1. That's not true at all.
  2. But...
  3. Oh, look who it is.
  4. You really don't look like a kid. You shouldn't worry [cdb]about it.
  5. You think so?
  6. Yeah. Now that I really look at you, I think you're [cdb]a very pretty young woman. You act real mature too.
  7. Oh, you're just saying that. I'm not like that at all...
  8. Ah!
  9. Excuse me! Just what do you think you're doing?!
  10. Whoa! What's wrong, Lysithea?
  11. You were speaking to a girl just now, correct?
  12. Just now? Oh yeah, I was. What about it?
  13. Care to explain that line you fed her?
  14. What? Did I say something weird?
  15. Allow me to refresh your memory. "Now that I really [cdb]look at you, I think you're a very pretty young [cdb]woman. You act real mature too."
  16. You said the same exact thing to me! Remember?
  17. I'm not a fool, you know! So what, you just go around [cdb]spouting off the same lines to everyone?
  18. Whoa, wait, wait! Just calm down. I know, that was [cdb]wrong of me. But I do have an explanation.
  19. By all means, enlighten me.
  20. Just hear me out. You might've noticed, but giving [cdb]advice isn't exactly my strong suit.
  21. And yet for some reason, people always ask for my [cdb]opinion on their problems.
  22. I never know what's best or how to respond. So I memorized a bunch of lines from some [cdb]stories so that I'd at least have something to say.
  23. And it just so happens, one of those lines is [cdb]complimenting a girl...
  24. So what you said didn't come from you, but rather [cdb]some fictional character?
  25. Yeah, that about sums it up. I'm really sorry.
  26. And then when people have asked for your advice, [cdb]you've just parroted back some meaningless words! I can't believe you!
  27. I thought it would be better than people getting mad [cdb]at me for being honest.
  28. Hearing the truth is always more preferable! So tell me now, what do you honestly think of me?
  29. Borrow a line from a story.
  30. Use your own words.
  31. It's extremely difficult for me to express what I feel [cdb]in my heart.
  32. But I'll just say this.
  33. You don't have to try so hard to impress people. You're at your most attractive when you're just [cdb]being you, because you already are extraordinary.
  34. To be honest, half the time I don't even understand [cdb]how I feel myself.
  35. But if I had to put it into words, I'd say...
  36. You make me smile when you're around. You're interesting, all the time. When I'm with you, [cdb]it's like I never wanna leave.
  37. Oh!
  38. Is...is that so? Very well. I will endeavor to keep [cdb]that in mind.
  39. I apologize for pressing you. I have matters I must [cdb]attend to right now, so, uh...
  40. Aw man, I ended up using someone else's [cdb]words again. That really is the way I feel, so... She'd understand, right?
  41. I wanted to tell her that she's fun and I never [cdb]get bored around her, but it came out all weird. Ah well, hopefully she got it.