1. Ah, Leopold! You've come!
  2. Why did you bring Her Majesty out here? You said yourself she's not in good shape.
  3. It's what the situation demanded. We needed the [cdb]emperor's might to drive the allied army away.
  4. Did we now?
  5. Besides, the decision was not mine to make! But now [cdb]is not the time for this idle chatter—I must be going!
  6. It is essential I escort the emperor to Garreg Mach.
  7. You shall stay behind to impede the enemy's advance. We cannot let any harm come to Her Majesty.
  8. Somehow I doubt it's her safety you're worried about. But fine.
  9. I've got my orders. You can go.
  10. My deepest thanks. This way, Your Majesty.
  11. ...
  12. Adrestia's not gonna last much longer if that's how [cdb]our emperor's looking.
  13. If that's what you think, then flee. You're just a [cdb]general—no noble rank to defend, nor a claim [cdb]to one, otherwise.
  14. Another life is out there for you, should you want it.
  15. You're telling me to abandon the Empire? That's not [cdb]like you.
  16. Though I think Linhardt might be in the Kingdom.
  17. That's definitely one way to go, but it's not really [cdb]my style.
  18. You're far too young to be throwing your life away. I wouldn't begrudge you such a decision.
  19. Oh, c'mon. I'll land the decisive blow that'll turn this [cdb]whole thing around.
  20. Hm. Imagine a grand ship sailing on a vast sea, Caspar. One day, it crosses the path of a vicious [cdb]storm and begins to sink.
  21. Some panic and jump overboard. Others resign [cdb]themselves to their fates and let the tempest do [cdb]what it will.
  22. Yet more rob their fellow sailors for meaningless [cdb]plunder, while another group clings to the helm, [cdb]searching desperately to reverse their fortunes.
  23. Uh...
  24. And us? We stand proud at the bow, serenading our [cdb]crew as the waves lap at their feet.
  25. Our voices are like thunder piercing through the [cdb]chaos...stirring the hearts of all those who stand [cdb]face to face with death.
  26. I get it. I'm gonna scream my lungs out until I can't [cdb]draw another breath.
  27. Things might be bleak now, but they're gonna learn [cdb]just what the Empire is all about.
  28. Come, my son. It's time we show them the might of House Bergliez once and for all.