1. It's been a while since we last gathered here. I wasn't [cdb]sure there'd ever be another roundtable conference [cdb]again.
  2. It's still a good way to pool our information, right? Much easier than trying to hunt each of you down [cdb]individually.
  3. Um, but is it really OK for us to be sitting here with [cdb]everyone else?
  4. Should us commoners even be here at all?
  5. Should us commoners even be here at all?
  6. Of course! I want you all here. And if you have [cdb]something to say, don't hold back, all right?
  7. If that's the case, then I'll just say it. I'm starving!
  8. OK, Raphael, maybe hold back a little.
  9. Let's check in with how things stand across the Federation. Any shifts in public opinion?
  10. For the moment, at least, it remains unchanged.
  11. Despite our declaration of war on Lady Rhea and the Central Church, the individual churches in our cities [cdb]and villages have remained calm.
  12. So long as services continue as they always have, [cdb]we may not see any particular unrest among the [cdb]commonfolk.
  13. It's the same in Ordelia territory. My father didn't try [cdb]to sugarcoat the news when he announced it to our [cdb]people.
  14. But surprisingly, there haven't been any signs of [cdb]disorder.
  15. The same goes for Goneril territory.
  16. If anything, things seem more stable now than before. That's why I'm able to keep fighting alongside all of [cdb]you.
  17. This is also true of Edmund territory...
  18. I guess no one in Leicester is all that upset about Lady Rhea becoming our enemy, then.
  19. I doubt most commoners would even recognize Rhea, so I guess it makes sense they wouldn't care [cdb]too much about her.
  20. Then it seems we've avoided the worst-case scenario. All that work from the Eastern Church must've really [cdb]paid off.
  21. The Eastern Church?
  22. The Eastern Church?
  23. It's the branch of the Church of Seiros that covers the Leicester region.
  24. They don't have much of a presence compared to [cdb]the Western Church, but their bishop is a really [cdb]upstanding individual.
  25. The bishop advised the regional priests to respond [cdb]calmly to the news, so they wouldn't cause panic in [cdb]their congregations.
  26. All things considered, it looks like continuing our [cdb]war against the Central Church and Faerghus won't [cdb]be a problem.
  27. So we're really going after the Kingdom, huh?
  28. It's our best hope of ending this war quickly while [cdb]maintaining our independence.
  29. To be clear, I'm not suggesting we burn our way [cdb]through Faerghus, pillaging everything in sight.
  30. Yes, we're going to defeat the Kingdom and wipe the Central Church off the map, but we're going to do so [cdb]in a way that spares as many lives as possible.
  31. And that's why you're all here. I want to tap into your [cdb]collective wisdom to figure out the best way to go [cdb]about this.
  32. So you've finally decided to rely on your friends a [cdb]little.
  33. Don't mock me, Judith. I've depended on all these [cdb]fine people this whole time.
  34. I just figured I could be making even better use of [cdb]their strengths.
  35. If anyone has any thoughts about my methods, I'm all [cdb]ears. I need your help here.
  36. You can count on us! Isn't that right, Ignatz?
  37. Huh? Oh, right! We all need to work together to end [cdb]this war!
  38. Well, I guess if you need our help that badly, who am I to say no? And what do you think?
  39. Well, I guess if you need our help that badly, who am I to say no? And what do you think?
  40. Admit you're more brawn than brains.
  41. Offer your smarts as well as your muscle.
  42. Hey, if you need someone to bust down a door, I've got you covered. But I'm not sure about the [cdb]wisdom part.
  43. Hey, if you need someone to bust down a door, I've got you covered. But I'm not sure about the [cdb]wisdom part.
  44. How many times must I tell you? I have more than [cdb]enough for the both of us.
  45. You know what? On second thought, I might have [cdb]a bit of that stuff I can share too.
  46. You know what? On second thought, I might have [cdb]a bit of that stuff I can share too.
  47. Hey, you can count on me. And not just for my [cdb]muscles, either. I'm pretty sure I've got some wisdom [cdb]kicking around up here.
  48. Hey, you can count on me. And not just for my [cdb]muscles, either. I'm pretty sure I've got some wisdom [cdb]kicking around up here.
  49. Such confidence! I assume this is because you're [cdb]finally putting some faith in me? I'm so glad you've [cdb]come around.
  50. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Then without [cdb]further ado, let's figure out our next move...
  51. The time has come to put my intellect to good use. You will be the mouthpiece for my thoughts, I trust?
  52. Don't get too carried away, yeah? They're not [cdb]expecting much from me here.
  53. Don't get too carried away, yeah? They're not [cdb]expecting much from me here.