1. That reminds me, I actually found myself at a noble's [cdb]tea party not too long ago.
  2. Oh, you must be talking about Ferdie, right? He does love his tea.
  3. Oh, you must be talking about Sylvain, right? Probably had something to do with a woman?
  4. Oh, you must be talking about Lorenz, right? He does love his tea.
  5. Uh, no. It happened while I was doing some work as [cdb]a bodyguard. The nobles who threw the party even [cdb]gave me a cup of tea to show their appreciation.
  6. It happened while I was doing some work as [cdb]a bodyguard. The nobles who threw the party even [cdb]gave me a cup of tea to show their appreciation.
  7. I...didn't really know what to make of it, though. Hard to say if it was even good or bad.
  8. Understandable. Settings like that tend to choke the [cdb]flavor out of any food or drink you happen to come [cdb]across, among other things.
  9. Yeah. I'm not sure I'm built for all that fancy stuff.
  10. Hey, remember when I asked you to sing for me? You belted out a verse from one of your operas.
  11. It kinda reminded me of that tea. It's like, I just don't [cdb]have the background for that sorta stuff. If you don't [cdb]grow up in it, you're not gonna get it.
  12. Everyone has a right to those things, though. Taking in a tragic opera, letting an elegant meal [cdb]dance across your taste buds...
  13. Nobody should be excluded from those pleasures [cdb]just because they were born a commoner.
  14. Agree with her ideals.
  15. Suggest a counterpoint.
  16. It'd be good if that's how things worked.
  17. Hm? You think it's not?
  18. I'm not so sure that's how it works, though.
  19. Take my time back as a mercenary. I would've gladly [cdb]eaten a half-cooked rat if it meant I was getting food [cdb]in my belly.
  20. It's only since I joined up with this army that my [cdb]palate's become a little more discerning.
  21. What I'm saying is, if you never have the chance to [cdb]eat good food, then you'll never know what "good" [cdb]food is supposed to taste like.
  22. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but...
  23. In that case...
  24. Uh, Dorothea?
  25. Oh, sorry. I got a bit caught up in my thoughts there. But I think it might be just as you say.
  26. Will you indulge me for a moment?
  27. Sure, what's on your mind?
  28. When I first started singing, I did it for me. Only me. But it wasn't long until Manuela discovered my gift.
  29. So I joined the opera company. It felt...incredible. I wanted the whole world to hear my singing.
  30. But once I became a songstress, I started attracting [cdb]more and more attention from the nobles.
  31. Before I knew it, I wasn't singing for myself anymore. I was singing for them.
  32. Now you can't even appreciate my songs if you [cdb]weren't born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
  33. Disagree with her.
  34. Try to cheer her up.
  35. I don't think that's true at all.
  36. Everyone can learn to love it if they want. The only reason I didn't understand was because I didn't have much interest in opera before now.
  37. That might be true. But like I said, that isn't [cdb]necessarily a bad thing. So many people would [cdb]kill to be able to do what you can do.
  38. So don't belittle yourself like that. Your singing is incredible, Dorothea.
  39. I appreciate that, I really do. But I still can't help [cdb]but wonder...