we don't have enough people [cdb]assigned.
  220. We're short of hands everywhere, so that's [cdb]no wonder. Let us allocate some soldiers from [cdb]each unit.
  221. Most people tend to woefully overlook logistics, but [cdb]a noble such as I would never be so careless.
  222. I always wanted to be a bow knight. An injury has set [cdb]me back, but I still haven't given up on that dream.
  223. <<<EMPTY>>>
  224. I'm good at seeing through others' intentions, but it [cdb]does make my eyes hurt every time. Haha! Just [cdb]kidding.
  225. We're rooting for you. Please restore peace to the [cdb]world.
  226. The convoy messed up and brought too much [cdb]lumber. It's only going to weigh us down.
  227. Maybe it'll end up coming in handy? If we've got the [cdb]space, we may as well take it along.
  228. I spotted a back road. If we seal it off, the enemy [cdb]won't have any way of sneaking out.
  229. Well done. Make sure you tell everyone else, too. If [cdb]we block off their escape route, we should be able to [cdb]hunt down every last bandit.
  230. At least allow me to pray for your safety. May the [cdb]blessings of the goddess be upon you.
  231. Seeing you fight has given me the inspiration I need. Go on and take a book from my collection.
  232. The soldiers left these behind. Do you need one?
  233. Please take us with you. We'll snipe your enemies [cdb]down!
  234. We would have had numerous close calls if not for [cdb]them. I will go and speak to them as well.
  235. I'm better at covert tactics than I am at open fighting. I can guarantee the results will be worth the fee.
  236. Yeah, that's not my strong suit. Hey, what do you say [cdb]about asking them?
  237. We'll need more workers and tools for mining. But [cdb]we can get working on that once you let us know the [cdb]budget!
  238. I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting, Your Majesty. We are prepared to fight any enemy at your [cdb]command.
  239. <<<EMPTY>>>
  240. We came to assist the Federation army on Emperor Edelgard's orders.
  241. Thank you. You'll largely be relegated to the rear, [cdb]but we're counting on your service.
  242. This belonged to my husband, who died in battle. Would it be useful to you?
  243. I want to ponder something over a cup of tea. If [cdb]you provide me with a suitable item, I'll be sure to [cdb]thank you with a reward.
  244. I can introduce you to some incredibly strong [cdb]fighters. They aren't interested in taking any of your [cdb]money.
  245. <<<EMPTY>>>
  246. You got some money on you? Then don't be coy with [cdb]it. I swear I'll give you more than your money's worth [cdb]in return.
  247. Immortal Corps, reporting for duty. We are prepared [cdb]to give our lives for you, Your Majesty.
  248. You've really kept us on the edge of our seats waiting. But no need to give your lives up. I plan to get us all [cdb]through this alive.
  249. Wow, looks like you've been training hard. Might not [cdb]be a bad idea to incorporate you into our strategy.
  250. I see! They do look pretty strong. Maybe I'll join in [cdb]too! Haha!
  251. We've been under constant bandit attack lately. Would you help us get rid of them?
  252. <<<EMPTY>>>
  253. I ever strive to save as many lives as possible. Come, we shall add you to our ranks.
  254. <<<EMPTY>>>
  255. <<<EMPTY>>>
  256. <<<EMPTY>>>
  257. <<<EMPTY>>>
  258. <<<EMPTY>>>
  259. <<<EMPTY>>>
  260. <<<EMPTY>>>
  261. Oh, did you need something from my shop? Sorry, [cdb]but I can't open it up here.
  262. Mind if I set up shop in your camp? You won't regret [cdb]it! My goods are the best-kept secret for miles!
  263. I've found some real treasures again today! I'll be [cdb]setting up shop at your camp, so look for me there.
  264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  265. <<<EMPTY>>>
  266. <<<EMPTY>>>
  267. <<<EMPTY>>>
  268. <<<EMPTY>>>
  269. <<<EMPTY>>>
  270. <<<EMPTY>>>
  271. <<<EMPTY>>>
  272. <<<EMPTY>>>
  273. <<<EMPTY>>>
  274. <<<EMPTY>>>
  275. <<<EMPTY>>>
  276. <<<EMPTY>>>
  277. <<<EMPTY>>>
  278. <<<EMPTY>>>
  279. <<<EMPTY>>>
  280. <<<EMPTY>>>
  281. <<<EMPTY>>>
  282. <<<EMPTY>>>
  283. <<<EMPTY>>>
  284. <<<EMPTY>>>
  285. <<<EMPTY>>>
  286. <<<EMPTY>>>
  287. <<<EMPTY>>>
  288. <<<EMPTY>>>
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