1. When we left our school two years ago, I never [cdb]imagined this was how we might make our return.
  2. I think I'll skip the next class reunion if this is what [cdb]they're always going to be like. Our enemy's waiting [cdb]for us just beyond these ramparts.
  3. And Thales is at its heart. This is our chance to stop [cdb]him once and for all.
  4. Ugh, I always get the jitters before big battles [cdb]like this.
  5. You needn't worry. Besides, there won't be time for [cdb]nerves once the fighting begins.
  6. Yes. And we'll surely win with the goddess's guidance [cdb]at our backs.
  7. In any case, there's no turning back now. So let's [cdb]stand tall and greet this battle with our heads [cdb]held high.
  8. There's still no sign of the Alliance, Your Majesty.
  9. Claude will come. I'm sure of it.
  10. He knows full well if we fall he'll be next.
  11. And Claude told me that we would meet again. He's crafty, yes, but I've never known him to be [cdb]a liar.
  12. It's almost time. That's your cue, Dimitri.
  13. Yeah, we could all use one of your inspiring speeches [cdb]to really set the mood.
  14. Yeah, we could all use one of your inspiring speeches [cdb]to really set the mood.
  15. Right then.
  16. Hear me well, fearless knights of Faerghus.
  17. It is only through your combined efforts that we find [cdb]ourselves here, with a pointed blade thrust at the [cdb]throat of our enemy.
  18. We lost so many lives in Duscur. Our king, [cdb]his knights, and more innocents than I can [cdb]bear to count.
  19. This war has claimed even more. But now we can [cdb]finally avenge all of those who have fallen.
  20. Today, we sever the threads of fate that bind us to [cdb]our troubled past, and march forth into a bright [cdb]tomorrow.
  21. We shall fight, we shall survive, and we shall win a [cdb]glorious future for Fódlan. I trust each of you to see [cdb]our task through. Now, move out!
  22. Yeaaah!