1. Looks like we made it out in one piece.
  2. Looks like we made it out in one piece.
  3. Are you sure about that? I still have no idea what's [cdb]going on.
  4. Arval—or Epimenides, I suppose—has vanished, [cdb]and we've been returned to where we started.
  5. Perhaps we should just consider this a victory. An ironic one, as we achieved it by working together.
  6. Fair enough. So, what happens now?
  7. It would be foolish of me to permit either of you to [cdb]leave this place alive...
  8. Yet without you, I'd still be in that prison.
  9. I'm not the type to dispose of someone the moment [cdb]they stop being useful.
  10. That's not my style either. Momentary truce, then?
  11. Agreed. Let's consider all debts paid.
  12. But just to be clear, I crushed you once, and I can do [cdb]so again.
  13. Sorry about that, Edelgard. I put you in a pretty bad [cdb]spot back there.
  14. Sorry about that, Edelgard. I put you in a pretty bad [cdb]spot back there.
  15. In truth, I can't say I much expected any of this.
  16. Still, it got us talking again, and that's gotta be worth [cdb]something!
  17. Well, I should be off. I hope we can do this again [cdb]sometime—the speaking part, anyway.
  18. Think I'll be on my way too. My people are probably [cdb]pulling their hair out by now.
  19. Until we meet again.
  20. Come. We're leaving.
  21. If my suspicions are correct, Garreg Mach is in grave [cdb]danger. We need to hurry.